

Isekai'd as future Gohan with one arm and a scar on his face. It looks like a hellish start, but Son Gohan, who crawled out of his grave, i had to defeat all the those future enemy while and reach the top of the universe.and cheat... System? What do I need a system for being Gohan is biggest Cheat i cloud ever get? [No system][Not brainless][Refreshing story]

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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It's a little ugly, but it's true that his power is 10 times More.

Just looking at the swaying tail on the lower body made Gohan's Excited

"Wait"as Gohan Closed His eyes 

As some of his Green Ki goes to earth 

"Well that's good if i wait any more longer Earth Would Have destroy...Thanks to toriyama i use My Will to make Earth stable in my presence"Thought Ghoan

Luckily, there weren't any people on Mount Paozu in the middle of the night. Otherwise, it would be death of them because of the pressure i am emitting.

as Some think click in Gohan Mind AS he SAW there are no one by confirming there is no one.

"Roar, roar~" Gohan roared like King Kong, pounding his chest with both hands like Him It was kind of funny he always wanted to that.

But after a few chest pounds, Gohan's expression turned serious. He didn't turn into a black-haired giant ape tonight for fun; he had other plans.

The huge black-haired giant ape looked up at the moon, clenched his fists, and roared .

"Ahhhh~"(IT"S NOT MOAN)

Waves of air rippled out from the Monkey , rushing in all directions. The clouds rolled up, the wind blew back, and the surrounding forests rustled. The whole earth began to Shook.

Gohan's energy rose, and his black hair flashed with a metallic shine, starting to turn golden. 

Meanwhile, in West City, at Capsule Corporation, Trunks suddenly woke up, filled with horror. "Is this Gohan's Pressure? What happened? This Presuure is too POWERFULL." He jumped out of bed, got dressed, and rushed out.

In the mountains to the south, Android 16, who was planting trees, turned his head towards Mount Paozu. "Gohan, such strong Pressure." He then continued planting trees as if nothing had happened.


Somewhere in Dragon Ball world, on the sacred Planet Kaioshin, King Kaioshin suddenly raised his head, shocked. Kibito noticed the change and asked, "Lord Kaioshin, what's wrong?"

A drop of sweat fell from King Kaioshin's forehead. "A very strong Pressure just erupted.Its like A planet is Angry"

"What? Pressure A planet with Sense?" Kibito's eyes widened as he felt the powerful aura from the mortal world. "How is this possible? Who could it be?"

They looked at each other, thinking the same thing. "Could it be Majin Buu?"

"Isn't this the direction where Majin Buu is sealed?"

"No, no," King Kaioshin shook his head. "This isn't Majin Buu's ki it's Presure and Buu is not A planet . And This is even stronger Than Majin Buu. Who could it be?"

King Kaioshin's expression kept changing. Then he said to Kibito, "Let's go to the mortal world and check."

"Yes, Lord Kaioshin," Kibito replied, touching King Kaioshin's shoulder. In a flash, they disappeared.

Back on Mount Paozu, Gohan had turned into a golden giant ape. His golden and Green KI was surging, spreading throughout the four galaxies. Super Saiyan Giant Ape! This form multiplied his power by 500 times! Feeling the overwhelming power, Gohan was excited. Super Saiyan 3 was only 400 times the normal state, but this was 500 times stronger!

Gohan wondered, "Can I go further? If I become Super Saiyan 2...no , it'll be 1000 times stronger. Wow, that's insane!" He took a deep breath and gathered his strength to try for Super Saiyan 2. and dont even think about SSJ3 if this then it will be hard for me to control my strength.

"Ahhhh~" His BIG and thick golden tail Moves, and his hair stood on end like he was electrocuted. He felt numb all over, but his strength didn't increase much. What was going on?

Just then, Trunks arrived. He stared at Gohan, amazed. "Gohan? How did you become like this?" It was the first time he'd seen Gohan as a giant ape. If it weren't for the familiar aura, Trunks wouldn't have recognized him.

Before Gohan could answer, Trunks realized, "The moon, it's the moon, right?" He looked up at the sky.

"isn't Moon destroyed"Thiought Trunk but he did not knew Gohan With Imagination and some fragment of Moon Gohan recreated it with JUPITER and SATURN.

At the same time, two figures appeared nearby. King Kaioshin and Kibito had arrived. Although they had no energy fluctuations, Gohan noticed them immediately and looked over after all he is NATURE itself..

King Kaioshin and Kibito were so scared by Gohan's blood-red eyes that they stepped back. Kibito stood in front of King Kaioshin, trying to protect him. "Lord Kaioshin, what race is this?"

King Kaioshin thought for a few seconds. "If I'm not mistaken, this is a Saiyan, once intellegnt race then become Fighter's."

A roar interrupted them. Trunks' body also started transform, and he also turned into a huge Big black-haired MONKEY. Now, King Kaioshin and Kibito faced a golden Monkey and a black-haired Monkey. 

Kibito was ready to teleport them away at any moment. They stared at Gohan and Trunks without saying a word. Gohan watched Trunks cautiously, unsure if he could remain rational.

Then, the black-haired Monkey Trunks turned his head to Gohan. "Gohan, I think I've turned into a monster too, but my color is different from yours."

Hearing Trunks' words, Gohan sighed in relief. "Hahaha, congratulations, Trunks. You kept your sanity after becoming a giant ape. You're His SON. Well, the capital is also quite good." He glanced at Trunks' lower body.

"Ah~" Trunks quickly covered himself. "Gohan, yours is twice as big as mine!"

"Ha ha ha ha…" Gohan laughed loudly. "Let's get out of here. There are two perverts watching us. It's creepy."

"Gohan, we are covered in hair now."