
Going Back To Desolate Times

Ace was kidnapped by a mysterious being and thrown into the river of time for some reason he couldn't fathom. However, an accident occurred and he pierced the layer between realities, he was suddenly thrown into a parallel world of the ancient past! With the help of the information gatherer that was bound to him, he tries to change his fate and the state of mankind!

Lucas_Dust · Eastern
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12 Chs

Human Chameleon

A few hours after Ace and Sun Ki left, many shadows approached the great pit. They were Ace's students, almost all of them.

"I saw something, everyone! Come here!" Cin was the first to discover small words on the ground, "Teacher left some words for us."

Lin quickly pushed him aside and began to read the words out loud.

"I didn't fight, but I will be leaving for a while, don't worry.

"The new Realm is called Martial Core, the aura in the energy core will form a solid sphere. One can control a part of the power of the world with the new aura that is refined in the aura core. The vital energy transformed during the breakthrough and the soul was transformed from the core.

"Don't stop striving, always aim for a higher realm.

"Continue to hide from the outside world, develop in silence.

"If one day one of you is discovered, feign to be a spiritual creature using a fake human form, never tell the truth that you were real humans.

"Stay well."

Everyone was silent for a while, all had different thoughts.

"Teacher..." Lin clenched her fists, "Even in such a situation, you didn't forget to pave the way for us."

"Indeed, he probably suffered a risk of being discovered by leaving those words," Cin said with a frown, "But, fortunately, those words can't be understood by other beings, so even if he was discovered, the trouble wouldn't be big."

Suddenly, a pressure was released from Lin and a strong suction force began to form a vortex of spiritual energy around her.

"A breakthrough!?" Cin was excited.

Meanwhile, both Ace and Sun Ki were on their way to the latter's fort.

To avoid suspicion, Ace could only endure the cold wind on his private parts. If he suddenly made clothes for himself, Sun Ki might have doubted his words.

Their traveling speed was unimaginably fast, faster than the speed of sound of Ace's original world. But for them, it was like a simple walk, they even talked normally to each other.

As they traveled, Ace began to grow used to his new strength. Sun Ki didn't think much and felt it was natural.

From time to time, Ace would suddenly make a big move and summon a hand of aura to flatten a part of the forest. And in other times, he would use his physical strength to destroy random things.

Each of his punches would create powerful shockwaves that destroyed everything in their way.

"You are strange, why are you trying your new strength in this fake form?" Sun Ki asked with a puzzled expression.

"I just think it's cool," Ace said nonchalantly.

Sun Ki opened his mouth a few times but said nothing, he was speechless from the depth of his heart.

Sun Ki's fort was surprisingly a human settlement, much bigger than Ace's village. There were big stony buildings and even a large stone wall surrounding the fort.

"Do you like humans too?" Ace asked.

"I discovered they are very interesting beings compared to most spiritual creatures and monsters. Most of us would be born with little intelligence, but they were born wise despite their non-changing weak strength," Sun Ki nodded and explained, "I also share the view of my lord that humans were special beings connected to us in some way."

"Interesting," Ace smiled, "Are most of us like this?"

"No!" Sun Ki shook his head, "Almost all monsters at least once ate human beings. And most spiritual creatures outside my lord's territory are extremely indifferent to humans, not caring if they live or die."

"So human lives outside are much harder," Ace said with a frown.

"Yes, those people were lucky to be born in my lord's territory," Sun Ki smiled proudly.

Ace sighed in his heart but said nothing.

Sun Ki began to show him many interesting things in his fort as if they were sightseeing. Ace took the opportunity and got some clothes for himself on the excuse he found them beautiful.

During their walk, he received many strange stares from other humans, which made him almost feel nauseous.

Finally clothed, Ace felt safe.

After they saw almost everything there was to see, Sun Ki felt bored and began to lead him to his lord's "palace."

"I guess you are finally a bit used to your new strength, can you fly now?" Sun Ki asked Ace while suddenly jumping high above.

"...Fly?" Ace was dumbfounded, "Can you fly?"

"Come on, just do it, it's easy!" Sun Ki said with a lion's grin.

"I don't know how!" Ace shook his head, "I don't even know if I can!"

"Of course, you can, haven't you been using the Mighty Force to empower your moves on our way here?" Sun Ki laughed.

"Mighty Force?" Ace was even more confused, "What do you mean?"

"After your advancement, didn't feel the Mighty Force that fills the whole world?" Sun Ki clicked his tongue.

"You mean this?" Ace frowned and mobilized some of the world's power.

"Yes, that's it!" Sun Ki nodded, "You can use it to fly!"

"So this already has a name..." Ace muttered with a blank look.


"Oh! Nothing!" Ace shook his head and began to feel the flow of Mighty Fower controlled by Sun Ki.

Sun Ki felt Ace's soul sense covering him but didn't care.

Ace felt he got the hang of it and began to mobilize mighty force around himself, he slowly began to float into the sky.

"You sure are smart! Most take a while to learn!" Sun Ki nodded and praised.

After trying and correcting his form for a few minutes, Ace said, "Let's go, I will get better as we move forward."

Sun Ki nodded and began to fly towards the east, Ace followed closely.

Sun Ki slowly began to accelerate as they moved, but he always gave Ace time to get used to the speed.

After two days of travel, Ace could move as fast as Sun Ki at max speed without a problem. They were like shooting stars in the sky.

After a week, they began to feel bored and began to spar against each other.

Non-surprisingly, Ace always lost because he couldn't use the mighty force as well as Sun Ki. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't even hurt Sun Ki.

Ace felt fortunate that Sun Ki was a good-natured being, and didn't begin a deadly fight just after they met.

But even losing was a gain for Ace, because he always learned something new from their spars.

Almost a month later, Ace still lost to all spars, but could already put up a good long fight.

