
Godless World

In the year 2100, seven portals opened throughout the world and from them, angels poured out slaughtering people as they wanted, creating hell, it was truly apocalyptic, their justification had been: God is dead and they will take control of this world. From then, the world we knew changed, mana filled the world, animals and plants evolved, dungeons appeared and so did the devil king. One hundred years later, a young man appeared, and with him comes a change. °°°°°°° 1 chapter per day A bonus chapter if PS reach 100 a week. More chapters if there's more. °°°°°°° Disclaimer: Nickaido's here. This Earth is the not same Earth we are living on, it is like an alternate Earth so please do not use your common sense for this novel as this is pure fantasy and I don't mean any harm nor do I have any blasphemous thoughts toward any religion. Once again it's pure fiction. PS: The cover is not mine, I will commission one later and if its rightful owner wants me to take it down I'll gladly do it. English is not my first language, it's self-learned. While this might sound like an excuse I assure you it's not but don't worry it won't stop your immersion in the story. I will do my best with the help of Grammarly premium, my dedication, and your help. So please give the story a chance and together let's make it into a great story.

Nickaido · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

The Second element


Eight Ant-horns simultaneously jumped out of the bush.

Judging by the three that were much larger than the others, it seemed that there were 'Elders' amongst them.

A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up Dante eager and he added strength to the spear within his grasp.

Making use of his devil's stigma, a powerful strength spread across his body.


One elder Ant-horn sharply raced across from the left.

His body moved naturally as if he had done this several times already.



After he shoved the spear's shaft inside the Ant-horn's face, the Ant-horn tried to use its sharp chin to break the shaft which was soon proven to be futile.

Dante bent the shaft while simultaneously using the heel of his foot to stomp down on the Ant-horn's head.

The Ant-horn's shell was completely crushed with a simple kick.
