
Golden Player

Armin high :when it comes to sports it's considered a powerhouse school .They excel in athletic abilities and find pride in it.they all are great, except one: boy's basketball team- Armin highs eagles.it was bad to the point that they were now called: "flightless birds ones without wings or height". Now what happened when we add a new factor to this pitful story? Enter in small, not so strong, and timid Akira johnson who has enrolled into this place just to attend and graduate with one ordeal: not to become a pet boy to any of the upperclassmen and to live a quiet high school life.But it is highschool and you never know what happens...

desire_a · Sports
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2 Chs

First day pt.1


"uuuggghhh," Akito rolled out of bed. Today is the day he wishes would take more time before it actually came:

It was the first day of high school

and Akito dreaded for this day and he had his reasons for this (as the creator of this particular novel let me explain, if there's anything in this world that ought described Akito right now despite his name it's hopeless the only good thing about him is his brains he's smart, and kind but that's probably about it even if I am the one who designed him this way it is pretty pitful of ya ask, no back to the story).

"why, why do I have to go through this every morning just to attend a 7-8 hour place of hell just to learn... if only I was homeschooled. He got up went to the restroom to start the day 30 minutes later he was making his way downstairs after dressing putting himself together and making sure he has what he needs.

" morning chump! Akito heard from behind." when are you gonna calling me that Kara!" he said

the girl sneakered "aww no need to be embarrassed little brother, it's just a joke"!

"well I for one don't like this joke its annoying cut it out!"

"But I think its cute, right Charles?"

"Cut it out if he doesn't like it then you stop."

Charles was the eldest among the three so it makes sense for me him to be the peacemaker when the younger one got into it also with his type of personality it was expected.

"As usual your no fun".

unlike the two kara, the second eldest and middle child was a very much outgoing person if anyplace became a blast or a party becomes lively it would be because of her. She was the complete example of a big ball of energy.

"Anyways how do you feel about school, excited?" kara asked.

"Mmmmm.." he sat down to quickly eat his breakfast before leaving." not so good".

why so hesitant? you should be glad! being able to attend such a school I'm surprised you even accepted .besides that this a chance to make friends and people, to discover new things if I were you I'd be more than delighted!"

"Of course you would, you like grand places such as those!" Akito replied

"Even so, I don't see what's wrong with it?"

It's because it's so big and also I wasn't the one who accepted it you forced in me!?"

me?! kara said hands up moi ?! she tried to play innocent, but Akito already knew.

"you accepted it when I wasn't there and sent the mail that id attend without my consent!! Akito cried.

"Kara?" Charles said. "is that true?"

"Oops, guess I got caught in the act. aha don't worry you'll be fine as long as don't cause any trouble you'll be okay"!

"okay my but it isn't as easy as you think." he thought

besides he's continued if u ever need help call me ill be there.

Akito finished up his breakfast it was

Bye Charles bye kara

have a nice day"! said


"Don't be shuttle boy,fresh meat!" kara


"Have a nice Day!" Akito stuck his tongue at her before leaving the house.