

What happens when mortals go against their makers. Gods and Sentinels is a story of renewal and adventure. Follow Captain Jacobs as he leads a band of sentinels against the gods in Krusant. This is the Waking.

Briska_Joseph · Fantasy
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7 Chs


It has been two hours, and they have been going in circles following notes written down by the miscreant.

"I'm tired and can't we just find replacements?" said Jeno.

"No, we cannot." replied Quibs.

He points a finger to a scratch on the floor. They both followed muddy foot tracks that led them to a room. As they were entering, a person was escaping through a vent. Quibs caught a glimpse of the shoes the person wore which were blue in color. He jumps on a bed and opened the vent. He grabbed a flashlight from his tool bag fastened around his waist and flashed into the vent seeing the person crawling fast. He also got into the vent and crawled after the person.

"Hey! What are you doing?" shouted Jeno.

"I am going to get the pump back" Quibs responded as he struggles inside, panting heavily.

Jeno reluctantly followed him from behind and they passed through several rooms, some with creatures from Endock and others with prototype technologies.

Quibs opened a map they followed directions on it trying to trace the person. They finally reached a vent that was left open. They dropped and looked around if they could see any clue left behind for them by the miscreant.

"How sure are we that this is the same person with the miscreant?" Jeno asked.

"Who moves in the vents and leaves clues for us?" Quibs replied while smiling holding a note on his hand.

"What does it say?" said Jeno

"You know, you ask a lot of questions. The note reads um, 'What does the Captain and the Sergeant have in common?" Quibs exhales through his mouth and flips the note over hoping to see any additional clue.

"We don't have a Sergeant in our squadron but. But the kid." said Jeno

"Which kid?" Quibs asked

"Brooks" Jeno said

"Brooks! Jacobs brother?" he raised his eyebrow in surprise.

"Yeah" nodded Jeno.

"Come on, we have to check their tents, I'll go to the Captain's and you go to Brooks." Quibs said.

They then splited.Jeno ran to Brooks' tent but it was too late. The miscreant had stolen from Brooks.

"I can't find my helmet" Brooks was panicking and repeating the same words as his tent was scattered. He searches for his helmet while Jeno stood at the entrance for a moment while watching the mess. He walked in and gently taps Brooks on his shoulder.

"Calm down Brooks, we are trying to find the miscreant. Someone stole from the hangar". Jeno reassures him, that his helmet will be found.

Brooks was relieved to know that he didn't misplace his helmet but someone took it, at least he thought.

"Did you see anything that was..." he instantly stopped speaking when he noticed a note under Brooks' bed which was on the floor. He walked over and squatted down to pick it up.

"What is that?" Brooks asked.

"A clue"


"The miscreant that took your helmet and ransacked the place, leaves a clue behind. He or she thinks it is fun." Jeno said and stood up to walk or if the room.

But, Brooks stops him halfway, and hands him a shoe. Jeno asked where he found it.

"I saw it at a corner of the tent..." he points to a tear in the tent, that was wide enough for a person to squeeze through. "...the miscreant must have heard footsteps or something and ran away." he adds.

"Well, what do we have here? Did you notice it?" Jeno asked looking intrigued.

"No. Do you know what it is?"

"I don't, but I know someone who might."

Quibs was rushing to Jacobs' tent when an alarm started blaring. He turns around and saw a large cloud of smoke coming from the main building. The sentinels who were outside rushed into the building, except for those on guard and duties. While turning around to face the direction he was heading, he bumps into Jacobs.

"What's going on?" Jacobs asked.

"I don't know but it's coming from the lab." Quibs responds.

"That's no good. Come on, let's go." Jacobs said and started running to the building but Quibs stopped him.

"Wait Captain..." Quibs uttered "...there is a problem."

"I'm listening."

"There is someone messing around in the camp and I believe you and Brooks are the targets." Quibs told him.

"Do you think there is a connection with this?"

"I don't know but we have to go to your tent before it's too late."

They both got back to Jacobs' tent and entered.

"It's too late" Quibs said.

Jacobs helmet was gone and the place was vandalized.

"How..." there was a crack in the Jacobs' voice and it caught Quibs off guard "...was it so fast? I just left for not more than a couple of minutes."

The Captain was on his knees and started to sob. What? why would he be crying? Quibs was troubled and couldn't believe what he was witnessing. It was no longer a game, the miscreant is now causing mayhem.

Jeno and Brooks walked into the main building when they heard the alarms. They wandered their way into the lab, curious to know what was going on.

"What's going on?" Brooks asked a sentinel standing beside him.

"One of the creatures escaped." the sentinel responds.

"Which one?"

"I don't know" he replied.

Brooks turned to talk to Jeno but he was not standing where he was. Brooks looked around if he could see him but the crowd was much.

"The Maggot has escaped" a scientist stood on a platform and announced it to them.

Fear sank into their hearts. The one beast the could make a nation go mad is on the loose and no one was going to standstill. They all dispersed in horror, the beast had already intruded their hearts.

Brooks stood in shock as everyone was clenching for sanity.