
A pressing Matter

Several months had passed. The young God had learnt a lot. In the morning he hunted and partook in elven affairs. Attending social events as a spectator, Only judging and listening from afar.. He had become an experienced hunter and used magic to kill his prey.

At night he practiced aether arts with Yvonne near Ionia. With his innate nature of curiosity and thirst for knowledge he grasped the key aspect behind aether: Imagination. Anything was possible with creativity and imagination. He could create weapons that he had seen the elven soldiers possess, whom he had met during his stay with Tavar in the capital.

With his slow but steady mastery over mana he transferred that knowledge to his aether training. Most of the concepts were very similar. Caster beckoned upon their element and shaped it accordingly. The key difference between mana and aether was that he had to call upon several different elements of nature, while in latter all he had to do was manipulate aether. This made mana manipulation slightly more difficult and tedious for him.

In his real form he could create blades and spears very easily by molding aether as he willed, but in his mortal form he had to call upon a specific element according to his circumstances. For example, If he needed to create fire but his surroundings were mostly water, he would need to expend more of his mana to create the fire element.

Nonetheless he learnt a lot from his time as an Elf, especially under tutelage of Tavar as he was considered the God of Magic. Tavar had created many spells and magical apparatuses that had changed the very way of living. One of such appliances were golems; semi-sentient beings capable of wielding magic. They had enough intelligence to follow commands of their master but not enough to make decisions of their own.

This invention revolutionized the world and changed the standards of living. With golems being produced at rapid pace albeit expensive, every business owner had atleast one. Golems worked tirelessly, without any wages and food. They sustained themselves through mana, which was collected by an artificial mana core inside them.

This made labour essentially free. From farming to craftsmanship, whatever work that required labour was done free. Government under Tavar even gave subsidies for even faster adaptation of golems.

This also led to millions of lower class citizens to either die or adapt banditry. These bandits destroyed golems and killed their masters to ensure that their family members kept their jobs. Tavar and his agents set up relief camps which allowed people to transition through the change in technology and teach them new trades that golems couldn't recreate, but providing aid and jobs to millions was nearly impossible.

So he had found another way to help them: relocation. There were many small and big islands around continent Vonas; where they lived. He had withdrawn forty million gold coins from treasury inorder to create sanctuaries on thousand different islands to house the poverty stricken people. Not every person was able to be relocated. There was only enough land and colonization of another continents were out of question.

The gaurdians and overlords of other nations had strictly prohibited this. This matter had been debated for nearly a century now. Today was the day that this matter would be put to rest. Yvonne had called the leaders and representatives of their lands.

This was the first time such a event took place. This was expected because no one would a fool to disobey their own creator. All of them were well respected leaders and members of their communities. They were beings that rivalled Tavar himself in matter of strength. These strong beings were now all gathered on an island in middle nowhere, making it a perfect place to mediate issues.

The accomodation was almost non-existent. It was just a barren sand island with no vegetation in sight. Only thing that struck out was a stone platform with wooden chairs that were occupied by the aforementioned beings.

There was Draereys the dragon, Naveddia the Pegasus, Pyrha the Phoenix, Ancelaus the giant and many others. Yvonne was standing before them in her full glory, wearing an adamant body armor and a helm, holding a great sword. Her equipment was enchanted with aether runes, instead of the usual mana. Her armor was enough to create a stalemate with a white cored individual if the wearer was inexperienced and had an undeveloped core. But the same armour and weapons weilded by a capable person could very likely kill the latter.

"Before we begin, I would like to state that the decision made here will impact millions of lives, not only elven but the people of the lands they will settle in. So please make a wise and calculated decision." Yvonne looked each person in the eye before nodding.

"Tavar Haphestan Vardone, present your argument before the gathered council."

'Thats his full name? Interesting' The young God was standing a few places behind him. He had came along due to two reasons. Tavar was the his magical instructor and had asked to come along. Another was because he wanted to see what the future of people he saw in the camps will be.

"Thank you all for coming here. I am very thankful for all. I will not waste your time with further necessities and come to the point. My people are starving, my country can't provide enough food for the people. The truth is that next year we will face food shortages if we don't receive help. Millions will be saved if you allow them to settle on your lands. If this motion is approved, I will personally be in your debt. Thank you." Tavar eyed the audience in front of him.

'No one interupted me. That's a good thing atleast. Or maybe they listened just because of Yvonne.'





All of them started to vote their opinions at once.

Sorry for the late release. I was busy reading new books that I recently ordered. And I was also preparing for my entrance exams. The schedule will be irregular, but I will try to write 3 chapters a week.

P.S: Sorry for mistakes. I didn't get to proofread.

See you next week.

AlienElfcreators' thoughts