

It was monday, my dudes. Yami was in E-class again.

In the morning he made breakfast for everyone, Kaori and Shizuku stopped by for a quick tea as well. Shizuku told Yami about the great sparring match she had with Saeko, the two of them seemed to be at the same level, at the peak of what a normal human was capable of. Well, at least in comparison to Yami's old world since in this world there were a lot of very strong humans. Even without stuff like Sacred Gears, the best example would be Karasuma with whom the class had the next lesson.

While Karasuma was explaining more about assassination and self defense, Yami looked over to the bunny girl who finally came out of her room. The problem was that she came down as Yami was chatting with Shizuku and Kaori.

However, different from the dumb protagonists who would let the girl think that Yami was cheating on her, Yami litereally went over to her, grabbed her and pulled her along with him, sitting her down next to him and Shizuku.

The weirdest thing of all of that was, that neither Shizuku or Kaori had any reaction. It was as if Yami hadn't done anything at all. Mai's power to make people ignore everything related to her was really strong.

Actually, if Yami weaponized this, he would really get a kind of invisibility power, however, for that he would have to take Mai with him and constantly touch her. First; Yami didn't know the extent of these abilities. Second; this wasn't a power, this was a problem that Mai had that made her become mentally scarred since she had to fear to completely disappear from the world. Third; Yami would probably get the ability or something like that from her once he, well, fucked her. And forth; She wasn't a god damn tool that Yami could carry around to become invisible.

Mai still didn't talk to him, but not because she was angry or something like that which would be the case in other Anime. She was confused, didn't know how to talk to Yami, what to talk about, and she still had these feelings for Yami. Also, Yami would still be talking to air which would look really strange and once she saw how focused he was on the classes, she wouldn't interrupt him as a thoughtful girl/ good Waifu.

"Now practice the technique with another student. Yami-kun and Ayanokoji-kun, Karma-kun and Nagisa-kun…"

They grouped up as Karasuma had said. Yami and Ayanokoji looked at each other. The two of them didn't have much interaction yet, but they both already had a very high opinion of each other, however, this opinion was on how dangerous that person could be to themselves.

Ayanokoji grabbed Yami by the shoulder, swept him off his legs and threw him on the ground as Karasuma had told them to. This execution was flawless and, although Yami already knew, now he had reaffirmed how top notch Ayanokoji's skills were.

Yami got off the ground and one moment later, Ayanokoji was on the ground this time. Both of their skills made Karasuma certain that they could easily enter the special forces. The E-class students were indeed very special.

On the other hand, Yami was looking at the notification he got and nodded at how fitting this was.

[The affection of "Ayanokoji" has decreased to -16 - Wary.]

Although Yami's martial arts skills were trained by actual combat and taught by Tsunade, Yami still listened closely to Karasuma. One should always try to improve. A lot of MC's didn't even use technique, they just fired off some super powerful attack or clashed with the enemy head on, however, technique was very important and if the powers were equally matched, if you were trained and the other person wasn't, that would decide the battle.

Since he was interested, Yami went over to the trio of Nagisa, Karma and Kayano who had also just completed the exercise.

"Here. It's hot so stay hydrated."

Yami gave them a bottle of water each. Why did he have three bottles of water? How cares, at least the three didn't.

[The affection of "Nagisa" has increased to 26 - Respect.]

[The affection of "Kayano" has increased to 14 - Nice classmate / Wary.]

[The affection of "Karma" has increased to 25 - Interested, but Vote SUS!]

It seemed that just like with Asuna, Kayano had two sides to herself and thus two opinions on Yami.

"Thank you."

"Thank you very much."

"Hey Yami, you're quite popular already, aren't you?"

Nagisa and Kayano bowed a bit and thanked Yami while Karma just drank a gulp before speaking in a teasing tone. He looked at the girls who were looking over at them, at Yami actually. Saeko and Yumeko were looking over at him while chatting about visiting the Anteiku later. Kurumi had a bright, "innocent" smile on her face and Rory was, well, acting weird.