Almost two months later, Ace had his first victory over Sun Ki. Although the latter wasn't giving his best, it was already a very good result.

"You are incredible, I never saw someone who could get stronger as fast as you," Sun Ki praised, "Most would need long years to get a little bit stronger."

"That's because I accumulated enough, I just lacked fighting experience," Ace shook his head, "I always lived in a peaceful environment, so I didn't know how to use my full power."

"Makes sense!" Sun Ki nodded in agreement.

When they had been traveling for a little over two months, they arrived.

The so-called lord lived in a very big human settlement, it was as prosperous and complex as some of the medieval capitals Ace once studied.

"Interesting, right?" Sun Ki said to Ace, "I admire humans for their creativity, but not all share my sentiment.

"Even in the lord's territory, some sneaky bastards would kill humans secretly just for fun."

"Who exactly is your lord?" Ace asked.

"He is from the same tribe as me, his name is Sun Xi," Sun Ki answered, "He is an honorable warrior who managed to bring both monsters and spiritual beings under his wing."

"Is there a big difference between monsters and other spiritual beings?" Ace asked something that had been on his mind for a long time.

"Monsters have an innate thirst for battle, and only after growing to the same level as us can they control their bloodthirsty urges to some extent."

"So serious!?" Ace's expression changed, "But why didn't I see a single monster all this while, if they are so violent?"

"Because this land is not a land for monsters," Sun Ki explained, "But I don't know the reason why. Monsters just don't seem to be born very often in this land."

"This land has a name?" Ace asked.

"I guess I forgot to mention, but my lord named his territory as Star Gathering Kingdom."

"If it's a kingdom, why are you calling him lord instead of king?"

"Because he is the lord of my tribe! It's an unimaginable honor for me to call him lord, but everyone can call him king!"

"...I see," Ace nodded and joked, "You like to show off."

"Is there a problem?" Sun Ki chuckled, showing his large fangs.

"Is your lord just going to nominate me as a general?" Ace asked, "Can I really return to my village?"

"Well, I said it because we are currently at peace, so most generals are free to do whatever they want to do," Sun Ki explained, "But if a war suddenly begins, we will probably be mobilized to fight."

After they arrived, they didn't fly over the city but walked like everyone else. There was a law that forbade everyone without permission from flying above the city.

Ace was extremely curious about the humans living in that sort of capital, their unique culture spiked his interest tremendously. But he had to control himself and walked towards the king's palace in the center of the city.

The palace was made of a special type of wood, it was white and glittering.

"The palace has a name, it's called Sun's Residence," Sun Ki said while showing a token to the guards of the palace, for some reason he used his fake human form, "Some humans believe that the sun sleeps inside every night."

"Creative," Ace smiled and entered through the big gates of the palace with Sun Ki.

The inside of the palace was very luxurious and many humans hurriedly did their chores.

They walked into a big hall, and a human's silhouette was upon a throne. It was a figure of a man with red hair and beard, with raging crimson eyes.

"I greet my lord and king!" Sun Ki bowed deeply, "I brought a general seedling for your approval."

Around them and close to the throne, there were many people of different bearings, but all of them were surprised at his words and looked at Ace.

"Have you proved it?" the king, Sun Xi, asked.

"Yes! He is as powerful as me!" Sun Ki said.

The king then looked at Ace and signaled, "Tell me your name."

"I'm Ace," Ace didn't know what was the proper greeting way for him, but imitated Sun Ki to avoid looking disdainful.

"Your race?" the king asked.

"I was originally a chameleon," Ace answered.

"Have you ever harmed a human?" Sun Xi asked, full of majesty.

"No!" Ace said firmly.

"Good!" Sun Xi nodded, "Lastly, how and where did you grow up? Be brief and don't lie! I can tell it if you try to trick me."

A heavy pressure began to suffocate Ace, he felt like everything about him was about to be seen through.

Sun Xi's piercing eyes seemed to be able to see through all illusions and made Ace feel threatened.

"I was brought into this world, into your land, while very weak. I didn't understand many things, but I always tried my best to get stronger. I lived among humans since very early, they took care of me, and I of them. When I got strong enough, I seemed to have pierced a barrier and lightning fell from the sky. After I survived the disaster, I was much stronger and also met Sun Ki."

After hearing his account, the king was silent for a while.

"Your majesty, he can be trusted!" Sun Ki suddenly said, "I can guarantee that he never showed any sign of evil energy in the numerous spars we fought, so he can only be a pure spiritual being.

"And even if he was a monster, he would be of the kind that has a rarely seen strong self-control, just like the ones under your majesty's wings."

"I don't remember asking you," Sun Xi gave him a fake smile.

Sun Ki kneeled and hit his head on the ground, "I'm deeply sorry!"

Ace frowned but said nothing. He came to like Sun Ki for his good nature and straightforward manner.

"Are you willing to be under my wing from now on? Ace, the chameleon..." Sun Xi asked after a long silence.

"Yes!" Ace said with determination, but he knew it would be very dangerous to refuse.

"Good!" Sun Xi nodded, "You will be my 34° general from now on, your title will be the Human Chameleon."

Everyone was surprised by the strange title Ace received, but he was the most surprised one. No, he was inwardly panicking, afraid he was discovered.

"Listen! Ace, the Human Chameleon, I delegate to you your first mission!" Sun Xi suddenly declared, "Prove yourself worthy to be my general and defeat the underworld whale of the western sea, that damned monster destroyed many of my cities, kill it and bring to me its head."

"I obey!" Ace shouted.

Sun Xi then signaled to them, "Both of you, leave. I have another subject to take care of."

"We obey!" they nodded and left the hall.

Outside, Ace felt his heart almost exploding from anxiety.

"Why are you so pale?" Sun Ki asked.