
Golden Flames of Tomorrow

Life is a cycle of chance, choices and rebirth. Living life to the fullest is not so bad, but every action good or bad has it's own consequences even in the afterlife. The butterfly effect is what makes the world go round, where possibilities are endless and as long as your scale in Limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell, doesn't tip too far to the left then you will be given a new life. Re-awaken and be reborn in a new land, a new world. And like that a new Queen has been born. With Avalon the Goddess of Limbo and Judge of Life gives her blessing, she will crash and burn but like a phoenix, she will rise from her ashes and be reborn as the Golden Flames of Tomorrow.

Harietta_Brews118 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Darkness. All I remembered was darkness for what seemed like an eternity. Like drowning in the bathic of the sea, urging myself to keep swimming to reach for air but I wasn't suffocating. It was calming somehow, like the warmth of a mother as she wraps her arms around you, and pressing you to her chest. I felt the pulsate of an accelerating heartbeat. I saw a bright opening and then there was light.

I felt arms being wrapped around me and the piercing cry of a newborn child, "Behold the future Queen of Comestion, princess Rhiannon of House Sekhmet the Court of Flames!" a loud cheering of people resonated to my sensitive ears. I tried to open my eyes and what I saw was a beautiful woman with the most beautiful gold eyes, she was looking down at me with the most beautiful smile. I was awestruck. She was like a goddess that shined with gold hair and gold eyes.

"My beautiful Rhia, my princess." her voice whispered to me like wind chimes being rang by the wind, as I was pressed to her chest where I heard the steady music of her heartbeat. It was the most familiar and comforting sensation I have ever felt. She was sweaty and her breathing was a bit ragged but still beautiful nonetheless.

I tried to look around but as I saw our reflection on a mirror on the wall, I realized that I was the baby. I looked up and saw that we were in a veranda and below us were thousands of people cheering and applauding. A tall man with jet black hair was standing next to the edge, and a crown of gold that resembled flames was on his head. Wearing what seemed was armor but it was like those in fantasy movies, the armor was crimson red with an emblazoned dragon crest at it's chest, and a burgundy cape that fluttered with the wind. His presence alone emanated a powerful air of superiority that was enough to tell me, he was a King and this is his Kingdom.

He turned away from the people with a final wave and walked towards where me and--whom I assume is my mother--was. I saw his features, it was like a sculpture from that of a Greek God, with a sharp chiselled jaw, straight nose, perfectly symmetrical red eyes and thick raven black brows. A man that looked like a knight approached him and handed him a small tiara atop a red velvet cushion. "My lovely daughter, soon you will rule this Kingdom and shall reign queen." his voice was strong and tough but the way he said those words was filled with so much love.

He placed the tiara on my head which fell slightly to the right, I heard my mother laugh at his attempt to put a crown on a newborn child, "Darling, I don't think that would be wise. Her head is still fragile, you might puncture a wound on her skull." I was slowly appreciating the care and concern of a mother because the tiara felt uncomfortable and hard indeed. "But someday when she is older, she shall wear the most beautiful crown and she shall be called Queen." I felt the touch of her lips to my head.

When Avalon said rebirth, she literally meant I was to be given birth as a baby in a new world. My new world and I am the princess of that world.

Three years later…

It's been three years since I was born into this new world. Though my body changed, my mind and memories of my previous life remained intact. I avoided acting out of my age considering my body is underdeveloped so I have a body of a three year old toddler and a mind of a thirty year old woman. Though there were times I could not hold on any longer and acted out of my age, ergo; learning to read--and quickly at that.

I was actually praised by my mother and father because they thought I acted mature for my age. I never threw tantrums, nor cried like a brat and I knew what to do and what not to do evn though I still refrained from talking.

I took all my chances to learn as I could. My father's study contained all sorts of books so I often ask my maids to take me there which they could not disobey. My father doted on me and so he was more than welcoming whenever I took a visit.

