
Godly Abomination Returns

[ON HIATUS] Alusec, the abominable god-king, betrayed by his lover, student and several other gods; finally escapes imprisonment after being kept away for several thousand years. Upon his return, he discovered the planets he lorded over had long been destroyed by the gods who betrayed him. He sets out on a path of revenge while slowly recovering his original abilities. With time he would find out that things aren't as simple as he initially assumed. Follow Alusec on a bloody road of revenge and new self discovery as he decimates his enemies and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. This is my first work so don't expect it to be as great as my second work » The Bloodline System I was still inexperienced when writing this so the quality and style might not be to your liking.

TimVic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

Rin's backstory (Part 2)

Rin waved with her right hand while peeking through the windows as the carriage departed into the sky from the residence, even though she knew that they couldn't see her.

In her heart, she prayed for the safe journey of her parents.

Although this wasn't the first time that her parents were journeying to another island, Rin felt a bit weird this time.

She laid down on her bed in thoughts, cutely pouting her lips. After several minutes of being in her thoughts, as a kid that she was, she slept off, still pouting in her sleep.


At Day time

Rin opened her eyes to see the curtains pulled to the side and rays of sun shining through the window, directly at her eyes. She immediately shut her eyes while raising her left hand to block her face subconsciously and was about to growl in anger at the person responsible for causing her such discomfort.

"Good morning miss, it's almost time for your usual morning classes, your instructor will be here soon," A woman in white clothing said while smiling warmly at Rin who immediately calmed down after seeing that it was her favorite nanny.

"Nanny Folander, what time is it? I wanna sleep a bit more," Rin said grumpily while turning her body around to block the rays penetrating her eyes.

"Naughty miss, you have to take your bath now or they'll be no breakfast for you today till after your lessons," Nanny Folander threatened.

Like as if she was electrocuted, Rin immediately opened her eyes back and shifted the blankets to one side revealing a violet flower patterns night robes. She jumped up from the bed while nanny Folander chuckled at her action.

Nanny Folander was the one who nursed Rin from when she was an infant, till she grew to this age which was why she was the only one that could wake successfully wake Rin from her sleep without getting yelled at. She knew everything about Rin, especially her love for food so she used it against her. Rin couldn't stand being hungry. Her love for food was second to her love for her parents.

Rin walked towards the door like a zombie with nanny Folander following behind her with a wide grin on her face.

After exiting the room there was another maid outside waiting for them, who immediately greeted politely upon seeing them coming out of the room. Rin didn't even reply and kept moving towards the bath area that was just at the end of the corridor.


About an hour later

Rin was dressed in long flowing violet-colored robes, as she walked out from the residence with her nanny following right behind her.

They came out through a different doorway from the one her parents passed through earlier.

On getting out of the main residence they turned left and walked towards a small pathway that had flowers planted on both sides. The pathway led to a small gate that had six feet fence which formed a rectangular barricade.

Within the gate was a small garden, with beautiful looking flowers and glowing flies with a small pond at the edge.

Rin walked in and a middle-age looking woman in yellow robes with wrinkles could be seen sitting in an elegant position on a chair at the center of the garden, there was a small table in front of her.

On this table was a tray and on the tray was a teapot and two teacups. Everything looked luxurious with golden and silver patterns and designs all over.

Rin's face immediately changed to that of dissatisfaction upon seeing the setting, 'Not this again, arrrgh,' she grumbled in her mind as she already knew what her instructor wanted to teach her.

"Miss Rin, take a seat," The middle-aged female instructor offered.

Rin immediately took her sit without even bothering to greet her.

"No, no, that posture is wrong miss Rin, you sat like the way a man does," The instructor complained, while Rin rolled her eyes, she was already expecting this but as she was about to refute she saw nanny Folander staring at her and decided to keep quiet.

The instructor stood up and demonstrated by sitting and standing repeatedly and asking Rin to do emulate her.

This continued for several minutes until Rin finally got the hang of it and they moved on to the next task at hand.

The instructor went on to teach her the art of elegance in pouring tea from a teapot into a teacup.


In the afternoon after the lessons, Rin walked back to the residence with a grumpy look.

"That damn instructor Lanshi," Rin spoke with gritted teeth, "Oh no, young miss, your arms aren't straightened properly.... oh no miss, you're too stiff.... oh no miss your movement is like a male's... oh no miss.." Run mimicked her instructor's shrill voice while nanny Folander giggled from behind after hearing all her complaints.

"Young miss, you know your parents are planning a large birthday celebration for you, and important guests will be attending, I'm sure you wouldn't want to disappoint your parents would you?" Nanny Folander asked at the last sentence.

"Of course not, but I would like to learn martial arts or battle cultivation techniques, not all these elegance nonsense," Rin said with a look of frustration.

Nanny Folander stared at the unrelenting, young miss in front of her, shaking her head in pity.

Normally a child would have awakened his or her source from three to five years of age but Rin was already eleven and yet she still hadn't awakened her source. Her parents had already decided that she was going to follow in their footsteps and become a trader like them.

Although it was possible to still learn battle techniques and martial arts, a normal cultivator would never be as powerful as a cultivator with a source. At least that was what everyone believed.

Nanny Folander smiled and comforted Rin, telling her that she could talk about it to her parents when they came back from Isoka island. Run nodded and smiled sweetly while asking for her lunch.

Nanny Folander was already expecting this and pinched her cheeks with playfulness, "Ounje labi," she called out to Rin.

This was a nickname that meant 'we gave birth to a foodie'.

They got to the main residence and immediately headed to one of the dining rooms, where delicious-looking dishes were awaiting. Rin saw the food and her eyes brightened up.

She dug in right away, forgetting about her sour mood earlier and all the elegance she learned was thrown right into the waste bin.

After all this Rin spent the rest of her day reading and walking from place to place within the residence.

Since her parents were traders and had traveled far and wide, they had a large library with over a thousand books that Rin visited when she was free at times. This was where she learned about martial arts and the situation of the planet. She loved reading history books a lot because she was a fan of adventure. Her dream was to travel around the world to see exciting places that she read in books while learning all the martial arts and battle techniques she could lay her hands on.

Later she slept very late at night due to the excitement of her upcoming birthday the next day.

I'm back guys and from now on there will be daily release.


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