
gojo satoru in dxd

You know the drill [UNDER HEAVY EDITING]

xisp · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Summoning a person

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 (𝘮𝘤 𝘪𝘴 14 𝘯𝘰𝘸)

In the castle of the gojo clan a teenager was thinking very very hard, this, of course, is Satoru he was thinking who to summon.. after about 20 minutes he decided to call the almighty

{Good afternoon god i called to ask you something}

{Oh? it's rare for you to call me}

{I was thinking who to summon for my knight piece}

{Why not summon a character from fate?}

{...you're right, thank you god}

Satoru ended the call and started to summon the character

'Great sage summon:Siegfried, erase the memories that are irrelevant and give him the information of great war and such' Satoru order

'As you wish' great sage answered

Suddenly a large man appeared in Satoru's room and bowed to him

"Lord satoru" he said

Satoru looked at siegfried

"I assume you will be my knight, siegfried?" satoru asked him

Siegfried without hesitation replied

"Of course my lord" he answered

Satoru's expression then soften

"That's good," Satoru said

He then walked to Siegfried and place the knight piece on his chest

"Siegfried, you're name is very popular in the church, it will be troublesome if the church learns that you are working with devils, is it fine if people call you sieg from now on?" Satoru ask him

"That is fine, my lord" he answered

Satoru then thinks

'Hm~ what to do?? if I summon characters for my peerage this fanfiction will be forced to go to time skip and the author doesn't want that... but if I don't summon characters for my peerage it will be troublesome.... AH, I GOT IT!'

"Sieg i will convince my parents to let me live in the human world, stay here" satoru order

He then walked to his mother's office


<Satoru pov>

I knocked at my parent's office

"Enter" i heard someone said

I then opened the door, went inside then closed it

"Oh? Satoru you usually don't enter our office unless it's something important" my father ask me

"I want to live in the human world, and do please enroll me in the same middle school as rias and sona oh and give me my own place to stay and money," i said

They think for a while but my mother said to me

"That's fine but there is a lot of fallen angels and stray devil there so be careful" my mother said with a worried yet strict tone

I sighed

"Geez did you forget I beat sirzech?" i said while smirking ( a/n ---> in the comments)

Yes, that's right I beat sirzech.

"That was 8 years ago, and also rumors say that he can control his power of destruction better now you better watch out" my father warned me

You see, the great war ended with the death of god and the four satan's there are two sides in the underworld.. the new faction and the old faction but the gojo clan didn't care.. we don't care about the new or old faction, we could care less! power is all that matters! in the gojo clan there is a saying.. 'there are only two things you need to become better than everyone, power, and influence' and I must say... I 100% agree with that statement.. and I'm very lucky to have both of them

"Hai-hai so, when will I go?" I ask them

"Tomorrow, I already contacted my friends from the human world. you'll have your own house and I'll give you the credit card later" my mother said to me

"Alright, but I do have one last request.. don't tell sona and rias about me going to school there.. i want to surprise them" I said

"Alright, you go to sleep now you have a busy day tomorrow," my father said

I yawned

"Don't need to tell me twice" I said

I then teleported into my room, I then see siegfried reading a book while drinking tea

"Sieg tomorrow we'll go to the human world," I said to him

He then stopped reading the book and nod

"Well I'll be going to sleep now, night Sieg" I said

"Night lord Satoru" he replied

I then fall asleep in my bedroom