

Isekai'd as future Gohan with one arm and a scar on his face. It looks like a hellish start, but Son Gohan, who crawled out of his grave, i had to defeat all the those future enemy while and reach the top of the universe.and cheat... System? What do I need a system for being Gohan is biggest Cheat i cloud ever get? [No system][Not brainless][Refreshing story]

The_SaadKhan · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Alien Invasion "is this marvel"

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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[It was on Draft Hope you love this and pls Join my server and yes MY EXAM IS STILL GOING ON]



"Of course you do, but your ki Currently is in weak condition right now. Remember, you can make it stronger with practice and hardwork," Son Gohan explained.

"It looks similar to what the androids do," Videl said.

Gohan replied, "Yes,The androids use technology to harness it, but ki is energy inside all of us. They're different but kind of aim for the same thing. and remember without ki there cannot be any life"as videl Noded

"To learn how to use ki, first, you need to sense it in your body and guide it out."

"What should I do for that ?" Videl asked.

As Gohan looked at her, explained carefully, and showed her again.

"First, relax. Calm down, focus, and imagine guiding the energy to your palms, like this," Son Gohan said, holding his hands in front of him. He slowly guided a breath out, and a cyclone formed between his palms, turning into a glowing energy ball.

"That's amazing," Videl thought. She closed her eyes, held her hands in front of her like Son Gohan, and tried to sense the energy.

As Gohan watched her and gave instructions, "Keep calm, focus, and relax. Don't force it..."

As Videl listened to him, she gradually relaxed. With her good martial arts skills, she quickly got into the zone. But sensing Ki wasn't easy.

Seeing Videl in meditation, Gohan practiced his own Ki and Trying what he was planing during training in time chamber.....nearby. It was a peaceful, flowing practice he enjoyed in his free time.

Two hours later, Videl opened her eyes.

"It's so hard. I haven't felt my Ki yet," she said.

"Don't worry. It's always hard at first. Keep trying, and you'll get it,"Gohan encouraged.

"Well, I hope so. But I have to go back to the police station now," Videl said.

"Okay," Son Gohan nodded.

"Can I come back tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yes," Son Gohan replied.

"Thank you so much, Gohan," Videl said, standing up and bowing.

 Gohan accepted it calmly. Teaching felt like giving back, so the bow didn't bother him.

Just then, Videl's phone rang. She answered, "Hello? What? Okay, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up, she looked worried. "There was a violent incident in East City. Some gangsters have killed dozens of people, and the death toll is rising. My team is already there. It'll take me at least an hour by jet. I don't know how many more people will die by then. I have to go now."

She took out a capsule, threw it on the ground, and her jet appeared.

Son Gohan frowned, looking towards East City. "This is probably not something you can handle," he said.

"I have to try. My teammates are there. I can't just hide. How can I face everyone later?" Videl replied, determined.

Seeing her climb into the jet, Son Gohan sighed, "The jet is too slow. Come down. I'll take you there."

Surprised, Videl asked, "You mean you're faster than a jet?"

Son Gohan nodded, "Yeah, a bit."

"Wow, okay!" Videl quickly got out, put the jet back in the capsule, and ran to him. "What now?"

"Get on my back," Son Gohan said, squatting down.

"Carry me?!" Videl blushed but jumped on, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"Hold on tight," Son Gohan reminded her.

"Got it," Videl said, holding on.

Son Gohan held her legs and a silver aura burst around them. They shot into the sky like a meteor towards East City.

"Ahhh its a..bit faster ahh!" Videl screamed, shocked by the speed. This was way faster than a jet.

With Gohan's Ki shielding her, Videl was protected from the strong winds.

She was amazed at their speed and felt tightly pressed against him, curious about who Gohan really was.

In no time, they reached East City. High in the sky, they saw aliens in strange suits killing people with energy blasts.

The city was filled with smoke, police directing evacuations, and chaos everywhere.

"Boom!" Another explosion, and a building crumbled, killing many.

Gohan looked at the scene and said to Videl, "This isn't a fight you can join."

Videl, pale and angry, replied, "Where did these thugs come from? They're as bad as the androids!"

"They're not from Earth. They're aliens," Son Gohan said.

"Aliens?!" Videl was stunned.

"Yes," Son Gohan nodded and pointed. A beam shot from his finger, hitting an alien about to cause another explosion, turning him to dust.

Gohan quickly took out more aliens with his energy beams.

Videl was in awe, "You're incredible. You also took down the androids, right?"

Son Gohan didn't deny it, "Yes, it was me."

Then he said, "Find a safe place to hide. I'll handle the rest."

He set Videl down in a safe spot and returned to the place where alien's are around, taking out the remaining aliens one by one while giving them painless death by turning them into Ash.

Grabbing the last alien, he asked coldly, "Where are you from?"