
An Unexpected Meeting

Gasping for almost a solid minute, he choked and coughed. It was like an ethereal force was squeezing his throat before, him just now realizing it. It took another minute for his brain to come back online, and when it did, he crawled to his feet and began a direct path towards his phone. "Okay, local psychiatrists…no screw that, this is too much. I need a real expert, someone famous maybe. Someone who has a good reputation in dealing with the really hard cases. They probably won't be local. I should do a search, might even have to take a trip." His fingers stopped for a moment as he pondered the last statement. "Perhaps I shouldn't travel. If I pay enough, I could convince them to come see me. Make them understand that it's safer if they fly here instead. I'll pay for their trip, food, whatever it takes. Don't see how I have any choice."

​He grabbed his cellphone that was accidentally left on the charger this morning and used it to access the internet. He input the criteria for his search: 'world renowned psychiatrists'. The search page opened, and multiple choices were displayed. He clicked on the first link, scrolled till he found a phone number, and pressed it without a second thought.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

​Dan yelped with surprise and dropped his phone. He looked towards the voice and saw a policeman standing in his condo. The cop was next to the hallway leading to the kitchen, which made Daniel suppose he was already in the condo before he got home. He wasn't prepared for this at all. He thought he was alone this whole time. The first words that came across his lips were, "Officer, I was just about to call 911 I swear! I didn't kill those people on the bus! You have to believe me!"

​Not making a single motion besides vocal response, the policeman replied while staring intently, "Of course you didn't. We know that."

​Hesitating on his words, and wrinkling his brow, Dan continued, "Right. Exactly. There was this guy with an overcoat and a machine gun, he killed them all. Also, there were these three other people involved, they weren't normal. They're the ones you need to talk to. They know what's going on, not me." For no apparent reason, other than his recent incognizance of reality, he switched topics. The only thing he cared about right now was clearing his mind and his name, "I'm sorry I'm probably not making any sense, right? I think something is wrong with me. Someone across the street might have drugged my coffee this morning. For the past hour I can't tell what's real or in my head. I need medical attention. Can you please call someone?"

​"Oh no, this is a very serious offense."

​Letting out a worrisome exhale, Daniel moved the conversation forward with a sense of urgency, "Please officer, I don't feel well and I'm pretty scared. Do you know what's going on? You must if you're here."

​"You mean, you don't know?"

​"No, of course I don't! How could I? Do you know?"

Cocking his head in confusion, "Yes we know, and so should you. You can be seen now. A strange light."

Matching an equal expression of confusion, Daniel replied, "I don't understand. You're not making a lot of sense. If you know what's going on, then will you please tell me plainly?"

The policeman pondered the question and merely answered, "The truth you seek cannot be made into simple notes. You must choose your questions more carefully."

"Fine, let's start with this. Tell me what you're doing here." Daniel returned with an impatient and nervous speech.

"You were about to call the police, were you not?"

Glancing down at his phone on the ground, Dan answered, "But I didn't call, I just got home."

​"You were about to call 911…you didn't kill those people…and someone has drugged your coffee. These are very serious offenses."

​Anxiously frowning while considering all possibilities, Dan implied, "Did someone put you up to this? I feel like you're messing with me right now. Is this all some kind of joke? Are you in on it?"

​Still not making a single move other than his mouth to talk, the policeman replied, "You were about to call 911…you didn't kill those people…and someone has drugged your coffee. This is not a joke. These are very serious offenses. I must report them to the superior one above me."

​Circling back to the focus of his inquiry, Daniel explained, "But officer, I never made the call! Why are you here? How did you know to come before I even picked up the phone? You aren't explaining anything."

​Another sound entered the room. The voice was the same, but the location was different. "We have always been here."

​Dan jumped like a cat that's caught completely off-guard. He leapt straight into the air, as high as his frame could muster. This bound was accompanied by a loud "Yeow!" Halfway through his ascent, his head shifted towards the new voice. Upon landing, his face flushed its color and his eyes widened. It was the same policeman, now standing in his living room by the television.

​"How did you do that? What just happened?" He wailed.

​The original voice spoke from its original location, and Dan looked towards it, seeing the same cop again. "You have been chosen, Daniel. Chosen to do a great thing. No mortal, EVER, has been endowed with such a tremendous charge. Your role in this life, the life of a mortal –fleeting as the drifting tides, has now been given something precious. You are no longer yourself, Daniel. You've become something more. A maverick in all creation, or perhaps, the scourge to all life. You must do what you are meant to do. Fate cannot decide. It will be up to you."

​"What are you talking about? Help me understand. Please!"

​The second voice spoke, "Let us tell you."

​Then the original voice spoke, and Dan quickly turned his head, "Let us tell you."

​Again, a new voice entered the conversation, coming from the dining room beside the table. Daniel looked towards the sound and it was the same policeman, to which he encouraged, "Yes, let us tell you."