I grabbed a book or two whenever I was there. I was careful with the books so they let me 'play' with them. They may think that I'm just plainly looking at pages when in truth, I am very much engrossed in it's contents. I was a lawyer after all and you are encouraged to have a photographic memory when it comes to memorizing case files.

I found out a lot of things about this world I live in. The castle was grand and like any medieval time, there was no electricity but instead they have what is called Gramaire which literally means…magic. I found out about it when my father performed what looked like actual fire breathing to commence the banquet or ball that celebrated my birth three years ago. I found out that this world revolved around Gramaire or magic. Each being had his or her aptitude for Gramaire and is tested on their tenth birthday as a rite of passage I suppose. You can have any aptitude within the six Crux Elements which are Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Sun and Moon.

My father is King Conláed of House Sekhmet the Court of Flames, ruler of the current epochal of the Kingdom of Comestion and his Gramaire is Fire and Air. Second, my mother is Queen Morrigan of House Hemera the Court of Day and her Gramaire is Sun. My mother was the princess of another Kingdom called Dawn of Soleil, of the Sun Goddess. And I have an older brother named First Prince Halezander of House Sekhmet. And I am First Princess Rhiannon of House Sekhmet.

My brother is currently ten years old and I am only three which means he has already received his aptitude for Gramaire and his aptitude were Fire and Storm, which is a variation of the Air element. One can be born with one or two Gramaire but it's rare, our father was so proud when they found out he has two.

He comes to play with me once and a while and shows me a bit of tricks with his Gramaire. There was one time where he kidnapped me from my maids and brought me to the Knight's courtyard where he was currently training to carry a sword. I enjoyed it of course and I appreciated that fact that he took care of me whenever he could just as a big brother would.

I never had a big brother in my past life so it was a first for me to experience the love and affection of one. It was lovely, and whenever he told me stories about his whole day even though he didn't consider the fact that I am a baby was still fun and pleasing. Though I did understand him.

They raised me like how a princess should be raised, I started learning about my surrounding little by little with ear and by sight. The maids always have their story telling whenever they watched over me and I would always hear gossip here and there about the different Kingdoms of this world. I can't wait until I am able to start my schooling and learn about this worlds history and find out more.

I've learned a lot actually, ever since they found out that I was actually reading those books, my parents thought it was a good idea to finally give me a tutor. They were so excited for me that this tutor came all the way from the kingdom of Soleil where my mother was from. He was a Mage or a sorcerer and his aptitude was Sun Gramaire. He was able to bend and manipulate light which was amazing really, I never would've thought that all of this was possible, back at my past life, magic was nothing but fiction and work of the imagination when in fact all of it was somewhat like a premonition of what was possible in a different world.

When the mage arrived my parents were incredibly excited for me to learn quickly. My brother was also happy for me which made me happy. At first the mage was a little skeptical, I couldn't blame him really. Parents have always had this high confidence when it comes to their children and I am only three years old and they haven't even seen nor heard me speak that well either since I always kept quiet. Just learning and assessing my surroundings.

We were in the throne room, "Mage, we welcome you to the kingdom!" began my father whilst he was sat in his throne and next to him was my mother. My mother was carrying me in her lap whilst my brother stood by her side. "This is my daughter, princess Rhiannon and she will be the one you're tutoring." the mage took a good look at me.

"I am Carvath Ghaedister of the Kingdom of Soleil." the mage bowed as he introduced himself, "I am honored to be given this crucial responsibility your majesty's, King Conláed and Queen Morrigan, and your highnesses Prince Halezander and Princess Rhiannon."

It was odd, truly odd. I am not one for stereotyping but when they said 'Mage' the first image that went to mind was an old man with long white hair and beard that reached his knees, wearing a long robe that ended on the floor carrying a staff. No, this man was no older than his early thirties, though he did carry a staff and his hair was golden blond like my mother's. It's a trait I suppose of the Kingdom since it is the Kingdom of the Sun.

