
Godslayer: The Last of the Chosen Ones

Lucas, once part of a wealthy family, faces tragedy when his mother dies and his father remarries a wicked woman. Seeking revenge after his father's death, he unexpectedly dies, only to be offered a chance for a new life as a hero in another world. As The Last Chosen One, Lucas accepts the offer, hoping to find the peace and dreams he longs for.

Movablegems · Fantasy
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32 Chs


"Don't look at me like I'm a bad person. I'm willing to slaughter a million people who oppose me, but I don't like to kill those who don't have a problem with me."

"Then please go."

The girl stood there and thought, 'I'm not going. I will choose this lustful youth.'

Lucas is a person who is very good at hiding secrets. Meanwhile, this girl is a person who is very good at judging someone's personality.

That Lucas personality, good at hiding secrets, was the reason why this girl didn't go. Of all the people she had ever met, this young man in front of her was the one who was the best at hiding secrets.

She clearly felt safe when she was with Lucas.

Another reason is because he knows that pervert are easier to control.

"Brat, if you want to hide me, every morning I will blow... blow... blow what is that called?"

She was confused, she then preferred to use body movements.

She opened her mouth, forming an O in with her finger before placing it in front of her mouth, then made her hand move back and forth.


"Yeah, you're right. I'll give you a blowjob every morning for you."

Lucas swallowed his saliva, that was quite a tempting offer for him. "Y-you think I will take your bait?"

'He took my bait,' the girl thought. "Besides that, I will also grant your request, apart from being sexual and irrational."

The main reason why Lucas refused to help her was because he didn't have the Mystical Slayer class yet. He didn't want anyone to see his true strength while he was in the process of obtaining the class.

Another reason is because he doesn't want his privacy to be disturbed. Helping her is the same as making her continue to see the activities he is doing. It had the potential to reveal his secret.

"I still refuse."

The girl crossed her arms, she felt that this young man was hiding something. "Let me see your secret."

Lucas's shoulders jolted up in fright. He quickly used Deception of the Senses.

This time he used the skill to hide his power.

However, because the level difference was so high, and also that the Gift the girl used was very strong, some of Lucas' power strength could still be seen.

< Lucas >

Level = 99 (0%)

Race = Hybrid (45% Elf, 45% Demon, 10% Dragon)

Point = 70

Active Effect =


Soul = *******

Physique =

Blessing = *******, *******

Gift =

- ******

- ******

- Infinity Mana


Health = 53

Stamina = 49

Mana = ∞

Chaos Energy = 300


{ ******* }

{ ******* }

{ ******* }



{ ******* }

{Dragon Slayer}

{ ******* }


- Death

- Life

- *******

- *******

- *******

- *******

"What the hell…? Infinity Mana is real? No wonder you don't want to help me, you yourself have a very big secret."


Lucas was really mad. He really wanted to kill this girl and make her undead. But a careless step leads only to defeat.

"You've seen my strength, now it's my turn."

This time, it was the girl's shoulders that jolted in fear.

< Athena >

Level = 720 (80%)

Race = Hybrid (10% Human, 40% Dragon, 50% God)

Point = 20

Active Effect =


Soul = Pantheon Gate Soul

Physique = Emperor Domination Physique

Blessing = The Blessing of the Multiverse

Gift =

- Copy

- ThirdEye

- Infinite Stamina

- Infinite Money

- Instant Growth

- Absolute Immunity


Health = *******

Stamina = *******

Mana = *******

Chaos Energy = *******

Demonic Energy = *******

Sacred Energy = *******





{Dragon Slayer}

{Demon Slayer}

{Mystical Slayer}

{********* }

{********* }

{********* }

{********* }

{********* }





Affinity is unreadable by All Seers, and there are even many that are invisible. It's not because of the level difference.

'I used a Divine item to hide my power, and he can still see through it, isn't he too great at his level? But I used to be like that too.'

Athena was angry now.

"Brat, I now only give you two choices, do me a favor and accept my offer or die."

Even though not all of her strength was exposed, but still some of her strength was exposed. If that information fell into the hands of her enemy, it would definitely be fatal.

Meanwhile Lucas took a deep breath, he could hardly believe what he was seeing.

'He has six Gifts, how could such a thing be? And also what's with that blessing he has?'

Lucas knew who Athena was.

Actually, thanks to the Satanic Order, there is an open secret in this world.

