

Transcend humanity. Stand above all. Seek Godhood. Zane, who was admitted to a mental asylum since childhood on earth, is reborn into a world of unnatural beasts, powerful humans, magic and gods. Wanting nothing more than living a normal life with his sister, his fate changes when some shady strangers come seeking asylum in his quiet town. One thing leading to another, Zane delves into the world of Seekers, humans who can wield powers of gods and beyond. Follow Zane on his journey to survive in this cruel world while he unravels the truth of the world and transcends humanity.

BuryTheNight · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Return Trip

"Huh....?" Zane turned his head towards the tired voice which came from the bed.

He saw Slem, who had woken up due to the noise, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Slem turned his head towards Zane, "You're here brother." He got off from the bed and walked towards Zane. Seeing the tears and his worn out appearance, he tilted his head, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Zane stood up and faced Slem, who widened his eyes.

"B-Brother. Your hand! I'll heal them!" He turned his arms into slime which headed towards Zane's bloody hand.

"Don't.." Zane stopped Slem's arm from approaching him. Slem tilted his head again, "Why? It's wounded."

"Yes, let's leave it like this for now." Zane spoke with a resolute look in his eyes.

Swayed by his gaze, Slem nodded his head. "Let me just do this then!" He approached Zane and tore a sleeve of his shirt.

"W-What are you doing?" Zane pushed him away.

"Let me bandage it!" Slem approached him again. Understanding his intention, Zane let him bandage his hand.

"Slem... Why'd you tear off my shirt for this? Aren't you normally supposed to tear your own?" Zane remembered the movies he'd see with his asylum mates back on earth. They'd all make a crowd around the small screen during their lunch and watch whatever was playing.

Sometimes there would be movies playing, but most of the times, the screen would show playback from the cameras, and the lunatics would just stand there, watching their own faces. There were even times fights broke out between the lunatics when movies would play.

Slem spoke in a cute voice, breaking Zane's thoughts. "Why would I tear my own clothes? This is the only pair I have."

Zane gave a wry smile to him, as what he said made sense. 'But this is my only pair of clothes too!' He didn't say it out loud, as he was grateful to Slem, being healed by him for the third time already.

"These dirty clothes would not be good for the wound anyway..." Slem mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Zane couldn't understand him. Slem looked at him and gave a bright smile.

"All done! You look tired brother, you should go and rest now. Don't worry! I'll stand guard!" He puffed his chest.

"Haha.. Okay. Thank you Slem." Zane patted Slem's head and went to lay on the bed.

As Slem's eyes was sparkling and his hands were on his head, at the spot where he was patted, Zane questioned him once more, "Uh, Slem? You'll stand guard against what? We're in a cell and the door is locked?"

Slem turned his head towards him, "Oh. Right I didn't say. Some uncles from other rooms bother me sometimes! I don't know how, but one uncle came inside the room when I was sleeping once! I think he was going to kill me!"

Zane nodded his head, "So what did you do?"

"I transformed myself and jumped on his head! The uncles from above took him once he fainted." Slem smiled and crossed his arms, clearly proud of himself.

Zane shivered. 'I shouldn't anger this kid...'

"Haha.. you did good Slem..."

"Right!? So you can rest easy brother! I'll protect you!"

"Okay... Goodnight Slem" Zane laid on the bed and went to sleep.

"Goodnight brother!" Slem went to the side of the bed and stood guard, just as he told. He stood with his hands on his waist, staring at the door closely.

After some minutes of this, he looked towards Zane. 'Oh. Brother is already sound asleep...' His gaze shifted towards his bandaged hand. 'I wonder why he didn't want me to heal it...'

'Oh well, I have to stand guard!' He turned his focus on the door again. 'Maybe I'll sit down. I can still see the door...' Slem sat down beside the bed. Keeping his eyes at the door for some minutes, he also fell asleep, leaned on the side of the bed.


Even though there was an incident, the competition between the cadets continued. The commanders and knights covered up the incident as Valentina's group being late due to being stuck in the Red-Striped Badger's burrow.

As they were successful in slaying the beast, they won the competition. But even though they won, the group didn't look happy. Especially Valentina, her usual bright and cheery self was nowhere to be seen.

After the competition ended, the Nox cadets and knights were getting ready to head back. The knights were helping cadets get in the train, while the two commanders watched.

"So this is farewell Thorn. I know you said you'd be joining us, but don't worry. We'll handle this investigation." Avery spoke with his raspy voice.

Thorn sighed. 'Why did they have to call me back...'

"I hope you do Avery. Please contact me if you need any help." Thorn replied.

"Of course my friend." Avery held his hand out. "Have a safe journey then."

Thorn looked at Avery for a second, then he shook his hand and smiled. "Thank you, see you Avery." He was the last one to board the train, which let of steam and started moving.

Len Beale appeared behind Avery, with a disappointed voice, he asked, "Uh... Commander. Weren't Knight Edana and Commander Thorn going to stay for the investigation?"

Avery turned back, looking at Len with a stern gaze, but he was not sure whether to laugh or cry.

"Knight Edana and Commander Thorn? Aren't you supposed to address commanders first?" He chopped Len's head. "Always chasing after skirt. Focus on your job sometime." He scolded him and looked towards the leaving train.

"Ouch. Sorry commander. I was just curious why they went back." Len spoke, rubbing his head.

Avery's eyes didn't move from the now distant train.

"The Nox Sacred Order is going to get quite busy from now." He gave a sly smile.


The train was heading speedily towards Arcturus. A compartment in the train was full with 5 people.

It was Valentina's group, along with Odis and a knight, Haskell Burress. The deathly silence was making Haskell a bit uncomfortable.

"So... Did you kids enjoy the trip?" He asked them. No one answered for a long time, Valentina was staring out the window, her face cold and her eyes droopy. Cadell was busy reading a book. Odis was leaning back, his eyes closed.

'Ugh! Why are kids so hard to talk to these days!?' His lips turned downwards.

"Uh..." A voice came from beside him. "Sure.. It was a good trip Mr. Burress." It was Ouida who spoke, with her sweet and melodious voice.

Haskell turned to her, his eyes sparkling. 'An angel!'

"Is that so? Good! And no need to call me "Mr." haha. I'm the same age as Edana after all. You guys can call me brother Haskell!" He smiled.

Instantly, he got everyone's attention. Ouida's mouth dropped, Cadell peeked from over his book, Val glanced at him with a side-eye and Odis opened one of his eyes to look at him.

"Haha.. No way you're the same age as Knight Edana." Odis chuckled.

"W-What do you mean!? I am her classmate." Haskell panicked.

"It's fine to try and relate to kids, but please don't lie about your age like that." Cadell was the one to speak this time.

"Haha" Valentina chuckled from the side, her hand on her mouth. Haskell looked at her and smiled.

"Do I really look that old?" Haskell looked at Valentina and pointed at himself.

Laughing, Valentina nodded.

"You guys are such a bully." He had a tear in his eye.

Going back and forth like this, the compartment was soon full of laughter.