
Gojo Satoru, Teaching in Other Worlds

If you want to become someone new, go north. If you wish to stay as you are, go south. Geto chose south. Nanami chose south, he was content. Gojo Satoru, was he completely content, did he die without regrets? What would be his choice? Was there any question? He was Gojo Satoru, and for him. There was only one option. And that was to "Go North"

Ducky_5750 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

//Shattered Balance: Gojo Satoru is Born//

The year was 1989. The balance of the world had shifted, every supernatural power had felt it. Due to the constant presence of curses and the secret society of jujutsu, the jujutsu sorcerers were in a truce against other races solely due to the strange power dynamics. Some were strong, strong beyond doubt. An example of strength that tipped the balance was Ryoumen Sukuna. A past demon of the jujutsu society, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, the King of Curses. A demon that most were afraid to even see.

Fallen would scatter before they became dishes laid out on a table, vampires would feign death in order to survive in his presence, devils would bow and swallow their pride lest their a massacre begins. The angels detested the man and yet they would have second thoughts about punishing him for his sins. Although not to say non of these factions had no one to oppose him, the number that could oppose him were counted on one hand, maybe add a half just in case. 

Yet the whole supernatural world felt it. The balance of the world itself shifting. It was no use in hiding the existence that had been born. A Gojo clan member had been born with the Six Eyes and the Limitless cursed technique. The real notice in shift began when the curses that were weak enough to be handled by non jujutsu sorcerers began to increase in strength. That was when it dawned on the other races. 

Gojo Satoru's birth, had shifted the entire balance of the world in order to mitigate this change. Curses became stronger, people were forced to become stronger to keep up with this new change. Truly the equilibrium had shattered. 

[1995 Gojo Household] 

"Man, never expected this to happen after choosing to board and go north, guess Geto missed out on this stuff." Gojo Satoru was currently standing atop a pile of bodies, they were still alive of course. Nothing more than a sparring match. While he retained some memories, most of it was still blank. Gojo was secretly laughing to himself within. He had all of his experience tucked away in his belt. His usage of RCT was still there along with the newly engraved RCT pathways as a result from those consecutive black flashes. In this world, he would become stronger than his past self. Stronger in order to completely have Sukuna on the back pedal. To win against Sukuna if they were to have a rematch. 

"Looks like you lot got roughed up a lot by me." Gojo patted their backs before hopping off to go grab some sweets. He could only sigh as he gave a tired glare at the nearest McRonalds. The worker there flinched and fell backwards. "Guess it doesn't change in either world. Except this time, the bounty was far more than he was worth back in his previous life. It was currently at 500 million. The only thing he was happy about was that Jujutsu Society was not as rotten here due to most jujutsu sorcerers having a common goal in preserving their world. 

Although it was strange to say, but jujutsu sorcerers had realised that, devils were the number one public enemy in terms of priority. This was due to the multiple attempts to reincarnate jujutsu sorcerers. Take the number one example for why jujutsu society hated the idea of being reincarnated. Hajime Kashimo, is now currently a farmer. A reincarnated devil raced farmer. Why? Although Gojo could only speculate, as when a jujutsu sorcerer is reincarnated, the cursed technique that's usually engraved within somewhere in the right prefrontal cortex is destroyed and their cursed energy is warped to contain demonic traits. Considering his own past stunts with destroying his brain and recovering it using RCT, he could only guess that it was due to his own energy healing the brain leaving the template intact. 

However, upon an energy that does not belong to the user, the cursed technique is not recovered due to the lack of template, and instead it is healed lacking the engraved cursed technique. Hence Kashimo was forced to become a farmer, lacking in cursed energy but the output of demonic energy was just the same. Just that Kashimo just couldn't get the hang of it. 

Jujutsu sorcery is 80% innate talent and 20% effort. Kashimo was more accustomed to using the cursed energy trait of lightning. As his cursed technique was a one time use and instinctual as all techniques were. The trait that carried along with his cursed technique and not constitution had morphed into demonic energy and hence he lost that too. The God of Lightning had become the God of Farmers. 

Gojo snorted upon recalling that memory. If the Kashimo from his old life had seen this, he would have been willing to kill his younger self here. Gojo made his way out of the complex to head to the centre of Tokyo. However upon his exit from the complex he was greeted with some interesting individuals. 

"Aren't you lacking in a sense of danger if you're coming after me of all people?" Gojo sneered as he talked to the trees before they were cut. Of course, before he had been reborn, he had seen the snippet. That damned Sukuna had taken a binding vow in order to utilise his hand sign to get off a domain expansion. Why couldn't he do the same? Compress Blue into spacial pinch in the shape of a slash. 

Behind the trees were four yokai. "You know the bounty is still up right? Aren't you a bit cocky for coming out all by yourself?" 

Before the others could say anything all of them had their limbs twisted and shredded. "Hah? I can't hear you. The only thing I want to hear, is who the hell put the bounty on me?" Gojo had enough of this, he was strong. Well as strong as his six year old self could be currently. It wasn't a problem of technique and control, but more of a physical age issue. Of course, reinforcement could make it up to a certain extent but it wouldn't be the same. 

The youkai simply sneered and spat in his face only for it to never reach. "Go to hell you brat-"

Their bodies were crushed into nothing but blood and splattered parts.