
Godly Model Creator

The arrival of origin ability era. Many berserk beasts spawned. Humans with superpowers blooming like mushrooms. Su Hao is just an ordinary 3rd year high school student who had mastered a lowly grade origin ability named “Model analysis”. However, when he was creating a character model in his mind by analyzing the opposing side’s ability, a crazy idea echoed in his mind. What would happen if he creates a model of the entire world? This would imply that he… would be like a God, controlling the world!

Minus Ninety Degrees · Sci-fi
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1084 Chs

Xinghe sword!

Translator: Yorasu


Task name: King of glory

Participants: Freshmen, repeaters

Rating: 4 stars

Description: The days in high school passed just like that. You might have felt dejected before, you might have been the top student before, but who is truly the strongest esper in the end?

Struggle for it!

And become the last remaining participant!

If you can’t even become the strongest esper in this school, what qualification do you have to aim for being the strongest esper in the world? Taking the title of strongest esper here and the college entrance exam will be your stage!


1. Leading freshmen or repeaters to victory

2. First rank in personal points

Task reward: Xinghe sword


“What task is this?”

Those who saw the task were stunned. Only the strongest people in the natural selection class could complete this task. Perhaps there is high chance that nobody could fulfill it because one needs to satisfy two conditions at the same time!