
Celestial War

When the war had started it wasn't as bloody as it would soon be.At the beginning it was just a few clashes because remember this is the beginning and so Creation isn't here yet or simply it isn't created yet.Soon after some time it started to become it even more bloody than before.So soon it became a battle for who was more powerful so Lucifer yelled "Michael you benevolent bastard come here and fucking face me like a real brother" to which Michael responded "You only care about yourself you retarded jackass so you come and face me bitch ".So the war continued to where Valhalla couldn't handle it and started to ripe because of the immense power from the Deity's.

Soon after, the Ancients started to interfere with the war,but not directly because they also promised not to hurt there children(lol I don't know the different there's) and so soon the war had started to reach its climax where just the mere clash of a sword could rip Valhalla.

Authors note: I meant to show our protagonist name but it seems that it will be next time.

So because Lucifer was so prideful he unfortunately didn't use his full power in final battle instead he taunted Michael (A/N meaning authors note Michael full power is only equal to 95% percent of Lucifer's full power) soon Michael became furious and started to use his full power but Lucifer still taunted him and said "you piece of shit you'll never be as powerful as me bitch" Michael became so mad that he almost destroyed all of Valhalla.

God soon got tired of this worthless bickering and says "Enough Of this worthless fighting.All of you come and face your judgement."All of them were instantly scared and then he said "the punishment will be to be exiled out of Valhalla" all of the Deity's suddenly felt a silent fear in there hearts and then they realized that they all knew the condition outside of home and it was chaos and destruction so all who rebelled organized a plan to scapegoat Lucifer so they didn't get Exiled.

After a few minutes they entered the chamber of the Ancients and they cower in fear of how immense the energy radiating from them is.