
Godslayer: The Last of the Chosen Ones

Lucas, once part of a wealthy family, faces tragedy when his mother dies and his father remarries a wicked woman. Seeking revenge after his father's death, he unexpectedly dies, only to be offered a chance for a new life as a hero in another world. As The Last Chosen One, Lucas accepts the offer, hoping to find the peace and dreams he longs for.

Movablegems · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Hellhound [Part 1]

"W-what happened?!"

Celestia's shoulders jerked in shock. A little fear grew in her heart, she put her hands together in front of her chest. How could not, suddenly this handsome young man screamed.

"…There isn't anything. It's just that there was a grasshopper that jumped at me."

"Ah… it was indeed surprising."

She then led the way again.

'Infinite Mana…! I didn't expect to meet the owner of Infinite Mana in this remote place. But, this is disappointing. The possessor of Infinite Mana should be someone who can dominate everything, be able to compete with me, but what is this… just a shy village girl.'

Moreover, this girl has both physical and soul attributes. Isn't this very disappointing?

The Desolate Arcane Soul was an attribute one grade lower than the Soul of Empyrean, but their distance was only paper thin.

As for the Soaring Couple Physique's… slightly perverted attribute.

This physical attribute means that a man who takes her virginity will be granted a copy of all of her powers. For long-term use, it would be similar to Growth of Intimacy, only better than that skill.

'What about her virginity?'

< Celestia >

Intimate Status = Virgin


He stared at Celestia with slyly narrowed eyes. While licking his lips lasciviously, he devised a plan.

Celestia felt goosebumps running down her spine, she felt a lecherous gaze from behind her.

Turning her body, she only saw an extraordinarily handsome young man smiling at her. She immediately blushed, embarrassed, her hot face immediately turned downwards.




"This is your room."

Lucas finally met with the village chief.

After conveying his intent and purpose, the head of the village simply introduced him and invited him to stay at his house.

That's right, he gladly welcomes strangers who don't know him to live in his house, without even asking for anything in return.

"Thank You."

"Enjoy your time here."

The head of the village left him.

"Oh my, they really want-"

'Wants to sacrifice me to that Hellhound,' is what he's trying to say. But he undo it, he realized that he was still being watched by the stalker.

The people in this village depend on mining for their livelihood, although some of them do farming. But mining is far more profitable than farming. But unfortunately, the mine is inhabited by Hellhounds.

The villagers couldn't shake off the Hellhound, it was too strong for them. They had sent a request to a nearby city , but it was ignored. They had also posted a request to the adventure association hoping for adventurers to come to this place to slay Hellhounds, but none came; the village was too far away.

That's why they gave the Hellhound a sacrifice.

That way the Hellhounds wouldn't attack them while mining.

Sacrificing animals will keep the Hellhounds from attacking them for several weeks.

But by offering human sacrifices, the Hellhounds would not attack them for several years.

That's why they welcomed Lucas well.

"That girl named Celestia is very beautiful. There's nothing wrong with me coming here. I will fuck her."

He showed those words to the stalker.

'Is this young man really the Chosen One?' the stalker thought. 'I feel like he's also part of our type.'

It seems effective.

The sound of knocking on the door was heard.

Lucas walked towards the door before opening it, behind it was Celestia carrying a bowl of soup.

"Here is some food for you."

Lucas accepted that, "thank you, sorry for the trouble."

When he received the soup, Lucas smiled very bright and handsome. He also deliberately brushed his finger against Celestia's.


Just with that, this village girl blushed. She immediately lowered her head.

"…It doesn't matter…"

Her embarrassed voice was really low.

Sh then immediately left from there.

"So cute."

Closed the door, walked to the table, put the soup on the table, sat down on the chair, he looked like he wanted to eat the soup.

'Hey, the soup is poisoned. it will put you to sleep. You will be sacrificed to the Hellhound.' The stalker commented.

But Lucas actually put the soup in his mouth.

'Is a fool like this really the Chosen One?'

When it reached his tongue, Lucas immediately spat out the soup.

'Was he aware that it was poisoned?'

"It doesn't taste good…"


"But it would be very awkward if I returned it."

He walked to the toilet, and dumped the soup in there .

After that, he walked over to the bed, and lay there while looking at his status screen.

