
Godslayers and Parallel World Travellers

The world lost its Creator. The time is nearing to its end. The destiny is not on the world's side. The last hope lies to the weakest race, to the single boy. Against deities that is not on his favor, will he survive this ordeal?

Koutarou_Satomi · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Side Story 12 Athena's Return to Olympus


After mine husband and everyone decided to sleep, I tried to use the 'key' and 'compass' he gave to each of us. This wonderful artifact easily opened a gate to my parent's home, Olympus.

"Athena-sama?! Welcome back to Olympus, Athena-sama!!"(Nymph)

I was welcomed by nymphs and servants. I return to my room and requested them to groom me.

"Milady really mellowed out huh... Is it because you got married?"(Nike)

"I am aware I am but hearing your teasing wants me to give you another spartan training drill."(Athena)

I glared at my chief retainer, Nike, the titan goddess of victory.

"Hyiiii!! Please not that!!!"(Nike)

I sighed deeply and continue walking the hallways with her quietly.

"I never thought that I will miss this boring scenery myself. I guess what happened at mortal plane are numerous and all are way too absurd."(Athena)

Everyone there treated all of our adventures as nothing but we kept unravelling lots of mysteries even that divine plane has trouble answering. Yet that sage is leading us to uncover all of those one after another. Aphrodite got easily numbed that she never thought about these deeply. Though adapting to environment is one of her strengths, she is useless in this kind of problem solving.

"We are here."(Nike)

We enter the 12 seat of Olympus, the Hall of Olympians.

"Welcome back, Aa-chan!"(Metis)

"Welcome back, my daughter."(Zeus)

All 10 are here. Even my mother, Pandora, Prometheus and Epimetheus.

"I'm back, Your majesties, everyone."(Athena)

I did the formal courtesy and seat to my own chair.

"I suppose you didn't just come back here because you only wanted to test that artifact you have right?"(Zeus)

"Yes. I wanted to visit my mother and Nike. Also, I have something to consult to all of you. It is about the Prince of Hope, King of the Future, Shin Sengaku."(Athena)

I noticed all of them flinched then sighed.

"So even the wisest of the gods, Athena-san, wants to consult about our dear son huh."(Pandora)

She pondered for it a bit.

"Athena, we know a bit about him."(Zeus)


I looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"Y,you said you'll bring the latest information about him!!"(Athena)

He promised that to me. Though mine husband and mineself love one another, this is still a political marriage. This is this and that is that.

"Sorry, what we learned about him shocked us to the core and make Takeru-dono agrees not to talk unless you agreed on one condition."(Zeus)

"... And that is?"(Athena)

"One you learn the truth, you mustn't severe your relationship with him at any cost. Because, that will be the spark of the prologue of the 'true end'."(Zeus)

They all stare at me seriously. Like, if I say something funny, they'll cut me down instantly from where I sit. I nodded.

"Understood. Spill it out already."(Athena)

"Shin is newly created soul. Unlike the ones that entered the cycle of reincarnation, this is his first life."(Zeus)

I looked at Lord Hades, ruler of death, to Queen Hera, ruler of life and to Moirae, the fates. They all nodded to my dumbfounded self.

"T,that god created Shin on purpose?!!"(Athena)

"Nothing of that sort. Or rather, He Himself haven't foreseen his birth. But His Sister did."(Apollo)

"... Oh. I see."(Athena)

I sighed deeply in exasperation.

"Though his unforeseen birth by Him is enough achievement on its own, he is born with average ability and power and even potential despite threading the extraordinary fate. You might say he is a very unlucky man."(Zeus)

I nodded in agreement. He suffered numerous unbelievable encounters enough to shock me after all.

"The source of his power... It was born out of accident, incident, recklessness, kindness, sageness, and carelessness. All of those are coincidence."(Zeus)

"...S,sorry... I never thought what I did will end up like these..."(Pandora)

"No, not your fault. In the first place, even us will not expected this to happen."(Artemis)

I made them continue.

"Athena, you know that all gods of every pantheon, only us and romans had goddess that rules over hope right?"(Dionysus)

I nodded. Elpis and Spes. Right the moment the Trojan war happened, they committed suicide. Despairing out on this world.

"'I see... It's not yet all over... We all entrust our power to thee that is to come...', they are the only deities that foreseen his birth. Centuries before he was born. They entrusted all of their power to him. It resides within his very soul."(Zeus)

"Their powers as gods are miniscule!! It is unexplainable that Shin have this much power!"(Athena)

"Yes. After Shin won against Verethragna, I named him as my son... As goddess of hope. And, I entrusted to him the last thing that is inside my urn, the hope itself. It is my reward to him that managed to live on after we met ten years ago."(Pandora)

I paled realizing now.

"Tripartite hope god...!!"(Athena)

He is the first in the history. A male that have the attribute of trinity!

"Unity(all creations), duality(all oppositions[good and evil, etc.]), trinity(hope), quadruplicity(cardinal directions, elements), quintuplicity(mortal frame, seat god(pentacle), and seat of devil(reverse pentacle)). They shouldn't able to coexist in one being yet he managed to become one in complete harmony. On top of that, the divine attribute he holds is the only thing that divine cannot have, hope. This time it is proven that hope is something that is divine but cannot be with divine."(Zeus)

"... Like how Elpis was born from Nyx and Pheme, only hope could manifest within the deepest depths of the abyss of darkness of despair. All virtue comes from light. All sins comes from darkness. That ancient beliefs remains even now. Yet only hope, a virtue, exist as light within the darkness. He never overturned the tradition, yet lives along with it despite choosing his own path. An existence none can guide for he is the guide himself."(Athena)

"... Your powers as mother earth goddess is already better than me..."(Metis)

I groaned realizing that the absurdness I am seeing is still lukewarm from what I don't usually see.

"... I wish that was all. But all of us are dumbfounded that he surpassing our expectations once again. This time, even Takeru-dono was also shocked."(Zeus)

"Don't tell me he is being conceptualized as literal hope and crystallization of all's hope?"(Athena)


Their silence means yes huh.

"He is stepping to the boundaries beyond what god could even reach. According to that sage, there are few people that are like him. The World God, the Creator of Fate, the dubious being you know as Lemegeton. Ahh... also the primordial god... Chaos."(Zeus)

I could only sigh again in exasperation.