"Raise your head. We welcome you and I expect you to teach my daughter well and you are free to leave whenever you wish." my father announced. You'd think he was a very intimidating and frightening person at first glance but he was actually kind and soft-hearted inside. Though he did almost order an execution for one of my maids because I fell down and scraped my knee one time, but I stopped him of course. A little begging and cutesy tantrum later, and he was all forgiving.

When the mage looked back up he assessed me with his eyes. Looking at me up and down like he's not impressed which I thought was rude and so I glared back at him in return which surprised him a bit.

"Please, let us get you settled." said my father. "I have arranged an assistant for you, Arleth." he called and a boy not older than fifteen came forward and bowed his head. "You may use him as you see fit. Whatever it is you need he shall fetch it for you."

"I am Arleth Strom sir, I am honored." the boy bowed.

The Mage bowed once more, "I am grateful your majesty. Though I do have a little condition your majesty before I proceed to teaching the princess." said the Mage.

My father narrowed his stare but the mage stood his ground. My father grunted which would've made anyone quiver. Before my father could speak it was my mother who spoke, "I think that is only fair my King. What is this condition you speak of Carvath?" asked my mother whilst combing my hair with her fingers.

"Thank you my Queen." he took the white orb from the staff he was holding and held it forward, "I would like to test the princess' aptitude." but I was only three! Weren't they supposed to test it when they reach ten years of age?

My father stood up, "Ridiculous, she is only three. What is this nonsense?" my father asked, his tone was hard and a bit angry.

"Let me explain your majesty. I apologize in advance for my impertinence but I would first like to know the abilities of the child as early as now to teach her in the most efficient way as possible. This orb," he held it forward, "is a rare element only found in the kingdom Valley of Jord. It can detect any crux elements within a Gramaire user's body, be it wind, fire, earth or water. The princess only has to touch it." explained the mage.

I'm impressed, if it were someone else they would've stuttered and bowed endlessly by now. I'm intrigued of what kind of person this mage Carvath is. My father sighed and said, "Very well." he walked towards mother and picked me up from her lap. "Let us see what this mage is spouting. I'll be here my dear." father said to me while he carried me down the throne towards where the mage stood holding the crystal orb.

The mage took something from within his ring, it was pointy and sharp like a needle. Seeing immediately made my father cautious and he stopped the guards immediately pointed their swords at the mage but he was still unbudging, "What is that for mage?" my father asked guarded.

The mage pricked himself with the needle and put his bleeding finger on the orb. The crystal glowed and the blood swirled inside the orb absorbing it before a light illuminated from the orb which blinded everyone for a bit. "It needs the Gramaire from the blood of the user to activate your majesty. As you can see I am a Sun Gramaire, and that was the light from my Gramaire. Just a drop sire."

My father was still wary but he looked at me and I looked back nodding, he was taken aback but regained his composure, "If anything happens to my daughter mage I would not hesitate to take your head." then he continued walking until he was only a feet away from the mage.

I gave him my hand in advanced and both of them were surprised but I was done dilly dallying when I know that one wrong move and someone's head would be flying. "It appears that the princess is far more intellectual than she looks." the mage pricked my finger slightly which made me flinch but nonetheless it wasn't that painful.

Blood oozed from the hole punctured in my finger, it was the thickest color of crimson and without missing a beat I put my bleeding finger on the orb. It felt warm under my hand, and the warmth pulsated whilst it absorbed my blood. My father immediately stepped back, pulling my hand away. The orb glowed the darkest of red until it bursted into the darkest flame I have ever seen. The mage let go of the orb because of the fire, it danced like the burst of a sun until it absorbed the fire and it was nothing but an orb again.

"Great Sekhmet, my daughter is a fire gramaire!" my father shouted with great joy, raising me in the air. After regaining composure, everyone present in the throne room erupted into a fit of applause and cheers.

I glanced towards the mage and I could not describe whether he looked afraid, confused or uncertain but when he saw I was starring at him he immediately fixed his expression and picked up the orb from the floor. "I will gladly teach the princess your majesty, and it will be of great privilege to be her guardian. " bowed Carvath.