
Gods' Magic System

In the year 2175, Vampires have come forward from the shadows to become part of civilization. They work alongside humans for the betterment of the Earth as a whole. Flying cities have been erected all over the world, above the existing, now called, Lower Cities. Alex is an orphan boy who lives at the bottom of Xeno Euro. A relatively new city, only 25 years old, that boasts the highest altitude among the flying cities of Old America. The city is run by a master vampire by the name of Earlan Bludfist. In this relatively safe city, humans don't have to worry about their safety, it is guaranteed. All thanks to the vampire soldiers that patrol its streets. In the year 2070, earth was invaded by aliens. They came from the stars and very easily took over key points of the entire world. War was waged, but that only lasted a couple of years. The aliens' technology was too advanced. But then, a miracle happened, a strange, magical energy, suffused into the earth and everything changed.

Trey_Lacer · Sci-fi
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13 Chs


Galactic Year 2175, Bludfist Tower, Xeno Euro

"There it is, my clan, the truth of my son's bloodline. Bared for all to see, Alex, you are the hope of our clan. The bridge between our world and the humans. I hope and dream, as we all do, that we can find a way to live with humans. To share in the burden of protecting this world. We are also an intelligent species that has evolved from nature. We are not monsters, we are simply another species native to this planet." Earlan gave his speech with passion, I could tell that this was something he had wanted to achieve for a good portion of his life.

"Well, I don't know about hope," I spoke up after Earlan had stopped talking, "but what I do know is this. I am the heir to the throne and anyone, anyone that stands in my way will be removed and replaced." My words held more power now that they could all see me in the light. It sounded cliché as hell, but hey, who was I to pass on a good opportunity.

"Well, that moving speech aside, we should all retire for the day, we have celebrated my son's return for the entire night and we must all rest." Earlan cut my monologue short. Oh, you thought I was the hero? The hope of the story? Well like I said to the vampires, I don't know about hope or being a hero, all I know is that strength and power are what matter most in any world of fiction or reality. And what I lacked most of all, was strength and power. The party goers began to disperse into their many sections of the tower/mansion and I followed Doc to my new home.

I rode an elevator to the top floor of the tower, the place that housed Earlan's home and offices. Stepping out of the elevator, I was greeted with more gothic Victorian architecture. 'More of the same, so morbid and dark. Though I suppose it fits with the nature of the tenants.'

"You know what you did by saying those words at the end right?" As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I heard Earlan's voice coming from the living area. Walking in, I saw Earlan sitting with another vampire.

"I know the implications of my words, father, but like I said before. I will be doing this my way. I will not allow anyone to make decisions for me ever again." I made sure he knew, that they all knew my conviction.

"I understand your conviction, my son and I have no intention of thwarting your plans. In fact, I hope your plans succeed, in everything you do." Earlan's words sounded, almost encouraging. Almost, almost, like a father giving advice to his son.

It made me feel sick. But I didn't allow my personal emotions cloud my judgement, I guess that was the vampire part of me talking. I felt things like a human would and I knew that was my edge. So there were a couple of things I owed Earlan my thanks for.

"You loved her," I stated in a low voice, referring obviously to my mother, "Yet you wouldn't turn her when she was on the edge of death, why?"

"I will answer your question with one of my own, son. Why do you assume you cannot be the hope that our people need?" Earlan was just as infuriating as ever.

"Ever the master deflector of questions, father." I stated coldly. I could tell the ice in my words hit a nerve, a vein in Earlan's head pulsed slightly. He waved his hand, dismissing my words and turned to the man sitting across from him.

"Lord Vladimir, this is my son, Lord Alex. If possible, I would like you to speak with him."

"If Lord Vladimir wants to speak with me, he can make an appointment like everyone else. Doc!" Even before I finished speaking, Doc was furiously writing in his notebook.

"All set, My Lord, though I do think it prudent to meet with Lord Vladimir before any of the others. After all, he rules his own clan and he is one of the oldest and most powerful vampires in the world." Doc did what I silently asked. He set up a meeting with Vladimir before any of the others without openly disrespecting the other vampires. This was important for my plans for the future.

"Well done, Doc, my father may not be able to express his emotions very well. But I can. I appreciate all of your hard work."

"Your praise are enough for me, My Lord." Doc blushed and bowed deeply before stepping aside, "Your meeting with Lord Vladimir has been set for this 2 hour time block, My Lord."

"Very good," I spoke as I walked around the sofa to sit next to Earlan. "Well, the great Lord Vladimir the Impaler. It is truly an honor to meet one such as yourself. We have 2 hours before I require rest. So, please my lord, tell me what it is you wish for me to hear."

"I like you, boy, just like your father when he was your age. What would you say if I told you that you truly are the hope of our people?"

"I would ask you what that hope might be?"