
Gojo in the Multiverse

A young boy wakes up to find himself in a room with the memories and looks of a certain someone. How will he fair in the multiverse?

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Crusade

Gojo and the others continued to follow Cu on the crusade to Saber's hideout. Cu asked Mash if she couldn't deploy her noble phantasm. Cu seeing her reaction determined that they might as well get some rest. They followed Cu until they led them to a big looming school.

The place was shabby but the classroom they picked was slightly less shabby. Everyone just started chilling for a bit. Cu seeing that the chief was not calming down decided to speak up "Yo why don't you chill for a bit?" The chief turned her head to face him before another outburst.


The chief then demanded to know the Cu's real name. Cu simply replied "Daga Kotowaru!"


The chief then demanded to know Cu's real name. Cu simply replied "I'm not gonna to tell you."

Gojo simply laughed as he watched Cu sit in the corner whining about how he would have decimated the saber had he been summoned as a lancer. Gojo noticed something and so did Cu as they both shouted.

Cu/Gojo: "GET DOWN!"

The two slammed everyone in sight to the floor as an explosion took place moments where they were before. Cu grabbed the chief and slung her like a potato sack over his shoulder. The group made their way outside by jumping out the window.

Mash suddenly saw a bright light and immediately raised her shield to block the attack. The attack cause cracks to form under Mash's feet. Emiya suddenly jumped back as a stream of fire headed towards him. It was Cu, Cu stood there and mocked Emiya a bit before Gojo made himself known.

Mash and the chief saw the Archer starting to shiver when he saw Gojo. Did this servant also know Gojo?

Archer thought he could at least get away from HIM. The THING was walking towards him with a smile. All those times he slaved away in the kitchen just to satisfy this THING's appetite.

Gojo walked up and whispered "How's it going Emiya?" Archer shivered however Cu came to his rescue. "Leave him to me Gojo, I still got a score to settle." Gojo nodded while Emiya sighed in relief.

The ran a distance before Emiya caught up again in his bloodlust for revenge. Emiya set his eyes on Gojo as he charged only to be blocked by Mash's shield.

A large creature roared as Cu summoned his Caster noble phantasm. A large golem, Wickerman Cage of Scorching Flames. The large golem captured Emiya and burnt him into ashes along with himself. Cu came back and gave Gojo a high-five for beating the stupid Archer.

Gojo turned around to the group before shouting "Let the crusade continue!" The others looked at him and slowly nodded before following Cu once more.


They made their way to a saber who was standing on top of a tiny cliff making an epic pose. Gojo quickly took a few photos to commemorate this moment.

Gojo took out his Unlimited Cookie Works and started munching away at the show. Saber immediately tried to attack Mash who Gojo was giving advice to. Cu immediately blocked with his staff much to Saber's annoyance. A surge of fire came from Cu's rune forcing Saber to jump back.

Saber had enough and powered up her sword. Mash was beginning to get desperate until Gojo offered her "Cookie?" That word broke Mash out of her stupor. She looked to her right to see Gojo offer her a cookie. Gojo saw the look and said "don't worry, you're not you when your hungry." Mash nodded her head before Gojo used a command seal. The blast from the sword was coming closer as Mash became determined.

"Virtual Noble Phantasm Pseudo-Deployed!"

Saber looked shocked as her blast dissipated upon contact with the phantasm. Saber wondered "Is it me that's gotten weaker? No my sword has been defeated." She gave a bitter smile.


Saber looked at her chest which had something penetrated out. She disappeared into motes of light leaving a crystal behind. Gojo looked and saw Lev the leprechaun.

"It's the leprechaun!"

Lev heard Gojo and shouted "I wear green but i'm not a LEPRECHAUN you #@%&*$ !"

Lev noticed the chief hanging to his foot before he told her that she had no physical body as it was dead, gone. The chief was stunned until Lev showed her the state of Chaldea. She disappeared into the image.

Gojo simply stated "Interesting" Mash and the others looked at him with confusion. Gojo made no attempts to clarify the situation. Lev then reintroduced himself.

"I am Lev Lynor Flauros, and agent for the year 2015 sent over to dispose of all humanity."

Gojo then shouted out a reminder.

"You are Professor Lev the Leprechaun from 2015 to hand over all your gold"

Lev disappeared into the rip of space before he left while saying.

"@#$% you Gojo Satoru, I am not a Leprechaun!" and with that they rayshifted back to Chaldea.


Gojo was sitting on the couch feeding Fou who was staring at the UCW curiously.


How does this jar of delicious things work? It keeps refilling as if there was a mini factory inside. Hm? More cookies?



Gojo heard Fou saying his usual "Fou Foou Kyuu!" Gojo smiled and left a few cookies on the couch for Fou before leaving his room.

Roman was waiting for them before he dropped the bomb. "You are the only candidate that can rayshift. Will you carry the burden of this seven more times for humanity." Gojo just replied with a casual "Yeah sure." breaking the serious mood of the place.

Gojo got ready and placed himself in the coffin. The coffins lit up as Roman announced.

"Commencing Mission: Grand Order!"

Gojo and Mash opened their eyes to find themselves in a forest. Mash looked around assessing the situation until a familiar face and sound came from her shoulder.


Mash sounded shocked "Fou you came with us as well?"

Gojo listened as Roman asked them to find out what happened in the Hundred Years War.


???: The Hundred Years War will become The Wicked Dragon Hundred Years War!