
Gojo Satoru, Teaching in Other Worlds

If you want to become someone new, go north. If you wish to stay as you are, go south. Geto chose south. Nanami chose south, he was content. Gojo Satoru, was he completely content, did he die without regrets? What would be his choice? Was there any question? He was Gojo Satoru, and for him. There was only one option. And that was to "Go North"

Ducky_5750 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

//How the Time Flies By 2//

"Yuta Okkotsu, you're related to me ya know?" Gojo could only sigh as the deja vu was beginning to hit. "So you tried to kill yourself?" Yuta remained silent before whispering "I tried to end myself to keep everyone else safe. But she wouldn't let me." 

Gojo nodded "You're curse right? Save yourself the trouble, that curse wasn't your girlfriend's doing. It's yours." Gojo smirked as he stared at the matured Queen of Curses. Back in his previous life, Rika had died before maturing and their love was more innocent and just beginning to come to fruition. This Rika was in another ball park. Yuta's eyes widened "I did this to Rika?" 

Gojo explained as concisely as he could "Orimoto-san doesn't have any Jujutsu background, no cursed technique. Instead the only one with any background is you. You're my distant relative. Meaning your love cursed Rika to stay with you, but if you want to fix it. Officially join Jujutsu Technical School! I'll help you." 

Yuta simply nodded before agreeing with renewed resolve, "If the reason for Rika's state is my fault. I'll gladly take on the burden and free her." 

Gojo smirked "You'll need to work on your cursed energy first." 


[2010, October]



"Nice to meet you again ya oddball." 

"Nice to meet you again ya dork." 

Geto was here as well, Gojo could remember just before the prison realm, vaguely. Most of his memories were fuzzy but that moment was carved into his soul. Kenjaku's admittance of stealing Suguru's body. 

Gojo slapped Geto on the back, "Doesn't matter why you transferred here as a teacher, welcome to Kuoh Jujutsu Technical High." Geto laughed as well, "Nice to meet you too, Satoru."

Gojo did not know how lucky he was, but for the first time, he thanked whatever force allowed their meeting again. 

Yuta quickly ran out of the dormitory before stopping right in front of Gojo. Ever since he had attempted to release the curse he had placed on Rika, he had been much happier, although stress was still present as the higher ups had been sending him mission after mission as Gojo refused to work much. 

Rika Orimoto, was still present, although in a strange way. Gojo was only left dumbfounded and confused at the power of "Love". Geto simply stared at the new special grade in appreciation of his humility. Rika Orimoto's soul had departed, although the soul had departed, the will continued. Rika left the cursed spirit with her will to Yuta as a symbol of her love and protection. 

"And that's how it went. Strange isn't it?" Gojo finished explaining to Geto. Geto simply looked puzzled. "I really wouldn't know, I haven't experienced love but to think it could be such a powerful curse." 

Gojo laughed "Im single as well, so I don't really get it either. Makes no sense but if that's what strength is, who am I to judge?"

Geto laughed with Gojo while Yuta simply sighed in disbelief. He was grateful for sensei, but still, sometimes it was tiring. "Sensei, bad news." Gojo's laughter died down before asking "What is it Yuta? Did some stupid higher up die?" Yuta shook his head "It's about that assignment you sent me on." 

Gojo's face dimmed a bit, "I'm guessing the bad news is the new vessel of Sukuna has been aquired." Yuta nodded "I went looking around after visiting the Zenin clan. The one you were looking for, Megumi Fushiguro had been sold by his father Toji Zenin, the one you call the homeless bum." 

Yuta looked confused at the last bit that came out of his mouth. Some strange reason, Gojo had always had a grudge against Toji Zenin of the Zenin clan. Gojo could only sigh, as Geto questioned "What's wrong Satoru? There's three special grade sorcerer's within Kuoh Tech, surely there's nothing wro-" 

"The Ten Shadows Cursed Technique, is in the hands of that boy." 

Geto immediately froze. Yuta who had only recently been introduced to the Jujutsu and supernatural world was confused. "Ten Shadows, sensei?" Gojo nodded "The Ten Shadows technique isn't much in front of the Limitless or Suguru's curse manipulation or even your copy technique. But, within the arsenal of the Ten Shadows is the shikigami, Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General, Mahoraga. The shikigami with the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena." Yuta swallowed with anticipation, "That means, any attack wouldn't work right?" 

Geto shook his head, "No, Mahoraga can adapt to any cursed technique after experiencing it, which means you need an attack capable of wiping out the shikigami before it adapts. A one hit kill. But assuming you mentioned how Sukuna, has found a vessel. This Megumi kid has just handed the King of Curses, one of the strongest cursed techniques on a silver platter."

Gojo nodded before asking Yuta "Have the higher ups found out who bought the kid?" Yuta nodded before solemnly replying "The Old Satan group. They want revenge, and Mei Mei's crows have discovered that they have made a binding vow between them and Sukuna. Their secondary goal is simple, your presence protects the two relatives of the current Satans, which is also why the satans have not moved against you. Your presence is beneficial. If you're taken out, then the old satan faction will be able to make a move." 

Gojo whistled "Woah Okkotsu, when did you learn about politics?" Yuta shook his head "I'm relaying a message from the higher ups." 

Gojo nodded "As risky as it is, the message is clear. Ryoumen Sukuna's execution attempt. Send a public announcement to all current associated factions, secretly evacuate Shinjuku by December. That'll be the place of our fight." Geto stood shocked, "Are you sure about this?" 

Gojo chuckled "You two can help me train, also you included Hakari and Panda." Two ruffles emerged from the bushes "Well you caught us ya bastard, we'll help. We die if you end up dying." 

Geto still asked once again "Are you sure about this?"

Gojo thought for a bit, he thought about his previous experiences, his previous mistakes and failures. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, well, what the fuck was fool me twice? There won't be a second time. 

His students and best friend awaited his prediction. The six eyes gleamed having once again awakened after his death and second enlightenment. The same question he had been asked before, now answered.

-Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you are the strongest?-

Answer (His conclusion): "I am the strongest because I am Gojo Satoru. Strength does not dictate my identity." 

 His prediction?

"Nah, I'll win."