
Friendship And Brotherly Love.

We last saw each other when Godiel the soon to be crown prince of all made a primordial body.

Millenia:Dear help me ahhh please ahhhhh.

Dracula:Wait big brother why aren't you helping.

At that moment God himself started to cry .

God:Finally after so long my little boy is coming.

Millenia:Wait what????!

God:What I'm trying to say is that our little Godiel is about to create a primordial body so he can finally see all his brothers and sisters.

Meanwhile outside Valhalla

Eternal Chaos

Lucifer:What the Fucking fuck was that even I

could feel.

When Lucifer turned around he say a little boy in front of him.

Meanwhile back In Valhalla

Chamber of the Ancients

Millenia:So where is he then.

God:He probably went to his brother.

Meanwhile outside Valhalla

Eternal Chaos

Lucifer: Who are you ?

Godiel: Well don't you remember me you studied dumbass.

Lucifer:Wait Godiel.

He had said it in a happy yet cry-full voice.

Lucifer:Wait why are you here.

Godiel: Can't you realize it dude I was able to create a primordial body like you told me to do.

Lucifer then hugged his little brother and continued to cry more and more.After he stopped crying he asked Godiel.

Lucifer:Wait why did you come here you know I was exiled.

Godiel:Stupid don't you think I know you've been trying to find a reason to leave to create your own realm and I know mom and dad wouldn't let you.So how about a help you.

Lucifer:You really want to help me?

Godiel:Yes stupidass