Even a certain bitch was looking at him with a frowning expression, but they didn't notice it. Well, Yami did, but the look was more of a "this boy is dangerous" look. There was probably also a lot of intrigue about who Yami really was, similar to all the others in E-class. She still remembered the feeling she got from the white haired boy with blood red eyes for a moment. In her eyes, he was a "brat", but she still didn't know what he really was. For some reason, it also started bugging her whenever this student called her "Bitch-sensei" instead of "Irina-sensei". He had started to call her her hated nick-name whenever she did something that Yami considered to be "Bitch-sensei"-like. But whenever she was a good teacher and a "good" human being, he would call her Irina-sensei. It was a very familiar form of address between a teacher and student, but everything was better than "Bitch-sensei". The blonde seductress was playing around with a handgun while thinking and frowning.

"Okay everyone, Math is next. Don't be late."

Koro-sensei's voice came from above and the next moment they heard a loud crashing noise as the Monster with Mach 20 landed right next to the building, making the ground shake a bit. He just went into the school building as if nothing happened. But he sent a glance at Yami which didn't go unnoticed by him.

From what Yami could tell with his observation skills, Koro-sensei hadn't come from a far place as normal, no, this time he had only flown a very short distance and he the direction he had come from was the Main-building of the school. There was only one person who could make Koro-sensei come to the main-building; The Chairman.

It seemed that Asano found him even more entertaining than Yami had expected, if he had called Koro-sensei in. It was highly likely that the two Master Minds were working together on something and the only thing that could come to mind for the two teachers to work together would be his "little" project. It seemed that his plans and company would develop even faster if he had the support of such a being.

The quick looks he got from Koro-sensei in the following classes seemed to confirm his theory. Admittedly, it was very hard to read anything from Koro-sensei's "face", but Yami was pretty sure of it.

Besides Saeko talking to him a bit and telling him about the sparring she had with Shizuku too and Yumeko playing cards with him during break, the classes went by rather quickly. It could also be because Koro-sensei said that he needed to go somewhere after the bell rang. The moment the words even reached their mouths, their cheery teacher was already on his way and his destination was once again the headmasters office.

- - -

Yami slowly walked down the mountain towards E class.

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling.]

Every time this message came, something would happen. Well, it wasn't like Yami hadn't sensed the presence of a certain menace with a wanna be lightsaber and gun.

The crazy exorcist was hiding within the forest. Probably checking whether there was anyone around. Well, if anyone saw how he murdered that annoying human, he would just murder them as well. He wasn't moving on the orders of his superiors but on the thought of being able to make this white haired wanna be hero die in great pain.

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling.]

Freed hated how this white haired boy with red eyes had taken away their tool. No, he hated it even more that this boy with the same hair and eye color looked so much more handsome than him. He really wanted nothing more than to slice him apart piece by piece, especially that way too handsome face. He was only a normal human after all and Freed was a great and mighty exorcist and swordsman.

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling.]

"Haaah. How long are we gonna play hide and seek? I don't plan to wait for you forever and have no interest in giving you more screen time."

First, Freed was taken aback by the fact that the boring human was able to know that someone was hiding, the next moment he got enraged by the words this weak human said. He had no aura, no magic, he was just a normal human. Yes, he looked really well built, but neither he nor the Fallen Angles could make out anything that might make this person dangerous. Since they were going to just take revenge, they also hadn't reported this to their higher ups since they had failed and the nun was taken away.

With his gun and the Light Saber which he had seemingly bought on Wish, Freed walked out and blocked Yami's path.

"My name is Freed Sellzen. I belong to a certain Exorcism organization. Ah, just because I introduced myself doesn't mean you have to. I don't want to remember your name in my memory, so please don't. It's okay, since you are going to die soon. I will make sure of it. It might hurt at first, but later you will feel so good that you will cry. Now let's-"

The sound of a blade cutting through the air could be heard.

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling.]


A scream of pain and agony sounded through the forest as one arm on Freed's shoulder decided that he was the hell out of here. Yami really had it with cutting off limbs, especially, didn't he? Star Wars would be proud.

Blood spurted out. Freed's eyes were shaking because of the pain, confusion and fury.

"You don't have to worry. I don't have a hobby of introducing or talking to someone who is going to die soon either."

Yami stood there, with a sword similar to the one in the exorcist's hand, however, it was black and looked way better. His tone was totally calm, there were no emotions in his eyes, but the blood red in his eyes suddenly looked way more intimidating to Freed who was wincing in pain. It was as if a demon from a hell full of blood was looking at him. His body, his eyes, and also the sword in his remaining arm were all shaking.


