
Golden Flames of Tomorrow

Life is a cycle of chance, choices and rebirth. Living life to the fullest is not so bad, but every action good or bad has it's own consequences even in the afterlife. The butterfly effect is what makes the world go round, where possibilities are endless and as long as your scale in Limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell, doesn't tip too far to the left then you will be given a new life. Re-awaken and be reborn in a new land, a new world. And like that a new Queen has been born. With Avalon the Goddess of Limbo and Judge of Life gives her blessing, she will crash and burn but like a phoenix, she will rise from her ashes and be reborn as the Golden Flames of Tomorrow.

Harietta_Brews118 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

To the Kingdom of the Sky!

The news of my engagement soon spread all throughout the kingdom in a matter of days. A week have passed since the arrival of the royal family of the kingdom of Aelous who proposed a certain engagement to yours truly. It was an incredibly unusual week for me, having to dine almost all meals with the royal family and seeing the incredibly obnoxious prince Everest almost every moment of the day. Suddenly bumping into him at random times in the halls.

I'm on my way to the study room to meet with Carvath for our long overdue lesson on the different creatures of Halcyon. We postponed our studies because he said it would be rude for me not to spend time with them while they were here. Fortunately for me, they leave this afternoon and unfortunately the only one who's left would be prince Everest, since he'll start living here. I was about to turn the corner when a my tiny body collided with a wall, an obnoxiously annoying wall who shall not be named Everest, the second prince of Aelous Highlands.

"We should stop meeting like this princess." he offered his hand to me. I accepted it and he helped me get up. Dusting my dress, I glared at him. Everywhere I turn his face pops up like a mushroom in the woods! It's getting on my nerves.

"Indeed we should stop meeting altogether if that were possible, wait it is, because you'll finally be leaving." I beamed. Finally some peace and quiet in the castle, without the popping presence of this prince.

He smirked and grinned widely, shaking his head he said, "So they didn't tell you?" my eyes widened. Didn't tell me what? He probably saw the confusion in my face and he chuckled then said, "Oh this will be fun. Why don't you follow me to the dining hall and find out?" he prompted. I glared at him, and he motioned for me to follow. I glanced towards the direction of the study room, I grunted and followed Everest. I'll just come back later.

When we reached the hall, all the belongings of the royal family was already being carried outside to their transportation, probably a carriage. Mother and father were having a discussion, mother had a look of worry on her face while father talked. Halezander was nowhere to be seen and the King and Queen of Aeolous watched as they argued. When they saw us walking towards them they stopped arguing. "Mother, father what is going on?" I asked genuinely confused.

They exchanged looks before saying, "What do you think about going to the kingdom of Aeolous? We had a conversation yesterday and we think that since the both of you are now engaged, you should also take this opportunity to venture into the kingdom. Prince Everest has had his fair share of venturing Comestion and it's only fair if you go to Aeolous as well. Only for a week." no amount of explanation could remove my dread, anger and embarrassment in that moment. I was probably fuming, literally fuming.

I cleared my throat which was enough to make my father take a step back, "It was our idea princess Rhiannon." said King Kavan. "We apologize for only informing you now, but I can assure you that we will provide utmost hospitality to the future queen and wife of my son, Everest." if only I could murder someone, I would. "Please allow us to show you the beauty of our kingdom as much as you have shown us yours." Inwardly sighing I can't exactly refuse after that.

Sighing, I picked up my skirt and curtsied, "It is with great pleasure your majesties." Oh well, what do I have to lose except spend another bloody week with that annoying prince! "But I would need time to gather sufficient things to bring--"

"We've already done that for you." said Father and as clear as the light of day were two trunk full of items I will need, which is more than enough in fact, was right in front of me with four people at the ready to pack it on the carriage. With the amount of clothes inside those trunks, are they expecting me to stay at the other kingdom for more than a month?!

"That's settled, we expect your leave by the end of the day." and just like that I was shipped of to the kingdom of Aelous Highlands, along with my fiance and his parents the king and queen.

