

Transcend humanity. Stand above all. Seek Godhood. Zane, who was admitted to a mental asylum since childhood on earth, is reborn into a world of unnatural beasts, powerful humans, magic and gods. Wanting nothing more than living a normal life with his sister, his fate changes when some shady strangers come seeking asylum in his quiet town. One thing leading to another, Zane delves into the world of Seekers, humans who can wield powers of gods and beyond. Follow Zane on his journey to survive in this cruel world while he unravels the truth of the world and transcends humanity.

BuryTheNight · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Preparation I

The hall was quiet, everyone turned towards the Grand Master.

"We have found evidence of the place the Cult of Mayhem is using to hide." he spoke, his eyes darting towards the two commanders.

While Thorn became stiff hearing what he said, Anson was relaxed.

"I'm thinking about acting while we have the element of surprise." the Grand Master slapped the table with his hand.

"Uh... you want to wage a war against the Cult of Mayhem?" Anson asked.

"Yes." He looked at him, a bit annoyed.

"Then why are only two commanders present for this meeting? Shouldn't we prepare with everyone?" A hint of frustration was present in Anson's voice.

"It has only been a bit more than a century since the Cult formed." The Grand Master spoke in a calm manner. "They wouldn't have a lot of power."

This time, Thorn interjected, "Grand Master, the person we faced in Procella was at least a peak Intermediate Seeker. We have to assume they have at least a Transcended Seeker with them."

"Hmm.. Is that so..." he straightened his beard.

"...Yes, it was in the report I submitted."

"Hahaha... Right, in the report!" The Grand Master nodded his head and changed the topic. "Then I'll dispatch a Marshall too. That will be enough right?"

Thorn sighed, "Yes Grand Master." From his reaction, he knew that the Grand Master had not read his report. 'Why is he always like this...'

"Okay then, I'll send you both the details that I have. How you proceed is up to you, just be sure to report what you're doing to me... You're all dismissed." The Grand Master finished the meeting.

"Yes Grand Master!" Everyone bowed their heads in unison and walked towards the door.

"Thorn." The Grand Master called, "You stay."

The knights left the hall first, followed by Anson, who looked at Thorn and smiled. "Let's do our best together then." Thorn nodded.

After he left, the hall was silent once again, left with only two people.

"Thorn..." The Grand Master spoke with heavy voice.

"Yes Grand Master" he bowed his head.

The Grand Master sighed and shook his head, "What will you do now?"

"I'll do as you have ordered. Exterminate the Cult of Mayhem." he clenched his fist.

"Haah... Don't let rage blind you Thorn... I gave you this chance because.." He paused, "He might still be alive..."

Thorn raised his head, his eyes wide in shock. "W-What?"

"I said "Might", I don't know if it's true. Just don't let this small hope get to you."

"Thank you." Thorn spoke in a heavy voice.

The Grand Master looked at him and waved his hands, signaling him to go. Thorn nodded and left the room, leaving only the Grand Master behind, who was looking at Thorn's back with a solemn gaze.


Thorn and Anson were sitting opposite each other of a table, discussing about the plans to attack the Cult.

"Let's just attack them by surrounding the front. According to this map, if we try to surround them around the town and attack, they'll be able to pick us off easily due to us being scattered." Anson suggested. "If we just attack them from the front and push them back, we can corner them all in their church."

Thorn looked at the map and nodded his head. He pointed at some places on the map and spoke, "How about after pushing through the front, we divide the army like this and corner them at different places? According to the past reports of the relics they have, If we are too clustered, they could blow all of us up at once."

Anson sighed and shook his head, "So we cannot scatter nor can we be clustered. And are you sure they'd only have a Transcended Seeker? What if they have a Saint with them? Will a Marshall and two commanders be enough for this?" He was still doubtful.

"Hmm.." Thorn contemplated for a moment and opened his mouth to speak, but the door to the room bust open and a burly man with a black mustache barged in.

"If they have a Saint, I'll choke him with these babies!" He showed off his biceps.

"Marshall Buck..." both commanders looked at him with their eyebrows furrowed, "Were you the one dispatched for this mission?" Anson spat.

"Hmm?" Buck Martin raised his eyebrows. "Is there a problem with that?"

Anson opened his mouth but Thorn cut him off, "Of course not, We're glad to have you backing us up." he smiled. Anson glanced at Thorn and sighed. "Yes, let's do our best Marshall."

"Haha, you guys don't have to worry, I'll kill every last one of those Mayhem bastards with these!" He flexed his muscles again.

"Haha.." Thorn let out an awkward laugh, "Do you have any suggestions about how we could approach this?"

"Hmm? No, just let me know when we're going to be attacking, I'll leave the planning up to you guys. Hahaha, then I'll see you both later." He left the room with a hearty laugh.

"It just had to be him..." Anson complained.

Thorn gave him a wry smile, "Come on now, at least he's strong."

"Yeah there's no doubt about that, but he's useless for planning. I hoped we'd get Marshall Myron Black, I'd have loved to learn from him." he sighed.

Thorn looked at Anson with widened eyes. 'He generally acts full of himself, but it seems he wants to improve himself... You should not judge a book by it's cover..'

Anson glanced at Thorn, "What?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "Nothing, it seems you didn't become a commander at your age by chance."

"Pfft, of course not! By your age, maybe I'd already have become the Grand Master, hahahha" Anson laughed while Thorn rolled his eyes.

'There he is again...'

Both of them went back to discussing again.


"Haah..." Zane finally finished his daily capacity and put the slug down. It was now no longer shriveled. It looked like a normal sized slug now, the only difference being it was pitch black and slimy.

"You done?" Zaros raised his head up and Zane nodded.

"How much did you complete?" Zaros stood up and headed towards Zane.

"It's almost at 50% now.. A few more days will be enough." He replied.

Zaros smiled, "You're getting faster huh... Is your diet healthier now?"

Zane stood up and walked behind him, "Yes, I'm eating a lot haha..." He replied. They walked back to the underground cells corridor in silence.

"Hmm... it's good that you're increasing your essence, but you've not harmed anyone huh.." Zaros questioned him.

"Yes, it seems I can consume the shadow essence without killing them..." They reached in front the door of Zane's cell and stopped.

"Interesting..." Zaros put his hand on his chin. "Hmm...The Essence that we cultivate in our bodies, active or passive, plays a big role for us Seekers." He explained.

"I wonder what would happen if one type of essence is completely taken from your body..."


A loud sound resounded towards the end of the corridor. Both Zane and Zaros jerked their head towards the sound.


The sound came from inside a cell, someone was banging the iron door with force.

Zaros and Zane readied themselves.


The iron door flew and hit the opposite wall, and loud footsteps sounded out next.


Both Zane and Zaros widened their eyes at what came out from the hole in the wall.

It was a huge reptilian creature with scales and crocodile-like face. It also had green eyes all over its body, which all moved and stared towards the two.