Freed suppressed the pain and screamed out as he thrust his sword towards Yami at high speed.

The black blade moved even faster as it first countered the sword attack through a precise hit, slashing it away and then cutting off the other arm.


Freed once again screamed as he fell to his knees because of the bloodloss, his arm and sword falling next to him. He was in disbelief at how easily he was defeated and as he looked up, this white haired demon from hell that was even more devilish than devils wasn't even looking at him anymore, it was as if he was nothing more than an insect.

Yami's eyes weren't focused on this screaming insect but at a tree in the distance and the person hiding behind it.

(Did she come because of the scream? Does God want to test whether I have the guts to kill someone unarmed in front of another human? Well, if it is, this isn't the right person to send. Or is it exactly because she would see this vicious and inhumane sight? Oh well, this character is part of the later plot.)

"God, you're pathetic. I'll let fate decide how to deal with you. I don't want your stinking blood on my hands."


[The constellation "God-father" already knows where this is going.]

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling.]



Before the crazy exorcist could even open his mouth, it was stabbed right through. An icicle was pierced right through his head. He wanted to scream in pain even more, but no words got out as his body, which was slowly and painfully dying, was picked up and thrown into the forest. Since none of the vital organs were hit, he wouldn't die a quick death or a nice one.

Even if someone found him in this forest in a mountain where nobody should actually go to, they wouldn't even find what killed the person since the icicle would melt. There would also be the two cut off arms, but there would be no way to trace it back to Yami.

Well, except for the witness who wasn't sure on how to react. She herself knew that she was no good person and that she was a maniac who loved violence and being in control of someone's life, but she had never killed someone. The man who wanted to assult her and whom she had beaten near death was taken to a hospital and treated. But she had also heard the words of that man who looked like an exorcist, she hadn't heard what Yami had said, but it was obviously self defense.

Yes, the handsome white haired boy with blood red eyes had said one thing in his introduction; he had already killed someone. But hearing something and seeing it were two completely different things.

Then why? Why was she actually glad? Why was she glad that the nice young man ,who had a bright smile as he served her tea and played a game with her, was actually a person even worse than herself? Because he was similar to her? Because he wouldn't be disgusted by her real self?

Saeko just hid behind the tree. And once she looked again, nobody was there. Yami, the body and even the blood was gone.

- - -

"It seems that it's time to hunt a few naughty fallen angels…"

Now that they had paid him a visit, it was only natural that he would do the same. Also, they were most definitely at the Anteiku now to get Asia back.

"All the Gods want me dead, another big war between the factions and stuff…"

It would be a really great mess if he would already be discovered. At this moment Yami's red eyes started to glow and it looked like the blood red in his eyes was on fire.

"But since when did the Devil ever care about those things? There is one great rule that you shouldn't have touched. No one touches what's mine!"

- - -

"This is the place?"

Kalawarna asked. She somehow had a bad feeling about all of this.

The four were currently on the top of a high building near the Anteiku, looking down at it.

"Kukuku, I will be able to rip apart the bodies of the ones in there, right? I already left the boy to the crazy exorcist."

"We told him to keep him barely alive so we can have our revenge, but I doubt he will do it."

Dohnaseek added to Mittelt's comment. He really wanted to do it with his own hands, but for some reason Raynare had told them all to come with her. They looked over to their leader who hadn't said anything until now. And what they saw surprised them, Raynare had closed her eyes and was mumbling something.

"I can't disappoint Azazel-sama, I can't disappoint Azazel-sama…"

But for some reason her body was shivering. And Kalawarna was the same.


Just before Mittlet could ask what was going on with them, she turned her head into the same direction as them.

A black haired man with blue eyes, which looked like intimidating blue infernos, was looking at them. There was a small smile on his face.

"Who are you?!"

Dohnaseek shouted at the person. He hadn't sensed him until just now and it was impossible for this person to be normal.

The man slowly began walking towards them. In response Dohnaseek created a light spear while Millet seemed to be very happy to be able to fight this person. He definitely didn't look like a normal person, but there was no reason to fear someone who didn't even have an aura and whose face they had never seen in any database about strong persons.