​"What the fuck is going on?" He closed his eyes and started reciting to himself, "This isn't real. You're on drugs! This isn't real!"

​ "Daniel…you mustn't run, or hide, or be afraid. You can be glorious."

​Digging deep and summoning his courage, Dan opened his eyes and looked to the original policeman, "Tell me, please. Who are you? Or…what are you?"

​"Like all things that dwell outside or within, we have many names. Names are of human design; some are accepted, others discarded. Man's history has caught glimpses of the demonic and the divine; turning those encounters to stories. Like the ancient Greeks, who spoke of selfish gods coming down in earthly forms and sleeping with their wives; they were given many names. Or like the Christians, who speak of a God, and his bastard son; they were given many names. These stories you know, are only myths of fables. Mankind desires answers, and they are given none, so they make their own. We are pleased to say they have gotten quite close…at times."

​Laughter rang out from six different places in Daniel's condo. He moved his head back and forth, and every time he did, another apparition of the policemen took shape. He tried to stay focused. From what has taken place so far, he didn't feel like he was in immediate danger, so he inquired about the officer's story. "You're saying there is no God? There is no Heaven and Hell? They're all just man's misguided answers for something he didn't understand?"

​"Of course there are! Mankind is not a creature of foolishness. In fact, it is man's very willpower that has unraveled the Heavens. The One God, is That Which Dwells Within. The One Fallen, Iblis, is That Which Dwells Without. But man's ideas of their roles, and the purposes they serve, are far –far –far from the truth. And that Heaven and Hell does not exist as you believe it to exist. These are things you must learn, answers that must be shared. For you can be glorious."

​Finding some semblance of boldness, Daniel tried embracing his situation and refocusing his inquiries, "You have answered all but my original questions now, who are you? Why are you here?"

​Speaking at the same time, voices from every corner of his condo responded with perfect synchronous accuracy, "We are Legion, and we have come for you! You who pervades the mortal and divine. We come by choice and by hope…by desire. Through you, and that which has befallen, we may at last be free."

​Sensing a shift in the mood of the room, Dan suddenly felt a sense of worry. The last statement from the one…or several policemen made him a bit uncomfortable. Although, what was he supposed to do? Legion is many, and there's only one Daniel!

​True to their cliché sense of timing, the cavalry finally arrived. The main door burst apart and all those within the dwelling looked towards the hallway light. Potestas was the first to be glimpsed. He moved with blinding speed and was on top of the original policeman before the first door splinters hit the ground. A loud pop echoed through the chamber as the blonde deity snapped one of Legion's many necks.

"Daniel close your eyes!" Abigail shouted as she rounded the door frame and rushed into the condo.

​Conveniently enough, this was an order Daniel had no problem complying with. In fact, when times get really tough, he's a bit of a self-taught expert at it. With lidded eyes, he felt great warmth on his body. Though his vision was covered, it was obvious a bright light glistened throughout the room. The light was so strong that it made his veiled vision turn red as the blood in his eyelids became illuminated. Hearing a loud shriek, from that of a thousand mouths, a window shattered, and the light faded moments after.

"You can open your eyes now; it has left this place." A man of oriental dialect revealed.

​Doing as he was told, Daniel looked at the trio, and then scanned the room looking for a dead policeman. No body could be perceived. Though of the recent events, this mystery did not require an answer. He turned his gaze upon the divine once again. He met them an hour ago –yet it seemed an eternity. Now he wasn't sure if he should smile or jump out the same window that Legion just did. The fall probably wouldn't kill him, it might hurt a bit, but maybe it'll jar his head back into reality.

​"What you're thinking right now, don't do it." Consilium demanded as he noticed Daniel looking towards the broken window.

​"How do you know what he's thinking?" Potestas mockingly inquired.

​The dark-haired deity looked to his companion with a grin, "You don't need to be wise to know what ideas are running through his head. One only needs to put himself in another's place to understand. It is called empathy, mighty Potestas."

​"I would never imagine what it's like to be one of them. They are frail and ruled by fear. It's a wonder they managed to survive this long without our guidance."

​Consilium defended Dan and explained, "Being afraid does not make you weak, in fact, fear has served as a valuable tool for their growth and strength."

​Potestas scoffed, "Don't use that word while recounting their history."

​Not saying anything to join the conversation, Daniel lowered his head. His brain pondered a million thoughts but went to stasis when distinct footsteps drew closer. A woman's high heels accompanied by sweet smelling perfume. Causing a sudden shift in his thoughts which ended on the memory of a glowing angel bringing him back from the edge of death. He whispered, "It's you."

