
Gods' Adventures In Another World

After losing their lives in an accident, Arc and Aria are reborn in another world. Follow the two as they embark on journeys to lands both near and far, in hopes of uncovering the truth of the world and gaining strength despite the restrictions placed on, all while avoiding numerous enemies they've made along the way!

Lord_Pendragon · Fantasy
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The Evolution System

The Rank Up System is the system that allows monsters, or simply nonhumans, to become stronger through [Rank Up/Existence Evolution].

An individual's strength is measured primarily by levels, with the max being 100. The growth Monsters can attain through leveling is much lower than that of a Human through their Class System.

However, when Monsters reach level 100 they can "Rank Up" to a higher species, giving them an incredible boost in stats.

Furthermore, specialties that the individual Monsters demonstrated prior to Rank Up, or conditions they might have cleared, may influence what type of monster they evolve into.

It is even possible for a Monster to reach level 100 and be incapable of ranking up since it has not fulfilled all the conditions. In this came, some can fulfill the conditions while at a Level 100 and evolve while others are simply unable to. the Exact reason for this Phenomenon is unknown.

An example of Rank Up would be a Kobold, who demonstrates proficient skill in magic, or at least develop an affinity for it through various means, would be able to Rank up into a Lizardman Sorcerer.

Occasionally, the Monsters receive [Blessings], also known as [Divine Protection], making them either [Variants], [Subspecies] , or even a [Rare Species] of their race.

The Restoration of an [Extinct Species] or the creation of a [New Species] is rewarded by the system in the form of item(s) and/or an ability. This rewarded is heavily dependent on the Individual's current Tier and it's perfectly compatible with the individual. Arc was rewarded with the Necromancy Skill, which is an exclusive skill for Undead Creatures.

Half in front of a race's name means that it had inferior overall specs compared to the true species. And the next time they rank up they will officially become the species.

Sub Species would be the various possible areas of proficiency within a race, such as: Cleric, Mage, Shaman, Rider, etc. these will be explored in more details in later chapters.

Now for Devolution. The Loss of experience points for any reason, results, in a feeling of weakness afflicting the concerned party. Occurrences of Devolution are uncommon but are by no means impossible. There are several races that posses the ability to siphon experience points when in direct contact with an individual, be it through something like absorption or blood sucking depending on the race. Falling Ievels increases the feeling of weakness with each subsequent loss until the individual is left debilitated. Falling below level forces the System to trigger a Rank Down into a Mutated or severely weakened species depending on the cause of Level a loss. if you got drained by a Vampire, you'd end up as some species of undead slave or thrall to them. In the case of Arc, his body was invaded by Negative foreign energies while he still inside his fetal or conception stage. This led to him being born as a Cursed Necrotic Lizard just like the other disposed eggs in the Valley, rather than a Kobold which he was supposed to be born as. Individuals are not recommended to use Devolution as a method to cheat the Evolution System because Devolution leaves you with several negative side effects unless you've received an appropriate blessing and even then you can still have suffer from side effects.

So I mentioned Gods. God's aren't exactly proper existences. They're basically extensions of the System or personifications of certain aspects, concepts, elements or things that reward Individuals based on certain actions. A man fond of Nature and dedicating his life to planting trees and protecting the Forests could receive a blessing or Divine Protection from a Nature, Forest or Tree God. Gods are also quite whimsical so they might bless you just because they find you to their liking or Interesting. Apart from blessings they can't interfere with the World, which is why I called them extensions of the System. so no Gods suddenly descending and abusing Mortals and what not.

Okay so there are 3 Classes that species can fall under. Beast, Demi-Human and Human.

Humans have a Job System instead of an Evolution System.

Beasts are the monsters that are basically wild animals in a sense. They don't exactly form societies like Villages, Towns or Cities. Instead they're either by themselves or forming packs/groups. That's one of the features that separates them from Demi-Humans.

Demi-Humans, just like beasts, use an Evolution System. I'd say they're intelligence is what separates them from beasts but there are many cases even in the real world where a wild animal displays higher intelligence than a human being. Sooo I guess the difference would be a state of Mind or Mentality? Taming skills work on beasts however they don't work on Demi-Humans and Humans However, Enslavement skills work on Humans And Demi-Humans but not on Beasts . I guess their reliance on tools could also be a factor. I'm not sure. they're just different I guess.

This is all for Now, additional information will be added in the Future as we progress.