

Isekai'd as future Gohan with one arm and a scar on his face. It looks like a hellish start, but Son Gohan, who crawled out of his grave, i had to defeat all the those future enemy while and reach the top of the universe.and cheat... System? What do I need a system for being Gohan is biggest Cheat i cloud ever get? [No system][Not brainless][Refreshing story]

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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[It was on Draft Hope you love this and pls Join my server and yes MY EXAM IS STILL GOING ON]




{Image of Gohan in sage mode} (Guys share your image and i will choose)

As the two powerful Ki waves pushed against each other, the surrounding space constantly distorted, accompanied by the rumbling sound of violent collisions. Bojack's forehead bulged with veins as he gritted his teeth. 


As he increased the output, the dark red energy ball pressed down a few meters, and a hint of joy appeared on his face. 

"Crack, crack, crack!"

In the Temple of Heaven, the floor beneath Son Gohan's feet cracked, and his feet sank. 

"There's a chance, I can win!" Bojack's eyes lit up. 

The damn thing below seemed to be a little weaker than him. Damn it, then prepare to die. Bojack was ecstatic and kept pressing down on the energy ball, wanting to swallow Gohan and the entire planet with it . Gohan started backed of due to pressure, and a corner of the Temple of Heaven collapsed. Bojack was getting more and more excited. Victory was in sight.

Suddenly, he seemed to hear that filthy human voice. He didn't know what method the human used to make the sound pass through such an environment and accurately fall into his ears.

Gohan said, "Bojack, are you happy?" 

Three question marks appeared above Bojack's head. The bastard on the opposite side actually knew his name? And what did he mean by asking if he was happy? It's true that he was a little happy now because the power of the bastard on the opposite side seemed to have been overwhelmed by him. Victory was in his sight; how could he not be happy?

Gohan's voice came again: "Haha, silly, I lied to you." And then...


Bojack was punched with a sonic boom, flying toward the biggest planet, Jupiter, destroying it. 

"Cough, how did he arrive here? It's not possible," thought Bojack as his one arm was gone, and his inner bones were cracked, some even turned into powder. 

He was confused. What in the Galaxy was that guy doing? In one punch, he became a ragdoll.


He was completely confused and in agony of pain. In Popo's tower, Gohan applied more force to stop Bojack's energy ball. His muscles bulged high, and he instantly turned into the failed second form—the muscular man form. I

As Bojack's attack suddenly vanished, "Looks like the original did his work, and now I'll do mine," thought Clone Gohan as he sat there meditating, shocking Popo and Dende, who were watching him. 


Suddenly, immense green energy started to enter his body as green markings appeared and covered his body. Gohan's clone's Ki signature vanished as if he was never there and also Clone Gohan also Vanished.

"Dende, what is this form? I can't sense anything from him," Mr. Popo asked, shocked and confused.

"I don't know, but it looks like he's taking power from nature itself. He's not taking it forcefully; it's like nature itself is helping him," said Dende, seeing this for the first time too so he was shocked.

Meanwhile, the original Gohan fought Bojack, who was completely powerless to resist. His power was completely crushed by Human and he did not even know his Name.

"What? He stopped?" thought Bojack as he saw Gohan's eyes close. But then he saw weird green markings appear on his face, and his Ki vanished, only some green energy surrounding him.

"What is this? Why can't I feel him? And what's with these markings? It's as if I'm seeing a planet, not that human," thought Bojack, who was in a disfigured condition.

As Bojack's mentality became a mess, he wasn't prepared at all and didn't have a single worry. He thought humans were weak. If this is the weak of humans, then what is their strong? As he saw the human sending weird rotating blades (Krillin's technique),


Bojack screamed, bit his tongue, and forced himself to dodge to the side. Although he was very fast, he was still hit by two rotating blades, cutting off several pieces of flesh and blood, and the pain was excruciating.

He could see Zangya and Gokua were seriously injured, and after several fights, they were overwhelmed by other humans. He used his hidden trump card as Zangya and Gokua's bodies turned into pure Ki energy and flew towards him. In a blink of an eye, he grew horns and was healed, but the pain remained.

As Bojack panted, not caring about the severe pain in his body, he looked at the golden warrior human with fear. His power had increased for sure, but when he hear that human, say, 

"Hmm, seems like power increased by x80. Sage mode is really interesting," thought Gohan as electricity surrounded him.

"What is this... How did he increase his power so much? Mine only increased six times," thought Bojack in fear and was scared.

"Hehe." Gohan looked at Bojack and grinned. The golden and green light Ki on his body became more visible, and then he rushed towards Bojack, who was shaking with fear. Gohan's speed at this time was as fast as lightning in space. In the blink of an eye, he came in front of Bojack, raised his right fist high, and smashed it with a sound of breaking through the air.


"Haaaaaa!" Although Bojack felt scared, he still reacted to the punch, also trying to punch him while finding a way to dodge it. 

The two fists collided with each other. The shockwave of the punch could be felt in galaxies, shaking half the universe, rippling out in circles, shattering countless clouds in the sky of Earth, which was not shaking due to Dende's magic, but the effect still happened.

"AAAAH," Bojack screamed as his arm turned into a bloody smear and shot out at the speed of light towards a planet with a weird rings.

"Booom!" On impact, a quarter of the planet was destroyed.

Seeing this, Popo, Dende, and Trunks were shocked. Trunks was in awe that his fath... no, his mentor was this powerful. Trunks returned to his base form and started watching the battle from high in the sky. He thought it was going to be a great battle. But it turned out to be a crushing defeat. Poor Bojack was trembling with wounds all over his body, some of his body parts missing. At this moment, he was shaking. He had lost all his will to fight.

On the other hand, Fath... Gohan became more and more powerful. 

Return towards Gohan

" it's not over...NOW" as Gohan picked Bojack and threw him out of the planet.

"Aaaaah!" Bojack screamed. 

He knew what was going to happen, but Bojack did not want to accept it. He really didn't want to die. He had survived the thousand's-year seal.

"Damn it!" He was crying in his heart.

"Haaa," as he saw that human coming at him at a speed he could not see.

"Maybe, next time you reincarnate, you will do some good," said Gohan as he put his hands together.

"Kaa mee hamee..."

"thats the last thing Bojack hear"

As green Ki filled with nature energy concentrated in Gohan hands.



As green light illuminated a small part of the galaxy, countless planets which were destroyed were restored but with Nature on it on contact with green kamehamehaa while some planet's became habitable.

"thats the last thing he hear"

"No~" Bojack screamed, unable to avoid it, and was hit head-on by the green Kamehameha. The next moment, Bojack's body disintegrated piece by piece and finally dissipated into the air.

Seeing this, Gohan sighed.

"As I assumed, nature-powered Kamehameha will give life and sustain itself, and will only harm the person whom it is intended for," thought Gohan, smiling while seeing and feeling countless planet's restored will bring new life to universe.

As Gohan stayed in space for a while, water, fire, rocks, and Lightining surrounded him.

"Seems like I can control any natural things in this mode. Hmmmm, normally in Sage Mode you use nature's power, but in this case, I become nature itself. I can manipulate the Earth as I see fit,.....no i can Manupulate all Planets ...because in all planets Nature is present but no one to keep balance to it in Simple World like Speed Force in DC universe I have Become Nature Force" thought Gohan excited about his power.