
gojo Satoru in my hero academia

English is not my native language so forgive me for any possible mistakes. i always wanted to see satoru in a different world so why not put him in my hero academy let's see what i can do. the jujutsu kaisen and boku no hero characters don't belong to me, they are the property of their creators. the cover is not mine either, so if the creator wants me to remove it I will remove it, thanks for reading.

hopenshower · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

U.S.J attack

Finally gojo had gotten sunglasses for his eyes, even the old ones that were made exclusively not to cause gojo discomfort, they were at least very stylish, the new ones were at least useful, his six eyes used to drain a lot of cursed energy from him but after using positive energy as a cure for his brain he didn't feel so much brain fatigue.

He used to keep them by his bedside for everyday use, but always wore his inseparable blindfold.

He was in the classroom with everyone else about to leave and take a training class at a place called USJ, gojo was curious about the class at this place from what he had heard.

"Man this is going to be awesome, finally something cool since I've been here," kirishima leaned over gojo's shoulder in the seat behind.

"Yeah, from what I hear we're going to have some kind of mock training or something," this time it was kaminari who spoke up laughing.

Gojo leaned back in the bus seat and decided to join the conversation.

"I just hope that at least I'll have a little fun over there."

"I guess we'll be able to use our quirks with everything, it's been a while since I used my electricity with everything" kaminari continued talking to them about this before the trip continued and a conversation suddenly being overheard by gojo about midoriya's quirk, gojo had to admit that this also puzzled him because from what bagukou had said midoriya had no quirk.

And gojo had to admit this place was huge, so big that he couldn't see the end of the floor, of course he could just teleport to the sky and see, but he wouldn't do that here, everyone stood together and gojo had to mentally applaud the beautiful sight of the girls wearing their costumes glued to their bodies, accentuating their asses and breasts, especially momo and mina, he stood next to the others and waited, professor aizawa took them inside and instructed them on what they were going to do.

While aizawa was talking everyone heard a huge noise nearby.

Everyone noticed a commotion a few meters away, but their eyes widened when they saw strange people coming out of a dark shadow.

"Villain attack, here ?"

"Shit where did they come from ?"

Gojo heard everyone get terrified and looked at them from there, they didn't seem to be much.

Gojo turned away from the others and walked calmly towards them, the villains were surprised when they saw a boy with white hair and a blindfold approaching without any caution towards them, they started to wonder if he was just dumb or brave enough.

The students and aizawa were also surprised when they saw gojo just a few meters away from them, they didn't expect gojo to just walk over there but his smile showed that he had something to show which made them want to fight too.

'this kid, I will give him a detention for doing something like this' aizawa thought irritated by gojo's irresponsible attitude.

'You guys protect yourselves but if something happens fight as much as you can'.

Everyone nodded in agreement and stood ready to fight if necessary.

Aizawa jumped at speed to where the villains were and activated his quirk and released his white ribbons, he started to fight everyone who tried to hit him, he knocked them down after deleting his quirks, but he stopped when he saw a humanoid being approaching him, he tried once more to use his quirk but for some reason it didn't work, he was about to try something else but was caught by it and was thrown to the ground, he felt several bones break on impact, but it didn't stop there when he felt the monster hit his head on the ground hard making him lose consciousness.

On the other side all the others were watching this and screamed at the scene, their teacher had been knocked down and they were doing nothing, even if it was against aizawa's orders they were going to fight them.

Some split up and went to fight too, midoriya got tsuyu and sero, jiro got kaminari and momo, the others fought either individually or together.

Gojo who a few moments before had already defeated several villains was getting bored with this, and decided to end it all at once, he was about to use blue with everyone there when he felt a movement behind him and canceled his move.

He turned his head and saw a thin man with several hands on his face looking at gojo angrily.

"Who the hell are you? How can a brat like you defeat all of them, I don't know who you are but you have to die here and now, NOMU" the man shouted at the creature who jumped and threw himself close to gojo.

"nomu kill this little shit now" the monster heard him and punched gojo right in the face causing a cloud of dust to be thrown in the air, the man expected to see a meat pulp on the ground where gojo would be but was shocked to see gojo smiling with his hand on his chin and the other in his pants pocket.

"Look I've received attacks like that before, but yours was like a massage from a girl, come on I'll show you what a real punch is." Gojo closed his right fist and threw an even more powerful punch at nomu, the punch created a huge shockwave throwing the weaker villains to the ground, nomu was thrown at high speed towards the ground, destroying several organs and nomu's arms.

(Shigaraki pov)

'but what the fuck how this brat destroyed nomu so easily, he was created to defeat all might but was destroyed like that by a student ? Master needs to know this'

"Kurogiri, get us out of here now.

"But what about the plan?"

"Forget the plan nomu has been defeated we have nothing more to do"

The being of dark purple shadows suddenly sucked him into its shadow and disappeared.

Gojo was having a mental dialogue with himself after this scene.

'Who were these guys? Did they suddenly decide to attack random students or was this premeridate exclusively with us ?'

His thought was interrupted when another noise was heard by everyone, a huge blond man came out of the smoke with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry young people because I am here"

*Author here " look if I was a hero I wouldn't say something like that, it's very cliche and at the same time weird to hear a guy over 2 meters tall say that when he arrived.






Back to gojo who was just staring at All Might with sweat on his brow just relaxed and approached him.

"Hey All Might you don't need to strike that pose, I've already defeated the villains"

"Huh really ?"


All Might just accepted this fact knowing gojo's personality he wouldn't ask anymore, the others after fighting the remaining villains approached gojo and All Might watching gojo's fight all stood still watching gojo smile at a situation that would make most of them shit themselves with fear.

i love sleep, sorry

hopenshowercreators' thoughts