I excused myself saying I forgot one last thing and quickly ran to my room, "Chanceux?" I called on to my newfound pet grimalkin. "Come out!" and within a few seconds, a beautiful fluffy cat like creature emerged from under my bed.

"Yes, my lady? You yelled?" I supposed pet's that can talk can also accumulate the ability to become sarcastic.

"Come with me, we're going to the kingdom of Aelous." and just like that, I carried him up and put him inside the cage I received along with him. "We're in a hurry, so ask the questions now." I got outside my room.

"I suppose it is customary since you will be it's queen in the future, but why so sudden? You're marriage isn't due for another…seven years, what's the rush?" he asked. Having a magical creature for a pet has it's perks, other than the fact that it can talk, it also connects to your thoughts ahead of time.

"Ask them yourself, I have no clue either. My father goes around doing as he pleases without bothering to ask me what I want! Unbelievable, and my brother is nowhere to be seen!" good thing I was alone, or else everyone around me might think I've gone mad because I was continuously talking to myself. "Have you been to the kingdom of Aelous?" I asked, since he was technically brought here for me from Everest.

"I have, and I don't know about your personal grudge towards the prince, but I can assure you that the kingdom itself is utterly glorious." he said in awe.

Comestion is a kingdom in the desert sands in the south of Halcyon, and Aelous is located in the north mountains. "I'll leave the surprise for when we get there." he said lastly before I entered the grand hall, which is the entrance to the castle where my parents and the other royal family stood waiting. It seemed all my luggage was packed and taken to our vehicle of travel.

"May I take Chanceux with me? I'll feel lonely without him." or it just comes to show that at least I'll have someone to have a decent conversation with, albeit a grimalkin.

"Of course princess, I see you've taken a liking to Everest's gift, we're glad." said King Kavan which made me feel relieved. "Shall we?" and we did.

When we got outside what I expected were carriages and horses but this was on a whole other level of transportation. In front of me was a flying boat-like structure, with sails on each side and two more behind it, kind of looks like a fish. The sides of the boat was embellished with white, silver and gold marks in the symbols of waves and wind.

The sails were faced downwards like wings, and attached to the front of the boat was a creature so mystical and beautiful it looked unreal. It had wings as wide as the boat itself, it had sharp talons covered in gold, it wore a golden head guard that emphasizes it's sharp and powerful beak. A combination of white and golden brown fur and feathers covered it's body like armor. It was a Griffin.

"We call it the Aeolian, it is allowed to traverse with the power of air gramaire users such as the people of my kingdom. The Griffin allows it to smoothly move forward, our gramaire only allows it to fly but the Griffin enables it to soar from one destination to the other. It doesn't lift the weight, just pulls us towards our destination." Explained Everest beside me. He offered his arm to me, "Shall we princess?" rolling my eyes I grabbed his arm and we went on the Aeolian.

It was indeed like a sailboat without the actual things that make it a ship at sea. With one final goodbye and wave to the people below and my family the Aeolian started to ascend and thus the Griffin flew with it.

I held onto the railings for support, still not used to the feeling of flying openly. The air rushed passed my face and seeped through the thin muslin like texture of my clothes.

Comestion is a kingdom in the dessert which meant the heat is unbearable but somehow our bodies are able to withstand extreme heat because of our Gramaire which is Fire. The clothes are thin in texture that wraps around your body in three pieces, the bodice which wraps around the neck and over the chest, next is the skirt that has slits on each side then the inner clothing.

Compared to Everest's clothes which consisted of a long sleeved black top underneath, a blue doublet jacket buttoned in front, midnight blue pants and a cloak fixed around his shoulder with a large emblem. "It's cold in Aeolous, don't you have any thicker clothes?" I thought about it, I haven't exactly checked my luggage so I just shook my head.

Sighing he removed his cloak and wrapped it around me, which in turn surprised me, "What are you doing? Won't you be cold?" I asked. The cloak was way too big for me which made it look like a blanket as it's hem reached the floor.

"I'm used to the cold. You might get sick so just wear it." he said snarkily. He stood next to me as I glanced down below us. This was the first time I ever left the kingdom. I rarely go out of the castle let alone go to a different kingdom.

