
Gojo in the Multiverse

A young boy wakes up to find himself in a room with the memories and looks of a certain someone. How will he fair in the multiverse?

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Infinite Loli x Awakening

Gojo was enjoying his cheesecakes when a knock on his door was heard. Gojo had a feeling that it was someone troublesome.

Gojo opened the door reluctantly and behold the Infinity Loli herself was here.

"Help me beat Baka-Red"

Gojo just walked back in his house with disbelief. "Is this because I used Infinity?

Ophis followed him in and spoke. "You also have the power of Infinity but you have higher degree of control. You have potential to be stronger than me so beat Baka-Red for me." Gojo knew that this loli dragon would not stop pestering him.

"Ophis-chan how about you stop your crusade against Baka-Red and make a crusade to build a sweets factory while your at it? Gojo was thinking of using Ophis to make a sweets factory powered by the efforts of the Khaos Brigade.

Ophis was confused "Sweets?" Gojo looked horrified that Ophis did not know about sweets yet. Gojo knew that he must help this loli discover the joy of sweets. He rummaged through his fridge before pulling out a slice of strawberry cheesecake. "Here eat it it's better than the silence that you want." Ophis was admant about regaining her silence so she did not think thi little cake could change that. Oh how wrong she was.


Khaos Brigade HQ


Vali had just received a calling from Ophis herself. He and the rest of the team arrived in time for the emergency meeting. Vali could not believe his eyes as the Ouroboros Dragon was sitting on a white-haired persons lap. Vali decided to ask but before he could Ophis spoke.

"Our goal has changed for now."

Vali was confused and started to speak until Gojo cut him off.

Gojo said with the most cheerful voice he could "This is the start of the sweets crusade!"

Ophis continued "We are turning this HQ into a sweets factory."

Vali looked like someone had told him his grandfather was coming.

Gojo seeing this teleported in front of him and smacked him left and right with a chocolate bar.

Vali came out of his shock and tried to punch Gojo only to stop before him. Vali seeing this decided to ask. "Who is this person?"

Ophis decided to answer at the same time as Gojo.

"She's my friend"

"Onii-chan" Ophis answered in a monotone voice that made it worse.

Gojo looked surprised before coming into realisation. "Ophis-chan thinks of me as a big brother." Gojo who was roughly 190 cm tall decided to lift Ophis into the air like an oversized doll. Ophis was roughly 137 cm and looked small in comparison to Gojo.

Vali didn't want any part of this until Ophis spoke "Vali team in charge of factory."

Vali wanted to cry at this point. He thought about beating the white-haired ike-man into the ground until Ophis dropped a bomb on him.

"He has potential to be stronger than me"




Vali was crying in the bathroom with Albion sharing his tears. Gojo was a entity of destruction and chaos itself. Gojo had caught Vali looking at a magazine with a lady's ass on it and decided to give Vali the nickname "Butt Dragon Emperor" and Albion who shared the name was called "The Dragon of Butt Supremacy" Gojo would somehow appear right next to him whenever he socialised with important people and would spill the beans about the magazine incident. Worst of all that person was Azazel!



"So Vali I heard you completed your mission?" Vali grumbled and shouted "Mission my ass!"

Vali felt the life drain out of his face as Azazel noticed someone behind him. It was Gojo Satoru.

"Heya Azazel I'm just here to talk to you about the Butt Dragon Emperor. Azazel cracked up at that and asked him were that nickname came from.


Later on that day:

Vali was walking in the Grigory when a fallen angel shouted "Hey Butt Dragon!"

Vali walked everywhere to escape the shame he felt. Albion was properly afraid of Gojo but steeled himself to get revenge.


Flashback end


Which is why he was in an arena with the hero faction watching them. Gojo was standing on the other side of him.

Gojo was smiling the whole time as if wanting to release some stress. "You know I'm not sure but is it like devil tradition to get your asses kicked by me?"

Vali was confused as to what he meant and everyone who knew about Gojo's power wondered who had pissed him off before. "Yeah so one of the satans got angry that I used Domain Expansion on his sister so he kidnapped me to fight for my freedom.

"Long story short. It was like drop-kicking a baby." Vali was shocked to know that a satan had decided to piss off this entity in front of him. Vali was not going to play fair as he decided that Gojo needed to go and by go he meant die. Ophis was away at the moment and the only reason from stopping him would be how powerful he is but Vali and the others managed to conclude a plan.

Vali heard from Albion that he couldn't possibly divide the infinity but could instead make a division field which acted like what they heard from Gojo who was talking to Ophis about his Infinity.

Vali decided now was the time "NOW!" the hero faction all jumped into the air and started initiating the attack while Vali used Albion to set up a dividing field. Gojo was surprised as the had the same sort of effect as a Simple Domain which meant that his Infinity was countered. Before he could think of anything a knife stabbed into his neck spurting blood everywhere Vali quickly threw him up to the others in the air. Gojo's senses went haywire as his brain went into fight or flight response. Gojo thought to himself "I was too cocky and relaxed I thought that no one was able to replicate a domain expansion."

This moment allowed Vali and the others to pierce him from both sides as he had the knife cut from his neck to torso. Gojo through a life and death situation had once again awakened another ability from understanding a different type of infinity.

Gojo fell to the ground with a thud and a cloud of dust. Vali and the others walked away thinking that had done the job as he was only a human. A cough and a uninjured Gojo walked through the dust. Vali and the heroes quickly turned around in shock.

Gojo had used a Reverse Cursed Technique to heal himself back to full health.

Gojo walked towards them while they ran at him preparing another attack and Dividing Area.

"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honoured one."

"Cursed Technique Neutrality: Null"