​Raising his gaze, Dan looked into Abigail's bright eyes as she stood before him. He found her so beautiful. Her face adorned with delicate features, and her eyes glistened like tiny mirrors. Her body was perfectly proportioned: tall, muscular and strong, yet still feminine with a full chest and radiant skin. He didn't know what to say, but he knew he should say something! "Who exactly are you people?" Was the only thing that came to mind.

​"My name is Abigail. This is Potestas and Consilium, we're here to help."

​"What did you do to me? This morning I was a regular guy with normal problems. Now I'm seeing things. Not to mention hearing voices, dreaming of red deserts, plus, a policeman…who can."

​Consilium interrupted, "You saw the red desert? You were there? And the Celestial Kingdom, did you see that as well?"

​Wrinkling his brow, Dan replied, "I don't know. I saw towers and a big blue wall with a golden gate. Is that bad, what does it mean?"

​"You were not presented at the arches of judgment. Where you were could only mean one thing."

​"Consilium!" Abigail shouted, "This is not the time for that."

​"You're right." Consilium responded in a distressed tone. He turned and walked away in deep contemplation.

​"We must leave! We've wasted enough time on your little pet." Potestas interjected. "Who knows what seeks us now that Legion has reported our presence here. I can smell it on the foul wind –demons are gathering. More pitiful lackeys."

​"Wait big guy, you can't just leave me. I have too many questions. I need to know what's going on!" Daniel ordered with a boisterous shout.

​Potestas turned and grabbed Dan by the shirt. He effortlessly lifted him into the air, "I just saved your life! It's more than you deserve."

​Abigail grabbed Potestas's arm, "And he saved ours, release him right now!"

​"That makes us even."

Daniel fell to the floor and Potestas walked over to consult with Consilium. Abigail knelt down and said, "There is a lot that I need to explain, but this place is not safe. Please, we need to get out of sight and away from people. Anyone who walks this world, friend or foe, can reveal us to Mythiiandros now. For all things in both life and death obey heaven's command. All things except us…and you."

​"I changed my mind! I'm not going anywhere with you people. I don't even know what to think! This just keeps getting crazier by the second! I need to see a doctor and be locked in a padded room till things start making sense."

​Making Dan stand up with a swift tug, Abigail was getting impatient and nearly shouted, "Listen! You're in the middle of a five-thousand-year war. I'm truly sorry you have become a part of it, but if you value your life then we are the only ones who can help you! If Mythiiandros finds you, he will take your mind and body for the sole purpose of destroying us. If you want to know what's real, then step back and open your eyes. Everything that has transpired has been a product of your death. You are no longer human Daniel. You are a simulacrum, an existence between death and the immortal. I'm very sorry; it was the best that I could do. I was too late when I found you. And because you are what you are now, you can at last see the truth of this world."

​With his heart sinking at her last comment, Dan stared off into nothing. He murmured the words, "I'm…dead…I died?"

​"You were beyond Daniel. Had I not given you my own essence and brought you back myself; you would not be standing here right now. You would be face down in a pool of blood with about two dozen other men and women. I know this is hard. But right now, I need you to focus! Come with us somewhere safe."

​"Abigail, we have to leave!" Potestas shouted. His gaze was intently focused outside the window. He had a slow retreat, and his face gleamed with discontent. Abigail rushed over to the window. Her eyes fell on swirling storm clouds not inherent to nature.

​Suddenly, a window in the kitchen shattered and a small container fell to the floor. Gray gas surged from every seam. Within the next five seconds, chaos ensued. Bullets bombarded the walls and more gas canisters came through the windows. Abigail shouted to Dan after ducking down, yet in all the noise, he heard only one thing. A strong voice drowned out the chaos. He listened to a familiar tone. It spoke to him as he watched these divine creatures get cut down by gunfire. "Daniel, my frightened child, why do you run from me? Do not believe their lies. I am the one who knows you so well. Knows your fears and knows your –strengths."

​Consilium was the first to fall. His chest was hit before he could summon an aegis. After which a bullet tore through his left leg; dropping him to the floor. Daniel stood frozen in the middle of the main hallway. Gunfire erupted everywhere yet the shells wrapped around his body; he was immune. "I am not after you my child." The voice continued to speak. "These three refuse to let go of what they've rightfully given up. Selfishness is in their nature. They only bring pain and suffering to those who cross their paths. They are poisonous creatures. Heed not their inglorious rhythm."

​Potestas rushed to Consilium and scooped him off the floor. He dove over the couch, but in mid air, he was hit several times in the back. Upon landing, both gods were motionless and bleeding out. The mysterious voice spoke to Daniel again, "My Zealots use weapons of man, though I bless their aim with holy accuracy. The exiles will not live through this battle. There must only be one victor. Help me claim that victory and I will free us Daniel. So choose: die with them –and forever suffer in shame. Or, free yourself, by serving me."

***I will be releasing new chapters every 1-2 weeks. Check back on Saturdays. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!

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