"Do you go to different kingdoms often?" I asked. The land below me was vastly covered in sand which means we're not out of Comestion yet. Aeolous was located at the other end of the continent, north of Comestion, in the mountains. Let's just say it's a long travel distance.

"I have, I've already been to the kingdom Isle Boreas and met the royal family there. I've also been to the Riparian Forest, specifically in the Elven district, Nelven Fort." he went on. I envy him, he's already reached a large part of the continents whilst I was confined within the walls of the castle.

"You're pouting." he said, I quickly changed my expression. I didn't realize I was showing any emotion, and pouting on top of that. "I'm guessing you haven't been anywhere other than your own Kingdom." I scoffed.

I crossed my arms and wrapped the cloak tightly around me, "I haven't even explored the entirety of the kingdom. Father forbids me from leaving the castle grounds, thus I have barely even explored my own kingdom and yet I am travelling to new one." I sighed. I want to learn more about this world, one of my regrets in my past life, I never got to travel and enjoy my life and freedom.

"Maybe he's just worried about you. When I was your age I was only taught how to focus on training my gramaire to become stronger. It took a while before father allowed me to go outside the castle walls but he had guards escort me to prevent from falling of the edge off the kingdom." he joked, I don't understand his analogy of falling off the edge of the kingdom. Must be because the kingdom is on the north mountains.

"I was three years old when I learned about my first gramaire, ever since then I've only ever focused on enhancing my abilities as well. I want to be able to make full use of my abilities, and not make the fact that I'm a princess get in the way of that." I answered. Mother, father and Halezander always treated me like I'm some fragile flower but when they realized how powerful I was, they finally trusted my abilities.

We've finally reached the edge of Comestion, the sand were started to get thinner and now vast plains welcomed us. I looked towards the horizon and caught a glimpse of the Riparian forest. It was still daylight so the glow wasn't as evident but it was marvelous from above.

"I'll laugh at anyone who tries to even underestimate you princess." he joked. "Most princesses your age won't even consider their position as long as their happy and they get what they want. You're not like other princesses your highness." I don't know if he's saying to just make me feel better or he's being genuinely nice.

"Oh, you mean like how most princesses would probably swoon at your pathetic attempts to be flirtatious? Or how they're probably fighting over your attention during balls and parties instead of having a strong desire to burn you to cinders?" I joked laughing which he just rolled his eyes and snickered.

The wind was getting colder and so I wrapped the cloak closer to my body, shivering a bit. He probably noticed, "Why don't we go inside? It's warmer there and since our travel will be a while, why don't you rest for a bit?" he offered. "We have rooms inside the ship, you have yours and your Grimalkin is already there." I probably should but I can't pass up to see the Riparian Forest, even just from above.

"Just until we pass the Riparian forest. I've just been studying the creatures and places of Halcyon, this is my first time seeing it in person." I looked downwards and it was indeed magnificent. Though most of the parts were covered in trees and the mountains barely showed anything but I did caught a glimpse of some creatures that only existed in this world.

Seeing it in person really opens my eyes, it's been nine years since I was transported and reincarnated into this world as a princess. Avalon said she gave me a gift and her blessings and yet I haven't figured out what it is and how I'll use it. Maybe this is the blessing and gift in itself, for that I'm already grateful.

"It looks more impressive at night. The glow shines as the magicke of the forest emanates throughout the creatures, lands and trees. It's like dancing." he described vividly. It was like the visions that Carvath showed me in one of our lessons.

I shivered again as the sun began to set and the twilight is taking place. "Okay, that's enough sightseeing. Let's not hope you catch a cold before we even get to Aeolous." he wrapped one of his arm around me, ushering me inside the ship. I felt his warmth seeping in from the fabric of his cloak. It was somehow comforting…snap out of it!

"He's still an enemy, don't be swayed!" I yelled inwardly to myself. When we got inside, indeed there were rooms lined, five doors in total. We stopped at the third door, he took out a key and opened it for me. Revealing a small but lavish bed, a desk filled with stationary and my two luggage.

