
Gods Avatar

God is and always has been the overseer. The epitome of power; The one that rules over all. His birth was the Big Bang that shaped the very universe. “But it’s so very lonely at the top...” After billions of years, observing the hundreds of trillions of planets and dimensions growing and expanding, god has had enough! Why can’t he enjoy the simple life for once? God is finally growing into his rebellious phase and has decide “Enough is enough! I will not miss out on the fun, carefree life of mortals!” //The universe is thought to have an expiration date (omggggg). Our current universe in 13.5 billion years old and is expected to go on for another 200 billion. The stories universe is 30 billion years old, making our mc the equivalent to a 15 year old as a god.// ————————————————————— Authors note: I have never written a story before and my writing skills aren't amazing. You've been warned. This story is written and edited solely by me. If you see any grammatical errors or anything that doesn’t make sense I would appreciate it if you left me know as you guys will be my peer reviewers.

DrowZ · Fantasy
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A New Beginning For a Teenage God

"Hmmm..." God pondered for a moment; looking at the expanding universe in front of 'it'.

"I'm bored."

"Being a god is so tiresome and stressful. Why are mortals slowly introduced to responsibility over the course of their lives while I'm thrown into the deep end? It's unfair. Am I truly fated to slave away, observing and protecting the universe for the rest of my pitiful days? What a sad fate for me, yes indeed it is."

"I need a couple hundred year vacation to relax and keep my brain sharp!..." exclaimed God "But the council of laws would never allow it. " it sighed.

"How should I approach them. Those laws are so annoying to deal with. Especially Fate, so strict and head strong. He vetoes everything I suggest."

"Wait a minute! I've been contemplating this problem for so long when the answer was in front of me the entire time! I'll just portion off a piece of my form and replace a dying mortals soul." God happily exclaimed. "I'll choose humans! They are definitely going to be experiencing some big changes in the near future and I'd love to experience it with them!"

Why humans? Humans were one of the many species in the vast universe, belonging to the homo sapiens genus. They were a unique species that existed and expanded to take over an entire galaxy name Aura, colonizing millions of solar systems over the course of the 7 billion years of their existence.

Extremely diverse with a little infrastructure in place. Chaos ruled over humanities galaxy with solar systems constantly contested for and planets destroyed in disputes. The only reason humanity even managed to conquer the Aura Galaxy was simply down to their distant location from other galaxies.

A perfect place to start ones adventure!


Godfrey Wesson also known as "Frey" was having a terrible day. It all started with a rude awakening at 5 am in the morning. He lived in a small village on the outskirts of the Farren Empire. Surrounded in 3 directions by wilderness and constantly attacked by the surrounding beasts, there was never a calm day in Goldwood Village, named after the bright gold pigmented streaks that ran down the trunks of the trees in the surrounding forests.

Today was especially terrible however. A noble from the town 5 days travel away had come to transplant some of the special gold streaked trees into his garden. Of course he couldn't do it himself, and would never degrade his personal guards to do such a task like uprooting a tree. It instead fell on the shoulders of laborers like Frey, an orphan since birth and alone ever since.

"Frey! Wake your lazy ass up, I got you a job and I need to you be ready NOW! Get the shovel, you're gonna be doing a ton of digging!" Gorden yelled.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Gorden thanks for the plug, I need 5 minutes, give me 5 minutes jeez." Frey frantically said.

"Man I got to bed so late last night, I wish I had a heads up! How am I supposed to do a job with only 4 hours of sleep and a bowl of watered down bread..." he groaned.

Frey pushed himself up off his bed and looked around his decrepit old room trying to find his tools, his most expensive and precious possessions.

It didn't take long for his eyes to land on the rusty old shovel in the corner of his 8' by 6' room.

"Hey buddy, time for us to get to work. I'll polish you up extra tonight, please just make it through today..."