
Golden Flames of Tomorrow

Life is a cycle of chance, choices and rebirth. Living life to the fullest is not so bad, but every action good or bad has it's own consequences even in the afterlife. The butterfly effect is what makes the world go round, where possibilities are endless and as long as your scale in Limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell, doesn't tip too far to the left then you will be given a new life. Re-awaken and be reborn in a new land, a new world. And like that a new Queen has been born. With Avalon the Goddess of Limbo and Judge of Life gives her blessing, she will crash and burn but like a phoenix, she will rise from her ashes and be reborn as the Golden Flames of Tomorrow.

Harietta_Brews118 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Prince of Storm and Air

Six years later…

Nine years. It's been nine years since I've been reincarnated as a flame princess of this world. Ever since I got my first aptitude which was Fire Gramaire, the Mage has been training me and teaching me nonstop.

I ran to the study room before I could finish my breakfast, I was so excited that I bumped into someone when I turned the corner. "Oof!" said a voice when I collided on it. I fell flat on the floor and my bottom hit the floor a bit hard, I looked up to glare at Halezander when it turned to be someone else. A boy almost the same age as Halezander, he was incredibly tall and had frosted white hair and green eyes.

"Princess!" I heard the maid call out to me. I tried to get up when a hand appeared in front of me, I took it of course and he helped me stand up.

"Apologies Princess Rhiannon." he bowed and as common courtesy I curtsied as well. "I am Everest of House Isolde, Second Prince to the Kingdom of Aelous Highlands." prince?! This is the first time I have met another royal of the five other kingdoms. Every year my father leaves the Kingdom on a journey to meet with the royals and rulers of the other kingdoms. I know the names of the current rulers but I've never seen them in person, let alone their children.

"Might I ask what you're business here is? Shouldn't you have a knight escort at least? I see your lack thereof." I asked curious, not to be rude. I grew up a bit, got taller and my hair grew longer, and I could finally speak as confidently and intellectually as I'm capable of being. Through the course of years, I am known as the child prodigy of the Kingdom. Don't even ask.

He looked surprised but smirked afterwards, "Apologies princess. I am here on an engagement with my family." then he got closer to match my level, then whispered, "And between you and me, I can protect you better than any knight." then straightened back up. Is it just me or did this prince just flirted with me--a bloody nine year old princess?!

"I am referring to yours your highness, and between you and me I think I'm more capable of handling myself better than any man." I moved passed him whilst Katharina followed me, but before I could move any further I did a little trick and singed the hem of his shirt. I heard a yelp and a curse before I giggled and walked away.

"Princess Rhiannon!" Katharina scolded me.

"It's fine Katharina, it was just a little burn. No worries, now hurry up or that mage will lecture me nonstop for my tardiness again!" I picked up the hem of my skirt and started running.

When we arrived at the study room, Carvath stood at front tapping his foot impatiently on the floor. I raised my finger before he could speak, "I have a perfectly reasonable excuse for being late and it's because of the appearance of a certain flirtatious prince that shall not be named Everest of House Isolde of the Kingdom of Aelous."I explained as I sat down on my table, "How come I wasn't notified of their arrival?" I demanded.

"You already met the prince?" he asked, then sighed, "Of course you have. And so, from what grounds does her highness concur that this prince is coquettish?" he lifted his brows, and crossed his arm waiting for me to answer.

"That's not important, what is, is the fact that no one even told me the royal family from another kingdom was coming to visit, and what's worse is that they're already here!" I complained as the torches in the room blazed up in crimson flames only I can create. They said the colour of my flames were so red it was like burning blood.

"Princess, we've already discussed this. Your emotions have a great impact on your Gramaire and the less composed you are, the less control you have. Now, breathe and calm down." that's true. The first time I casted my Gramaire was when I almost burned the dining table to cinders when I was three, we figured that my Gramaire was strongly connected to my emotions.

I remembered that one time I threw a tantrum because father wouldn't allow me to learn how to use a sword only because I was a girl, I almost burned the whole Knight's courtyard. Well, that was that and good thing no one got hurt. I felt guilty for an entire week and wouldn't get out of my bedroom. Fortunately, the knights were more than forgiving and they even sent me flowers. Father had a dagger made just for me, it was more like a decorative dagger, with the hilt covered in rubies and had a vine-like design that held the rubies in place. Though the dagger was beautiful, it was still as sharp as a sword. I took it as a peace offering and left it at that.

