
Golden Eyes Golden

Ursula was the scum. There was no one worse than her. At least that's what she believed until she found Gus, the real goner.

Wu_ · Teen
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2 Chs


Ursula didn't think much about what her next step would be. When she marched a considerable distance and punched Gus Hatefort, she didn't have much on her mind.

Dressed in black from head to toe, with heavy makeup and very dark hair, she looked intimidating no matter where or how you looked at her.

She wanted to vent her anger, and she did just that. Now, as she watched Gus hold his jaw as if he wanted to put it back in place, she hoped the boy would react to her attack so she could figure out what to do next.

"I really don't understand," he laughed. "Why exactly are you walking around like a crazy person hitting people?"

"Do you really not know the reason, you bastard?" she growled.

"No, I don't know," he said incredulously.

Ursula couldn't hide the disbelief in her eyes.

"Is invading enemy territory something normal for you?" she said, this time not as loudly.

Gus blinked hard.

"Oh, so that's it..."

"Did your memory just come back out of nowhere?" she laughed.

"My memory has never been an issue," he replied coldly.

"So, you're just clueless, then? Shouldn't be a surprise to me."

He rolled his eyes.

"Just say what you want before I decide I'm not as patient with you anymore," Gus said dryly.

"With pleasure," Ursula spoke. "You broke the rules, you know that, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Don't fuck with me..."

"Okay, rules that were neither created nor accepted by me."

"But they are the rules that exist," she interrupted. "And you decided it would be cool to go against them."

"Screw it."

"Yeah, you're the one getting screwed in this story, actually."

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to race with me," she warned.


"Exactly what you heard. We're going to race. If you win, this issue never existed. If I win, you're banned from the south side of the city indefinitely."

Gus wanted to laugh at that joke, but when he looked at Ursula's serious face, the laughter died in his chest.

"Who gave you the power to decide that?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"You broke the rules. Anyone could take responsibility for making you pay for it, so why not me?"

"Why you? That should be the question. Don't you think you're taking a step too big for yourself?"

Ursula pretended to think.

"Not at all," she said directly. "We're going to race. You won't back out. Because if you do, it'll be like admitting that I'm right. We'll both give our best, and may the one who's right win. Are we agreed?"

"Fuck you."

She flipped him off. "Fuck you."