
Godly Talent System

Cultivation Talent. Ones affinity towards Qi energy, and determines how fast they can cultivate. Alchemy Talent. Ones affinity towards fire and pills, and determines how well they could refine pills. What if Talent, which was something that is mainly decided by birth, can be enhanced limitlessly? Long Chen was struck down with the classic System existence, but this time, it was one that serves to defy the heavens, and increase his talents

Get_Diabetes · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Assassination (1)

Within a dark courtyard, a suave youth was silently sipping tea.

A knock came from the door, and a man came in.

"Young Master, we could not find any traces of Long Chen."

The man bowed down as he reported nervously.

The suave youth slowly turned his head, and glanced at the man, "You can't find him? Then what do I have you for? I don't care what it takes, but you better find his tracks!"

"Yes, Young Master." The man nodded his head in trepidation, before he left the courtyard.

The suave youth lowered his sights to look down at the cup of tea in his hands, as he softly mumbled to himself, "Long Chen…looks like you have some tricks up your sleeves. But no matter what, I will definitely destroy you before you grow up."

He tightly gripped the jade cup, as cracks began to appear on it.

A while later, the man came in yet again, this time with agitation in his eyes, as he hurriedly reported, "Young Master, we have found him. He is almost close to reaching the Moonlight Sect."

"That's good. Bring me there." Hearing this, the suave youth stood up from his seat, as a cruel smile appeared on his face.

The sense of unease with Long Chen's presence was killing him.

Now, he was finally going to personally kill of most talented genius of the Sect, and forever secure his position.

He walked a few steps out, when suddenly, the door in his courtyard was opened.

A disciple walked in as he cupped his fists and bowed, "Senior Disciple Chen, the Sect Leader is seeking your presence in the hall. "

"The Sect Leader?" He paused in his footsteps. The cruel smile on his face was completely wiped off at this moment, replaced by a warm and amiable one as he turned towards the disciple, "Junior Disciple, lead the way then."

He gestured for the disciple to leave the courtyard first, and he swiftly looked at the man as he harshly ordered, "Send some Elementary Realm masters to intercept him, and make sure that he never comes back to the Moonlight Sect."

With that, he strode towards the door of the courtyard and left behind a sentence, "Leave no tracks behind."

He then elegantly walked alongside his junior disciple, his face nonchalant and calm yet radiating a nobility and superiority that was hard to hide.

It was as though nothing had happened.

Even the Junior Disciple beside him felt a bit stifled by his dignified presence, as he inwardly thought, "Worthy of being Senior Disciple Chen."

Whilst this was happening, the man commanded for a few other men to do as his young master had ordered.


On the other hand, Long Chen had long taken off his disguise when he was close to the Sect, his body now adorned with the Moonlight Sect Disciple's robes.

He was wondering when he would promote to an Inner Court disciple, and get himself a change of robes.

Along the way, he abruptly sensed a few hostile auras. These auras were laced with killing intent! The same killing intent that numerous cultivators had aimed towards him during the gang battle.

'It seems like I have gotten myself some enemies.' Long Chen thought inwardly, and although his expression did not change, his vigilance was raised to its peak.

His hands was positioned close to this storage bag, such that at any moment, he could immediately take out his sword and start fighting.

The pathway to the Moonlight Sect had a few desolate regions, where not much people will be passing by.

However, practically no one dared to do anything untoward the disciples of the Moonlight Sect, because of the authority and power that the name 'Moonlight Sect' holds.

It was one of the top Sects within Wind Cloud City, and not many would have the guts to provoke such a power.

As Long Chen had expected, a few people clothed in black, their faces covered by a mask, appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Who are you, and why are you here for?" Long Chen swept his calm eyes through the people in front of him.

There were 5 people, and the auras exuded out of them indicated that they were all at the Elementary Realm.

4 Low-Stage Elementary Realm, and 1 Mid-Stage Elementary Realm.

Long Chen focused his gazed onto the man in the front, whose cultivation was at the Mid-Stage Elementary Realm.

The man was at the 5th Elementary Realm! As for the rest, they barely entered his eyes at his cultivation.

The man stepped forward, as his eyes did not hide the trace of disdain for Long Chen and mocked, "This is the target that our Young Master wants to kill? A mere Outer Court Disciple? And from the looks of it, he is actually still a new disciple. I don't even want to kill this person with my own hands. Number 6, go kill him. Make it quick"

As he said that, the man leaned back on his feet as he gazed at Long Chen as if he was watching a zoo animal.

The person called number 6 walked out, and without a single word, he instantly charged towards Long Chen.

He raised his sword up and aimed in towards Long Chen's neck, preparing to finish him off with only one strike.

The air was cut with a 'whoosh' sound, and the tip of the sword was concentrated with Elemental Qi as it slashed towards Long Chen.

In response, Long Chen swiftly took out his sword from his storage bag.

Shadow Sword!

The sword in his hands flashed with a glint, and he similarly charged it up with his Elemental Qi.

Waving his arms, his sword collided with the other's sword.

Number 6 was about to laugh out loud when he saw Long Chen's actions, thinking that this was his last minute desperate action to save his life.

How could a new disciple of the Sect possibly win against an Elementary Realm master like himself?

This was simply ridiculous.

His sword was bound to easily slice open Long Chen's weak sword, and continue on its path and directly cut his head off.

However, the next scene got his eyes nearly bursting out.

The two swords collided with a metallic 'clang' sound that resounded throughout the silent environment, and number 6 suddenly felt a wave of power transmitted through his sword towards his arms.

His sword flew out from his hands under this terrifying power, and he flew back a few meters from the impact, loudly hitting the floor as he tumbled about.

A streak of blood ran down his lips, and his right arm that had gripped onto the sword previously felt numbed.

That powerful strength that he had felt just now…it was the Elementary Realm!

"Elementary Realm! How is this possible?! No, this is not true. You are only a new disciple of the Sect, how could you be in the Elementary Realm?" Number 6 exclaimed in utter astonishment.

The rest of the group had their expressions inexplicably changed. They could also sense the aura of Long Chen's strength just now, and the Qi he had used was the Elemental Qi.

There was no mistaking that, and that meant only one thing.

The youth in front of them was actually in the Elementary Realm. And this thought alone sent goose bumps throughout their body.