
Godly Model Creator

The arrival of origin ability era. Many berserk beasts spawned. Humans with superpowers blooming like mushrooms. Su Hao is just an ordinary 3rd year high school student who had mastered a lowly grade origin ability named “Model analysis”. However, when he was creating a character model in his mind by analyzing the opposing side’s ability, a crazy idea echoed in his mind. What would happen if he creates a model of the entire world? This would imply that he… would be like a God, controlling the world!

Minus Ninety Degrees · Sci-fi
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1084 Chs

World esper conscription order

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Muguang City.

Su Hao temporarily stayed there.

It was both for the sake of Su Hao and the residents of Muguang City.

The path of Kingdom of Heaven was somewhat unusual. It wasn't calculated in a way that one talent is equivalent to one unit. Based on Su Hao's understanding, the stronger the talent, the greater the effect it brought to Kingdom of Heaven! There was no doubt that each time a grade S talent appears, the changes happening to Kingdom of Heaven would be huge.

And this time, this special grade S talent that can grow and improve was without a doubt a big fish for Su Hao.

This was why Su Hao must stay.

As for these people...

Su Hao shook his head; there was no cure.