Once I've calmed myself down Carvath let out a sigh, "I have heard of the arrival of the royal family from your father but I was told that it was a surprise for you your highness." he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck, "They, uhh, had important matters to discuss with themselves that uhh, they were sure are of no interest to you." he looked uncomfortable and he stuttered.

I've never heard him stutter and this was a first. I have a feeling they're hiding something from me but I don't know what. Maybe a playmate from the royal family? Maybe they have a daughter my age they want me to meet? Could that be it?

I glared at him, "I want the truth Carvath. You who basically have eyes and ears everywhere and Arleth as your biggest spy of this castle not know what they are here for? You're losing your touch." I taunted. It's true, ever since he got here he's been gathering information of everything that happens around the castle. Arleth spearheading the whole information gathering like a detective.

His eyes widened and he took a large breath before saying, "They are here to propose an engagement your highness…"he looked up at me. Being cautious of my reaction.

"Engagement? But Halezander is too young to marry!" me and my brother are the closest in the family, we have an incredibly strong bond and I don't know how to react to my big brother being taken away from me by some royal coquettish vixen!

He cleared his throat once more and hesitated before saying, "Not to prince Halezander but…to you princess. And you've already met whom you will marry…it is prince Everest." my eyes widened in shock so I stood up and banged my fist on the table.

"Are they out of their minds?! I don't know what era you all live in to even consider a marriage between a fifteen year old boy and a nine year old girl!" by now I was pacing. I mean, I am a thirty year old woman trapped inside a nine year old's body. I don't know how to react to marrying a child young enough to be my son! "What did my brother think about this?" I asked. Surely Halezander wouldn't just stand idle by while they engage me with some flirtatious prince from a different kingdom!

He sighed, "He was furious, until now I think that he is still debating with his majesty to whether or not push through with the engagement. But enough about his nonsense. Do you want to learn about Halcyon's magicke or not your highness?" he looked over it. I wasn't. I huffed but sat back down anyway.

"Fine, but only because I want to learn it quickly and find a way to end this engagement. I shall not marry someone who does not even hold a candle to my abilities." then I turned over the book on my table and started reading.

Carvath banged his staff on the floor that changed the scenery once again, by this time I was fully used to the sudden projection inside the study room, "Halcyon is a place where all creatures have their own domains, and are divided according to their kin. The Elven and Feyrefolk live within the Floresta and Riparian Forest." the forest was just outside the kingdom Valley of Jord, and from the perspective of the place, you would see that the forest glows from above and there are mountains and alcoves within.

"The Elven, to enter they have Chiminage system or a toll fee although Elven and the Feyrefolk are least of your worries. You'll find all sorts of creatures like the Skogarvorn, guardian giants that are found near mountain sides, or at the foot of mountains" it was a large rock-like creature covered in moss, vines and had hard stone for skin. Three eyes and two horns protruding from the sides of their mouths.

"Then we have Grove guardians, they are self defense of lands inhabited by druids and Feyrefolk. It's shape is like a wolf that possess magic, it has keen sens of hearing connected to nature. It has an ability called tree strides, they can leap through the whole forest from one tree to another." it looked like a wolf indeed. Instead of fur it had grass-like skin, it's paws made of wood and twigs, and it's ears are like arched branches covered in moss with glowing green eyes and thorns for teeth.

Carvath took a new book from the table beside him and placed it in front of me, "That is the book of all the creatures of Halcyon, from the Floresta and Riparian Forest, Blair Plains, Arran Mountains, and Zale Sea. From Elvenfolk to Feyrefolk, down to the smallest of creatures. I expect you to study them well and the types of magic and sorcery they possess." then he ended the projection.

"Now, I suppose it is high time we find out if you have a second Gramaire." he took the orb out once more, the one I previously set fire to the first time when Carvath wanted to know my aptitude for Gramaire. I stood up excited, I want to know if I also have an aptitude for Sun because of mother. "I suppose it's safe to say nothing will be setting on fire this time. Finger please princess." I handed him my finger and he took the needle from his ring to prick it before placing it on the orb.

