
Godly Model Creator

The arrival of origin ability era. Many berserk beasts spawned. Humans with superpowers blooming like mushrooms. Su Hao is just an ordinary 3rd year high school student who had mastered a lowly grade origin ability named “Model analysis”. However, when he was creating a character model in his mind by analyzing the opposing side’s ability, a crazy idea echoed in his mind. What would happen if he creates a model of the entire world? This would imply that he… would be like a God, controlling the world!

Minus Ninety Degrees · Sci-fi
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1084 Chs

The entire city is infected!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Muguang City.

After Su Hao kicked the city gate, he saw a group of frightened people, which was followed by a series of angry voices.

"Don't come in!"

"Quickly close the gate!"

"Get lost right now!"

Each one of them wasn't polite at all with their tone. If it were during normal times, Su Hao would have raged by now, but the current Su Hao wasn't mad at all. He just looked at those people in shock. Only a small number of them were espers as the majority of them were ordinary people. At this time, each one of them had a pale face.

The more important observation was...

There was a touch of green appearing on literally everyone.

"This is..."

Su Hao was shocked. With now over one hundred thousand ability talents, he could recognize what that touch of green was, pathogens! At this moment, everyone's skin turned pale green, indicating that they were infected.

"Are they the only ones?"