"My name is Luzifer Mornigstar, dear dead fallen angels."

At that moment a barrier appeared all around them and two daggers appeared in the very handsome man's hands.

"Kukuku, a mere human daring to use this name… It's going to be great to rip you apart! And you were even kind enough to put up a barrier. For that you will get a great painful death!"

Millet shouted the boring villain lines while three spears of light appeared above the three other fallen angels.

"How dare you take sucha name!"

Kalawarna's bad feeling was exceeded by her anger. How someone with no aura, a human do say something as offending as this.

"How dare you take the name of one of the lord's sons?! You are talking to fallen angels!"

Raynare was enraged as well and she tried to get rid of this suffocating feeling she had in her chest by killing this human.

"I have to correct you on one part, you are dead fallen angels."

The three light spears were shot at Luzifer with great force as Millet rushed at him, wanting to tear him apart with a crazy grin.

"Die! Die! Die! Hahahah-"

Raynare's pupils shook.

The three light spears were blocked by two black and red wings that looked like the most holy thing that she had ever seen.

Millet, who had just rushed at Luzifer, was frozen.


Millet's ugly face hit the ground with a dagger right between her eyes. Her body twitched once, twice and then relaxed and laid down.

Next, something happened that Raynare found even more unbelievable.

The black haired man who had just ruthlessly murdered her by piercing her brain with a dagger knelt down next to her.

"As one of the fathers lost children, you should sleep in peace instead of dying in agony."

He used his right hand to close her still wide opened eyes.


Dohnaseek and Kalawarna got back to their senses at that moment and shot more spears of light at the head and heart of the person who just killed one of their comrades.

The light spears were easily blocked by the wings. In response they just shot more and more since this was the best they could do. Even brainless first few episode villains like them were able to understand that they had fucked up right after their comrade was one-hit killed and their attacks weren't working.

The Shadow Monarch was running towards them, while dodging the projectiles coming at him. They were flying past him with not even three centimetres between. While running he flipped around one of his daggers and threw it at Dohnaseek.

The fallen angel barely dodged to the side as the dagger passed by his throat, or it should have, hadn't it stopped right besides his throat, being held in Yami's left hand.

Before he could realize that Yami had moved faster than the dagger and grabbed it right when it was at his throat, the dagger was stabbed forwards and right into the trachea of him.

"Although I didn't treat you that well, death treats everyone equally."

Luzifer said as the fallen angel's body slowly slumped down. He was still not dead, but it wouldn't take long for him to die. The next moment, his head was stomped and exploded under the foot of Luzifer.

His glowing blue eyes headed over to Raynare and Kalawarna who were trying to fly away.

[The constellation "God-father" is finding this very exciting.]

[The constellation "God-father" cheers on his son from hell. 500 System Points have been sponsored.]

The two well developed fallen angels were scared so much that they would peed their pants. With all their might they tried to fly just a bit faster to get just a bit away from this fallen angel of death.

They could hear the sound of something flapping their wings and something tearing through the air, coming closer from behind them.

Their blood was already cold as their hearts, brains and souls were screaming at them to somehow flee.


Both their throats were gripped by this angel of death as they stared into his eyes. It was at that moment that their souls were practically leaving their bodies from fear…

Their throats were gripped very tightly, they were barely able to breath, but with only a bit of force, both their lives would be gone forever.

Yami really liked this feeling of being in control, he seemed to indeed have some strange fetishes… Both Raynare and Kalawarna were really sexy, as expected from DxD women, but still, the had attacked him and thus they would need to be punished.

Their throats were squeezed a bit more, they now couldn't breathe anymore. Both of them were shaking. And...

[The constellation "God-father" doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry.]

It seemed that their fear was so great that Kalawarna had pissed herself.



At that moment, another thing happened.

[The affection of the character "Raynare" has decreased to -89 - FEAR!!]

[The affection of the character "Kalawarna" has decreased to -86 - FEAR!!]

[The constellation "God-father" is smiling widely and lewdly.]

[The affection of the caracter "Raynare" has increased to 170 - "Absolute Worship".]

[The affection of the character "Kalawarna" has increased to 166 - "Absolute Worship".]

Next chapter