The item used to send the chosen one could actually only be used ninety-nine times, and the Satanic Order knew that. They also learned that ninety-nine of the Chosen Ones had already been sent (Lucas was not included in their count).

So that means they assume that none of the Chosen Ones will ever come again. (Then why are they watching Lucas? The answer is simple, they're not stupid, and being caught off guard, they do it just to be careful.)

They spread the information around the world, and cause the whole world to panic with the prophecy that the world will be destroyed because no more Chosen Ones will come to this world.

It was at that moment that Athena the Hero appeared.

She defeated a legendary dragon, ended a great war that had been going on for hundreds of years, and even defeated the Archbishop of the Satanic Order, among other achievements she had.

All of her achievements made many people think of her as a hero who will save the world.

Even if the Chosen One would not appear again, the world would be safe as long as Athena was around. That's what people thought all along.

'Damn it, who exactly is the Chosen One?'

Now, Lucas has three choices:

1. Killed It will be very difficult, even the chances are very small. But if he managed to do it, the Satnic Order would wonder how he did it. That would put him under surveillance again.

2. Fleeing from Athena. This will make him hunted by Athena, because he has her secret.

3. Help Athena. The size of the risk, it is difficult to measure if you choose this option. But this is the easiest and safest.

"What is your answer?" asked Athena who had landed in front of him.

"I'll help you and I accept your offer, but I have a request."


"As you know, I have the Dragon Slayer class like you. My request is that you teach me about skills of this class, and about chaos energy."

"Okay, that's easy. I also have three requests of you apart from helping me hide."

"What can this low level me do for you?"

"Apart from keeping secrets well, you seem to be very intelligent as well."

"I admit that."

"That's why I want you to help me solve all the mysteries I have."

"Okay, that's easy."

"Second, since childhood I could not sleep without being accompanied by someone. So whenever I want to sleep, you have to accompany me, and sleep in the same bed as me."

"Don't you have honor as a woman?"

First he offers a blowjob, now sleeps together.

Lucas remembered something, in this world strength is everything. If you have power, you can do whatever you want, including forming a harem. These rules of course apply to all genders.

Lucas guessed, the powerful Athena had a harem.

But he didn't care about that.

He didn't plan to love Athena. Even if he wants to form a relationship, he only wants to be his sex partner. That's not a bad thing on his part.

"Of course, I have the honor. But my honor will not be tarnished as long as you keep it a secret. Since this is a secret agreement, you must keep it a secret for the rest of your life."

"Okay, that's easy."

"And the last thing is, isn't it unfair if I'm the only one sucking your cock?"

"…" Lucas mouth and eyes opened wide, this was the first time he had met a woman like this. "Do you want me to do cunnilingus?"

"Yes, I want you to do it."

"Are you really Athena? I suspect you are a prostitute impersonating her."

"Impossible," she pouted. "I really am Athena."

"But why are you so naughty? I thought you were an authoritative and decisive person."

"Do you know the feeling when a lot of hope is on your shoulders?"

Athena's tone changed. Lucas could feel the sadness, the loneliness, and the tiredness in that voice. Lucas immediately empathized with her.

"I know," he replied, his voice laced with apologetic feelings. He was the Chosen One, he was the one who should bear the burden that was carried by Athena. "It's so hard to walk, isn't it? It felt like if you took one wrong step, the world would collapse. But, you still have to move on."

Athena was surprised to see Lucas' response. It was the first time anyone had empathized with her.

She has many friends, and they all always help her to achieve her goals. But they only gave her hope, no one could truly empathize with her.

It makes her feel lonely.

"You're right, it feels really heavy. Do you know? I used to feel frustrated because of this. I'm always looking for entertainment to help me stay sane, and I've even tried drugs."

Hearing what she said, it really pricked Lucas' conscience.

Unknowingly, whether it was out of pity or apology, Lucas hugged her.

The hug was warm for Athena. She felt comfortable and relaxed there. "Thank You."

"It doesn't matter. If you feel like everything is too much for you, I can hug you any time."

"You know why I asked you to do that to me?"


"I heard that sex is fun and allows people to heal mentally and physically. That's why I'm curious, whether it can also entertain me or not. But I'm still a virgin, I don't want to lose it for now."

"That's why you want me to do cunnilingus which can give a sensation like sex?"

"Yes. I wonder if that can cheer me up or not."

"Don't worry, I'm really good at that. I will definitely cheer you up."

"Thank You."

"No need to thank. It is an honor to serve someone as great as you."

"You're pretty good at flirting."