
Godly Abomination Returns

[ON HIATUS] Alusec, the abominable god-king, betrayed by his lover, student and several other gods; finally escapes imprisonment after being kept away for several thousand years. Upon his return, he discovered the planets he lorded over had long been destroyed by the gods who betrayed him. He sets out on a path of revenge while slowly recovering his original abilities. With time he would find out that things aren't as simple as he initially assumed. Follow Alusec on a bloody road of revenge and new self discovery as he decimates his enemies and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. This is my first work so don't expect it to be as great as my second work » The Bloodline System I was still inexperienced when writing this so the quality and style might not be to your liking.

TimVic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

The rise of Killing intent

-At the celestial plane

The whole palace was in ruins after the explosion. Just like that, Vorilion, one of the oldest and most powerful guardians was no more. Alusec had succeeded in implementing his first step of revenge, causing the death of the guardian who governed the void that he was imprisoned in. Inside the throne room everywhere was in shambles, with broken statues all over the place and a huge hole in the ground in which the waterfall could be seen from the hole, but surprisingly the throne area wasn't damaged in the slightest and even though other parts of the palace had fallen into the waterfall, the throne room was still floating. After the dust settled, the four pillars at the throne area could be seen glowing with a milky light. A rectangular barrier was erected by the four pillars, protecting the gods inside from the blast.

"Phew, that was close." Vera sighed in relief.

"It was a good thing that I was able to arrive before the explosion to activate the dimensional pillars." Calicrum was feeling thankful and vexed at the same time.

'I need to be more careful, even though that explosion wouldn't have killed me... it was enough to get me seriously injured.....'

Just as Calicrum said, the dimensional pillars at the throne area were connected to Calicrum's mind, and at the last second he activated it, teleporting Vorilion out of the throne area and erecting a dimensional barrier, that transferred most of the explosion and chaotic energy to another location, but even with that, the palace was still wrecked. Calicrum could not imagine what would have happened if the dimensional pillars did not transfer most of the explosion away.

Calicrum was a god of time and space, so teleporting a person to another location was not a difficult task, but because of the urgency, he could only teleport Vorilion outside the throne area.

Calicrum deactivated the barrier and stared at the demolished palace. "He succeeded in destroying the celestial palace, which has been standing since the ages of the old gods."

Abilech spoke solemnly.

"Even though he didn't succeed in killing me, this is a huge blow to my reputation. It will be recorded in the annals of history, that in the time of my reign as the god-king, the celestial palace was razed to the ground.... this must have been what he was after." Calicrum spoke with a dark face, full of anguish.

"God-king Calicrum, there's no need for panic, since he just escaped he must be very weak right now.... there is no way that he wouldn't have come straight to the celestial plane if he was at full power, he can only result in tricks for now. Our first step should be, trying to find his location." The other god, that was formerly floating on the right finally spoke.

He had a round face, with a ponytail and a slightly fat body with his left eye closed.

"Zorander, I want you to gather the celestial troops and place them in every corner of the universe, and if we don't have enough troops, recruit more. I want a portrait of his picture sent to every part of the galaxy. A billion runic stones will be given to anyone who makes an accurate report of location." Calicrum gave out orders to the round-faced god who nodded affirmatively.

"Vera and Abilech, yo..." Calicrum was about to dish out another set of orders when he noticed something.

When the dust and debris cleared up, the guard that guided Vorilion into the throne room was seen standing up.

'How is he still alive?' The three gods thought at the same time.

Calicrum chuckled while speaking, "My teacher is still as sentimental as ever, sparing the lives of those that aren't involved in his revenge." He extended his mind and sensed the space around him. In the process, he found out that all the guards were still alive after the mighty explosion. Alusec found a way to save them all.

"Only one casualty from all that. Oh sensei, I wonder if you will still leave these guards alive when they're hunting you down." Calicrum smiled evilly and relaxed his senses.

"Open a gate to the Mandiru mountain."

