

Transcend humanity. Stand above all. Seek Godhood. Zane, who was admitted to a mental asylum since childhood on earth, is reborn into a world of unnatural beasts, powerful humans, magic and gods. Wanting nothing more than living a normal life with his sister, his fate changes when some shady strangers come seeking asylum in his quiet town. One thing leading to another, Zane delves into the world of Seekers, humans who can wield powers of gods and beyond. Follow Zane on his journey to survive in this cruel world while he unravels the truth of the world and transcends humanity.

BuryTheNight · Fantasy
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186 Chs


Everyone stared at the flames, which covered both Zaros and Zane. Edana gulped dry saliva, hoping her attack had at least some effect. The cadets were still running towards the stage.

The flame disappeared, revealing Zaros whose back was rapidly healing from burns, his muscles growing and reattaching themselves. "What!?" Edana clenched her teeth at the sight, but what shocked her more was the sight of Zane, still hanging by his neck on Zaros's hand.

Valentina stopped in her tracks, her eyes and mouth wide open. Cadell and Ouida also came to a stop behind her, the same reaction as her.

Zane's body was charred black and his face burnt beyond recognition.. His muscles could be seen through the burns, which was sizzling through the fat. Zaros let go of his hand, dropping Zane on the ground. Zane couldn't even move a muscle, he was within an inch of his life and barely breathing.

"No..." Valentina fell down to her knees, her cheeks streaming down with tears. Cadell and Ouida rushed to her.

"That hurt a bit." Zaros turned back, facing Edana. "I should give back what I received, no?" He laughed and walked towards her slowly with his hand up.

The heat waves surrounding his body started twirling around his hands, coating it with red flames. He moved the flaming hand towards her face, grinning from ear to ear. "Goodbye."

Just as his hand was about to reach her face, a blue flame arrow came shooting towards him from the entrance of the hall.

The arrow hit his flaming hand, stopping it by impaling it on the wall.

Zaros widened his eyes and looked towards the entrance. It was Thorn, Avery and the other two.

"Tch. We'll stop here for today then." He freed his hand and stood up. He gave Edana a look and smiled. "See you again, Nox's bitch."

He walked back towards Zane, who was now surrounded by three cadets. Valentina was holding his hands, sobbing and nodding her head. Zaros moved his arm towards Valentina, whose back was facing him.

"Val!" Cadell grabbed Valentina and jumped to the side.

Zaros didn't stop his arm and grabbed Zane, carrying him on his shoulder.

Finally, he headed for the wooden box on the display case. Grabbing the box, he looked towards the entrance of the hall.

"Good decision." He spoke to Thorn, who was staring at him. His gaze shifted towards Avery and he gave a meaningful smile.

*Thump Thump*

With the unconscious Zane on his back and the box in his hand, he headed towards the back of the stage and pulled on a lever. A portion of the wall flipped, revealing a hidden door.

Zaros walked through the door nonchalantly, leaving behind only a manic laughter.

With him gone, they could finally move. Edana walked to Valentina and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Val, I..." She spoke but Valentina removed her hand and walked down the stage. Cadell and Ouida gave her a sorry look and followed Val.

Edana could only look down the floor and bite her lip. She also walked down the stage and went towards Thorn. "Sir." She reported unenthusiastically.

Thorn sighed. "It's fine, you can report after we've reached the camp. Let's move everyone." They started going back to the way they came from. Avery's gaze lingered on the hidden wall before turning back.

"Oh Ms. Edana! You're injured! Come, let me carry you until we reach the camp!" Len gestured Edana to climb on his back, but she just ignored her and walked forward.

"Hoo..." He gave a wry look and flicked his wavy hair and followed.

"Val... He'll be okay..." Ouida held Valentina's hands and consoled her. She only nodded her head slightly, sniffing and wiping her nose. Ouida looked at her and opened her mouth again, but no words came out.

Cadell and Odis were walking behind them in silence.


After reaching the camp, they all gathered inside a tent and recounted what had happened.

First, Cadell talked about how they killed the beast in the cave and how they were ambushed by Ben and his friends. The commanders listened silently, nodding their heads. Cadell had left out the part about Odis also being in Ben's group, which shocked Ouida and Odis both.

After his turn was over, Edana started reporting her about her findings. She talked about how she found a cabin in the woods, a stranger in the cabin and how they reached the cultist's base. While the commanders were listening to her report intently, the cadets, especially Valentina, widened her eyes.

Edana had reported all the incidents as they were, but she left out the parts which involved Zane. She also reported about the plans that Zane made as her own.

Edana was lacking in experience, but she was not stupid. She had believed Zane's words because it made sense at the time and her impression of him improved when she found out he was Val's brother. But hearing what Zaros said earlier to Zane confirmed her speck of doubt.

Normally, she would report a rogue Seeker in a heartbeat. But she didn't do so this time due to her own guilt. Her connection with Valentina made her feel guilty about what she did to her brother, even if it was accidental.

Also, she didn't know it but she had started forming a strong impression towards Zane. His methods were unconventional and even cruel, but it had impacted her deeply. That's why she had unintentionally started following his lead back then.

"Hmm... This stranger you speak of, was there anything suspicious about him? For instance, could he have been a rogue Seeker?" Avery questioned Edana after she finished her report.

"There are more important things we should be asking Avery, not about some stranger!" Thorn replied back.

"Oh?" Avery raised his eyebrow. "I agree, I do. But if this stranger was a rogue Seeker and your knight didn't report it intentionally, it would be a great criminal offense. I just don't want your knight to be in trouble!" He gave a cunning smile.

Thorn stared at Avery and smiled. "Edana, was this person a rogue Seeker?"

"Not to my knowledge no. He was just a normal person."

"You're sure? You're not lying are you?" Avery spat in his raspy voice.

"Yes." Edana stood firm, her eyes locked towards his.

"There you have it. Let's not continue this further. You can all go rest for today." Thorn dismissed everyone.

"Yes Sir!" They all left the tent quickly, leaving only the two commanders inside.

After sitting in silence for some time, Thorn sighed.

"Okay, let's come clean Avery. What was this all about?" Thorn stared at Avery, his gaze piercing through his eyes.