< Lucas >

Level = 29 (0%)

Race = Hybrid (50% Elf, 50% Demon)

Point = 4

Active Effect =

< Attributes >

Soul = Soul of Empyrean

Physique =

Blessing = The blessings of God of Luck, Blessing of Morgana

Gifts = Ultimate Gacha, All seer


Health = 16

Stamina = 16

Mana = 91


{ Gula } Progressive

[Foundation Skills]

- Tempokinesis

- The Wisdom of Time

- Fortify Temporal Magic

{ Moderatio } Progressive

[Foundation Skills]

- Spatiokinesis

- The Wisdom of Space

- Fortifying Spatial Magic

{ Luxuria } Progressive

[Foundation Skills]

- Enslavement Charm

- Lust Aura

- Intimate Healing

- Growth of Intimacy

- Aphrodisiac Amplification

- Seduction Mastery

- Love Mark

- Conqueror Penis

- A Touch of Pleasure

{ Magician } Transcendent

Level = 29 ( 89 %)

[Foundation Skills]

- Deception of the Senses

- Domination Command

- Thought Communication

- Bound Weapons

- Cursed Insights

- Change of Life and Dead

[Extra Skills]

- The Days of Sorrow ( Progressive)

- Soul Shatter ( Progressive )

- Cursed Cleave ( Progressive )

- Curse Removal ( Progressive)

- Cursed Lullaby ( Progressive )

{ Druid }Legendary

Level = 30 (15%)

[Foundation Skills]

- Soul Trap

- Create Spirit

- Spirit Manipulation

- Spirit Pouch

[Extra Skills]


- Death

- Life

- Spatial

- Temporal

- Soul

- Mana

- Gavity

<Skills from Ultimate Gacha>

- Arcane Parry ( Progressive )

- Soul Grab ( Progressive )

'Nothing has changed except the level, blessings, and class.'

After that, Lucas put his four points in health.


Health = 16 → 20

Stamina = 16

Mana = 91

'My plan isn't perfect, there's still this stalker beside me.'

The Hellhound was a monster above level one hundred, and he was only a level twenty nine person. There is a very large possibility to bring out all of his abilities. But that would expose his power.

This means that if this stalker continues to stalk him, then the Satanic Order will know his power.

But that would n't let them know that he was the Chosen One.

God of Luck once said, that none of the previous Chosen Ones chose Ultimate Gacha and Choose Three Class. That means they only know that the Chosen One has one of these six Gifts:

1. Infinite Stamina

2. Infinite Mana

3. InfiniteMoney

3. Great Charm

4. Instant Growth

5. Absolute Immunity

So he's safe.

But still, he didn't want to expose his full strength.

He closed his eyes. Of course he had no desire to sleep.

But this Chosen One had actually fallen asleep.




The stalker stared.

She couldn't believe what was in front of her.

The prodigy they mistook for the Chosen One had actually fallen into a deep sleep.

"Doesn't he know that his life is in danger?"

Lucas couldn't hear that. He really was in dreamland.

"I'll take this opportunity to report."

The stalker is off in the nearby woods. Upon arrival, she checked whether there was anyone around her or not. After confirming safety, she used the magic item.

[How is the result?]

"I feel that he is not the Chosen One, and even I feel that he is of the same type as us."


"He went to this place only to train. When meeting with the dragon, he accidentally met this villager. After that the villagers offered them a place to stay."

[Did he accept it?]

"Yes, he accepted it for the purpose of finding beautiful girls in this village to rape."

[He really is in the same type as us.]

"After arriving at the village head, he started teasing the village head's daughter, he must have wanted to sleep with her because she is the most beautiful girl in this village."


"After that he was offered a poisoned soup, he accepted it and even ate it. With such carelessness, I don't think he really has the qualifications to be called the Chosen One."

[Did he eat it?]

"No, the soup said it wasn't good and he flushed it down the toilet."

[Then why can you report?]

"He fell asleep in his room. He truly did not have the qualifications to be called a Chosen One. That's why I can report. What's the next step."

[No need to watch over him anymore.]

"Then should I kill him? After all he is a genius, in the future he will definitely have the potential to threaten us."

[Don't do that, the person behind him is Morgana. If he dies, we'll have to deal with Morgana, and that's quite the hassle. There are many things that need to be taken care of other than him, just like there are many geniuses who are more genius than Lucas.]

"Then I'm off duty?"

She still wants to stalk. By the way, this stalker really likes handsome guys like Lucas.

[No, I have another job for you. Check Andreas' state, is he successful or not?]




Lucas finally wakes up.

Opening his eyes, he noticed that the room around him was extremely dark. The soft mattress on which he slept was gone, replaced by hard ground.

"They threw me into the mine, I see."

Rolling her eyes, he noticed a pile of rocks blocking his way out.

'As planned.'

He used All Seer.

"The stalker is no longer there. Have they not suspected me of being the Chosen One anymore? Or is it because of my luck?"

Whatever it was he immediately woke up, and prepared to face the Hellhound.


A monster appeared in front of him.

It had the shape of a dog, was hairless, and was pitch black in color. Its shoulder height is about two meters. There were four eyes, each an intimidating red. Its mouth was full of fangs, purple saliva dripping from it .

"My luck is really good."

It's a Hellhound.