
Gods Test Subject

God picks up a soul that was roaming around the living world for centuries aimlessly. Since it didn't simply vanish from the world, God took the chance and snatched him from earth. Now the soul is going through many tests. He really didn't sign up for this.

Rogan_Calypso · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Test Subject.

As he came to his senses. He realised, that the world was just white. Then he realised that his entire body is missing.

"Oh cool I'm a ghost."

Realisation hits people either very hard or slowly.

"WAIT A SECOND I'M A GHOST. WHY AM I A GHOST? " he said as he panicked with his hands on his head..... but he didn't have hands, so he panicked a little more.

A lightning crackled loudly, it sounded like it was all around him. And a big man with a white shirt and pants, with a beard appeared in front of him. And said with a booming voice -


The Ghost looked around, realising it was only him in the room he asked

"Hmm? Me? "

" YES YOU. You are dead. ."

As if it was any less obvious. He sarcastically replied ,

"Oh damn... I'm dead? i didn't realise that. I'm absolutely shooketh. It's all so clear now, I figured it out. I now know the secrets of the unive-"

This wasn't funny to the man

The ghost felt pain from within it self. It felt like dying, but it wasn't dying and the world which was already empty felt like it was getting brighter. It was only for a moment.

"Don't be a smartass with me you little critter."

The big guy disappeared for a moment and now was a slender man with black suit, pants, a red tie on his neck, a top hat and a rimless glass. But his face was a black void.

The ghost couldn't say anything not because he looked slick but because of fear. The man continued,

"As I said, you are dead, because of this I have decided you will be, my test Subject. And you have no chance to object in this matter."

The ghost became confused. Why was he here. Why was he talking to this guy. Why was this guy able to change his shape and size. How did he get here. And, most importantly, who was he.

" Hey now, wait, who am I?? How did I get here? What's happening?"

The man ignored the ghosts questions and said

"Alright so I have prepared your first scene where you will perform. Don't worry too much about anything and just finish your task given. It is veeery easy. So easy in fact I should make it a little challenging... Nah the main tasks you will get in the future will be way more harder then this so relax and do the tutorial. The test, do it quick kay? I don't wanna spend too much time in a tutorial." says the man in black. He had a pocket watch in his palm. He flicks it open. Ghost notices that he got completely ignored so he starts questioning again

"What kind of test? Hey stop ignoring me. Can you atleast say who the fu-" he gets interrupted by the mans sudden exclaim.

"OH NO! look at the time. You gotta go. Just follow the instructions showed to you on the blue panel. And no. I'm not ignoring you. It's the prize you will get after you pass this tutorial perfectly. " He said as he clapped his hands.

"Wait but what kind of tutor-" the scene changes to a rocky mountain while he was talking.

"aaaaaa (-ial) " as he was saying, a moment passed when he realised that he was in a rocky mountain.

" Baaaaaaa? (Where the hell am i? )

"Baaaaa? (Why am I bleating? )

A green panel popped up in front of him.

[Tutorial Test]

[Difficulty- D+]

[Cross the mountain without falling off. Sounds easy. Should be easy. After all, you are equipped with the right tools.]

[Console Commands- Status, Inventory, Reset]

"Baaaaaaaa"( why am I bleating can I get an answer please.)

[ Console Assistant - Please open status to get many kinds of answers to your many questions


"Ba? Ba? ? " (Console assistant ? Status? )

The quest panel closes and a new panel opens in front of him showing many information he only needed one of them though

[Species- Mountain Goat]

"Baaaaaaa"(Oh I'm just a simple mountain goat. Shewh I thought it would be serious.)

Realisation striked late again.


Welp the ghost is now a mountain goat..... Somehow....

Rogan_Calypsocreators' thoughts