
The sisters

"Th-that daamn.... How dare he call me a child when he's also on the same cultivation level as I am!" The big sis gritted her teeth as she spoke in discomfort.

"Big sis Ivrena, who was that man? All the cultivators at this level of strength are well known throughout this island but we've never heard of any cultivator looking that looks like him before," Briella asked while staring in the direction of the forest.

"I don't care to know who that rude man is," Ivrena replied while entering into the shallow part of the ocean. Briella was oblivious of her sister's action and kept staring at the forest area in contemplation.

"Do you think he will also be participating in the tournament?" Briella was still speaking when...


The sound of something or rather, someone, dropping into the ocean was heard.

"Big sis!" Briella called out in terror after turning around and noticing that her sister was no longer on the shore.

"Damn it she went in.... out of all the days to forget my communication amulet why must it be today," Briella started prancing around in worry, thinking of how to save her big sister from her own stubborn decision.

"Without any transportation, it would take me about thirty minutes to get back to the clan and alert father... that's enough time for her to be in the belly of a sea monster.... what d..." Briella was still contemplating when she a light cough behind her.

Cough! cough!

"Yelp!" Briella made a yelping sound and jumped back in fear immediately she heard the sound of coughing. She turned around to see Alusec standing a few centimeters away from her initial position.

"Do you mind telling me the name of the city beyond this forest?" Alusec asked politely while scratching his head.

After Alusec left the shore through the forest, he noticed that it was looking different, and after a few seconds of passing through the forest.

He later arrived at a city that looked more advanced than Muremeu city with more crowded streets, caravans, and luxurious looking carts of different sizes.

Since he had no idea where the battle with the crab had led him to, he decided to go back to the shore area to ask for directions.

After noticing that it was the same man that left a while ago and not a scary monster, Briella regained her stiff-looking composure and stared up at Alusec with a look of embarrassment.

Alusec was at least two heads taller than her.

'Why is he asking such a question, did he come here from another island?... That's Impossible, he couldn't have traveled through the ocean when the closest island is a long distance from here,' Briella thought but couldn't come to terms with her speculations

"After this forest lies our Baki city," Briella answered after noticing Alusec stare at her weirdly.

"Hmm?.. wasn't it called Muremeu city?" Alusec thought out loud while staring at the horizon.

'He comes from Muremeu city? I don't recall them having any formidable cultivator in the recent years,' Briella wondered in amusement because strong cultivators on Ritler island always have feats that traveled far and wide, making them very popular. Among the ten cities on the island, Muremeu was one of the weakest in terms of cultivators.

"Muremeu city is two cities west of Baki city." Briella answered Alusec who nodded with his mouth making an 'o' in understanding.

Alusec turned around to leave but after taking a few steps, Briella spoke,

"Are you not going to ask about the person who was with me?" She questioned while pouting her lips.

"Oh? I already said my piece by warning her about the ocean but if she decided to turn a deaf hear to my warnings, diving towards her funeral place then so be it." Alusec spoke with his back facing her, as he kept walking away.

"Hnnn!" Briella exclaimed as she placed her right arm on her chest, 'She's in trouble... what do I do? how do I get help?' Briella thought with a face full of worry?

The two sisters were linked telepathically, so each one could sense when the other was in danger.

She stared at Alusec walking towards the forest, his arms swinging by his side as he took steps nonchalantly.

She ran towards Alusec and stood in front of him,

her knees met with the ground, making a 'pum!' sound.

"Please save my sister, I'll do anything.... My Father is the Patriarch of the Baki clan, he can fulfill any of your requests." Briella pleaded while kneeling on the sandy shore and holding on to Alusec's tattered trousers.

She knew that Alusec will have a way to save her sister since he survived the ocean.

Alusec stared down at her innocent-looking eyes feeling a little touched about the strong sisterly bond.

In Alusec's age, familial bonds in large families or clans were not strong. In a large clan, where a family had thousands of members there was always a lot of scheming between them. People who share the same blood using their brothers and sisters live as stepping stones was a natural order then. A lot of people would be ready to sacrifice their own family for power.

"No! Nothing you give will ever be of value to me!" Alusec replied moving to the side and continued walking forward as the part of his trousers that she was holding onto escaped her grasp.

"That idiot doesn't deserve the love you're giving her," She heard Alusec speak again before he disappeared into the forest.

After some minutes of kneeling on the shore with a look of hopelessness, Briella stood up, turned around, and started walking towards the ocean.

'Since I can't get any help, I might as well go and die with my sister,'


Briella dived into the ocean and started swimming towards her sister.

Back on the shore in the forest area, the silhouette of a man emerging from behind a tree could be seen.

He walked forward passing the area where the shadows of the trees covered.

"Hmm? Did I just sense that correctly? It's inside both of them.... What an Interesting pair of sisters," The man emerged completely out of the shadows smiling as he spoke.

The man was none other than Alusec. He didn't leave earlier because he sensed a familiar presence inside both of the sisters and wanted to see the next line of action that Briella would perform.

Alusec scanned the ocean area with his sense and immediately pinpointed both their locations.


He flew several meters above the ocean and dived in.


-Few minutes into Alusec's battle with the crabs-

At Rin's house, both of them had finally woken up. Ruby's first line of action was to check for Alusec in the other room. There were two rooms in the house, Rin and Ruby slept in one while Alusec slept in the other.

Checking the other room Ruby found it empty but there were some characters made out of mist in mid-air that read, "I have decided to take a stroll around the city, I'll be back later in the day."

Immediately Ruby read the message completely the mist dispersed.

"Master left without taking his morning medicine," Ruby said with a solemn face.

Rin who was standing behind her showed a happy smile and said, "Sis Ruby, now that your love, erm sorry, master is not around, we can finally stroll around the city and shop for expensive items.... Ever since you arrived here with sir Alusec, you have not had the time to tour Muremeu city... This is the perfect opportunity for you to get accustomed to our city," Rin spoke with excitement gleaming from her eyes.

"Oh is that so... Alright then, let's tour the city together," Ruby replied with a lack of enthusiasm.

She was hoping they could do this when Alusec was well and ok, she didn't expect that he would have already left the house before they woke up.

Author's thought » I know I promised a mass release when we get to 50k views but my phone got spoilt since on Monday and I haven't been able to write chapters because I don't have a PC.

I just borrowed my friend's phone to quickly write this chapter which I'm about to return now.

I apologize for the disappointment.

I don't know when I'm going to get a new phone because I'm very broke right now but hopefully soon.

Immediately I get a new phone I'll fulfill my promise and do a mass release.

If you like a realistic romance and good comedy, check out my friend's novel @Royal_mint » THE TRUTH UNTOLD

It's a very interesting one, so make sure you check it out.

TimViccreators' thoughts
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