Chanceux was lying comfortably in my bed, the moment I stepped in he woke up and ran to me. "My lady, I was just keeping the bed warm for you." he said which made me roll my eyes. I rubbed his chin which made him purr in return. "I see you've gotten close with the prince, good for you my lady."

"There's a bell on the desk, ring it if you need anything. My room is in the door next door, I'll knock later for supper." then he turned around and closed the door. Sighing I got on the bed and laid there, it was indeed warm where Chanceux was laying a moment ago.

"The prince's cloak seem to warm you enough." I noticed I was still wrapping myself with the cloak. It was warm from my body heat, and the warmth of Everest still lingered where he wrapped his arm around me earlier.

I took it off and went outside. He said his room was next to mine so I knocked and when he opened it his jacket was gone and he was left with his black long sleeved shirt. He leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed, "Yes princess? What can I do for you?" he asked.

I showed him his cloak, "I'm giving this back to you." he just looked at it then at me. "Take it." I said again when he just stood there.

"Keep it. Like I said, it's cold and you might catch a cold." he plainly said, I was about to retort when he took the cloak from my hands and wrapped it around me once more. "Don't be stubborn and just wear it." he fixed the crest that held it in place. "Now go back and rest. I'll call you later for supper." without another word he got inside and closed the door.

"What the hell." I just shrugged and went back to my room. Chanceux was laying down on the bed, looking comfortable. He looked me over and shook his head.

"I see you and the prince are cozying up with each other, that's good. He won't take it back huh?" he stated the obvious. I pushed him to the corner of the bed and laid down as well. Bundling up under the blanket and wrapping the cloak around me, I've never felt warmer.

"Shut up." I sighed and closed my eyes, I felt the steady motion of the ship as it glided through the air. The footsteps from the crew above were also evident through the floorboards. "How long before we reach Aeolous?"

"The Griffin is fast so we'll be there by evening tomorrow." it was far indeed since the Aeolous mountains are located at the other end of the continent. "You seem to be in a hurry to get there." he observed.

"You would too if you haven't gone any places besides the confines of your home. I haven't even explored Comestion yet and now I'll be seeing a new kingdom. It's exciting, especially if I don't know what I'll be expecting when we get there." I stood up and opened the two trunks of my things.

All I saw were my dresses, accessories, the necessities but the only thing close to warm clothing is my kaftan. It's like a long flowy dress that drapes like a blanket to your body but it's also incredibly thin. I sighed, closing the trunk, "It looks like I'll be keeping his cloak for a while."

I was called in for dinner by Everest, the night went on smoothly. I dined with them and had a little chat about our kingdoms. They were well aware of my intelligence and so they refrained from treating me like a child. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it was but as the dinner went on, I noticed that their eyes darted repeatedly towards their sons cloak wrapped around my body which indeed make me uncomfortable.

"Oh dear, we apologize. We were insensitive, we didn't think of any warmer clothes for you. No matter, we'll prepare them for you as soon as we arrive, but until then please help yourself to the cloak." her majesty the Queen stated apologetically.

I noticed that she barely spoke, it was always King Kavan starting and answering during conversations. Queen Antheia of House Eostre, the daughter of the previous king of the kingdom Valley of Jord. I heard that her mother was Elvenfolk, the reason why she has silver-white hair and green eyes. I guess Everest took after her since he too has silver-white hair and green eyes.

When dinner ended, we bid our goodnights and went back to our rooms. I heard a knock as I was changing into my night gown. When I opened the door Everest stood holding a basin of water and a cloth. "To wash yourself before going to bed." I held the door for him and he entered putting the basin on the desk.

"Thank you." he walked passed me not meeting my eyes, "Goodnight." I greeted.

"Goodnight." he said before leaving. I closed the door and washed myself, the water was warm which felt nice and calming. Chanceux was already fast asleep on the foot of the bed when I finished. I laid down and bundled the cloak and blanket around my body.

"The Kingdom of the sky awaits." I whispered as I fell asleep.

To make up for the long wait an incredibly long chapter! Thank you for waiting and supporting!

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