I felt the orb absorbing the blood as it swirled inside, the surface where my hand touched the orb was cold, almost chilling. The orb started to turn black, pitch black like it contained the blackest smoke, no light can be reflected from it. Fog as black as coal started seeping from the orb that made me let go and step back from it.

I was engulfed inside the smoke, the whole room went dark and inside that dark was a pulsating voice, attracting me to go closer. Like a whisper to my ear, a chorus of whispers then a sudden resounding thunder which made me fall on my knees, covering my ears from the noise. "Follow the depths of the forest, only then shall we meet." it was a voice of a woman.

Strange enough the voice sounded familiar, like a feeling of recognition as a mother's voice calls unto her child. When I opened my eyes the room was back to normal and the smoke dissipated.

I turned to look at Carvath and saw the blood drained from his face, he was terrified and that's when I realized, no Gramaire produced this kind of power. "What does it mean?" I asked after the fog dispersed and the orb was fully clear again. He immediately put back the orb and opened the door to the study room, checking it anyone was there. When he concluded no one was there, he shut the door and locked it.

He walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders, "I had my doubts but this just proves that you, princess Rhiannon, are a Shadow user." Shadow users aren't ever recorded in history, the only well known fact about Shadow Gramaire is that the only being that possess it is the Black Shadow Monarch, Senka. "We must keep this between us for now, if anyone finds out, you will be in danger."

"Why? Is Shadow Gramaire bad?" I asked, I don't even know why I have it. Senka never had any children, thus explains her lack of contribution to the history books.

He shook his head, "It is neither good nor bad princess." he stood up straight then projected a scene. It was Senka, and she was still the most beautiful Dragon I have ever seen. "Senka was known for her ability called Necromancy." my head whipped towards Carvath.

"Do you mean I can possibly control and raise the dead?" I asked. I stared at my hands, he's right. If anyone finds out that there is someone who can use Shadow Gramaire then that person will be sought after by anyone who would want to raise a dead loved one. It will be dangerous indeed.

"Not exactly the dead. Shadow Gramaire enables you to control the Shadows of the dead like an animate person but in the form of hollow beings. Armies of Shadows at your command, but I am not encouraging you to do so princess. Be warned that Shadowcasting can eat up at your life force little by little if you won't be able to control it." he changed the scene. What I saw were Elvenfolk, druids and even humans, each carrying a body in their arms.

"They sought after Senka, for they believed that she can raise the dead back to life. This happened frequently and more and more sought after her which she found too troublesome because neither did she deny nor confirm of the truth so she told a lie. To you all who desire for a life returned, there is a price. You must bring me a life as a sacrifice." I saw the look of horror written in their faces. It means, in exchange for the life of their loved one, they must take a life as a sacrifice.

"You mean, they asked her to kill knowing that she couldn't bring them back despite the sacrifice?" I demanded. I see why she was feared and hated.

He shook his head once more, "I told you that using Shadowcasting can eat up at your life force, well she used up the lives of the sacrifices so she won't have to use her own. It all turned out well at first, she transferred the life force to the dead body so that it will move but the truth was, they were only hollow puppets on a string. Neither alive nor dead." Senka inhaled the life force of the person being sacrificed and exhaled it to the dead body.

It was horrifying, the body started to move but Carvath was correct. They were nothing but puppets, neither alive nor dead. Eyes were open but lifeless, moving but emotionless. The moment they realized what has been done, it was all too late. "Senka was neither wrong nor right either. She simply exposed the selfishness and greed that those people who asked for the return of their loved one possessed. They gave a life for the return of another but death is inevitable." the projection ended and he looked back at me. By this time I was afraid of the power I possess. Would I also witness the cruelty and greed of these people in return for a moving but lifeless puppet?

"So I tell you this princess, beware of this power of yours. I am sorry but this is one thing that I cannot teach, and will not teach you ever. " after he said that he bowed and was about to leave but when he opened the door Everest stood there, about to knock. Our eyes instantly met and he looked past Carvath to wave at me.

Carvath looked taken aback, probably thinking if the prince heard anything, "Not teach you what?" he asked. My eyes widened, damn it!

I immediately said, "I was just asking Carvath to teach me how to roast a certain prince alive to cinders so there's no body left to hide." I was quick to cover up for our secret. Of all the people to hear our conversation, it had to be him.