At the throne area, the four pillars glowed brightly as a whirlpool was opening at the center of the throne area. It slowly expanded until it got to the size of a bungalow and stabilized.

"Abilech alert all the gods, let them meet me at the summit of the mountain in the next seventy-two hours... this meeting is a code DARK!" Calicrum commanded.

He turned to face Vera, "Follow me."

"What about Goddess Yemoja?" Vera questioned before Calicrum went in.

"She's in a safe place, where no one will ever be able to find her," Calicrum replied and went in without giving Vera a chance to throw any more questions at him.

Vera sighed and flew in, as the portal behind her closed.

Abilech turned into a gigantic dragon the size of a mansion, with a seven meters long horn in the middle of his forehead. With a flap of his wings, he flew up into the sky, causing small hurricanes to blow in every direction.

Zorander stared at the huge dragon flying away in the distance, "Show off."

Zorander opened his left eye. The outer part of his pupils was whitish with a crimson glow in the middle, like a dot. The crimson glow in the middle of his eyes gradually grew larger and shot out a red orb. He grabbed the orb with his right hand threw it to the ground.


The ground started vibrating and a manhole opened in front of him. The manhole was so deep, that the bottom couldn't be seen.

He smiled and jumped in. After that, the hole closed, like it was never there.


-Back at Kondoor

"What's going on here?" A loud voice was heard from the sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw a young man with brown curly hair, wearing an azure-colored armor, with three blue stars on his left chest area.

He looked around the street, only to see torn down buildings, demolished shops, and a crack filled road.

"Why is the third street in ruins?" He asked.

'A general of the Bardinea troops is here... we are finished.' the hunters thought.

They couldn't open their mouths to speak because of the heavy slaps they had received from Alusec.

The general saw the people beaten down on the street and immediately understood what happened.

"Have you forgotten that the city rules forbids anyone who has surpassed the esei level from fighting in commercial or residential areas.... You will all be taken in now." The general declared.

He touched his chest area, which had a communication device installed, and made a report about the street brawl, asking for some troops to come and take the group away for breaking the law.

After making his report, he turned to face them, only to discover that a person was missing.

'Where is the guy with dreadlocks' he questioned in his mind.

"I don't have time to mess around."

A fading voice could be heard, but the general couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from.

In a few minutes, Alusec was already in the Vorilan forest.

He was like a blur as he kept leaping from tree to tree traveling west.

'I used too much power when causing Vorilion's explosion and saving all those guards, so I won't be able to fly for the time being.... this is troublesome.' Alusec thought while rubbing his temples.

'I'll have to be extra careful since I'm not at the peak of 1% right now.'

After several minutes of jumping and leaping from tree to tree like a mutated monkey, Alusec finally arrived in front of a red mountain.

The mountain was about ten thousand meters high, it's top could not be seen because it was covered by clouds. The locals called it Abuorun peak, which meant the 'wicked peak'.

A lot of people had tried climbing to the top but died along the way. It was easy for those who had started cultivating have the strength to climb to the peak of this mountain, but because of the special phenomenons that happen when climbing, no one was able to succeed in climbing to the top. Someone once tried flying over it but got struck by twenty-seven lightning bolts. His ashes are still floating in the air until today.

No beasts could be found in the vicinity of the mountain because even beasts fear this region.

Alusec dropped down from a tree and walked towards the mountain.

'The entrance should be somewhere around here.' Alusec thought while moving anticlockwise around the mountain.

He got to a position that had a rocky bump and traced a circle with his right fingertip above the bump. After that, he traced some weird symbols on the mountain wall.


The traced symbols lit up and...


Loud rumblings could be heard as the ground started quaking. A passageway opened up at the foot of the mountain, that led underground. Stairs shifted out of the edge one by one making a... gba! gba! gba! sound.

Alusec looked at the passageway that went deep underground, seeing only darkness, his pupils glowing blue,

"I'm back."

He said and jumped right in, ignoring the stairs.

Sorry for the slow releases as I'm really busy right now.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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