

What would you do if you open your eyes into Śūnyatā* and is asked to be the creator of a new world? That is exactly what the story is after. A man named Maximilian bad mouthed The God saying he could better Creator and so he got turned into one. But it's not that simple... While being a God in another orgin he also had to manage his life in his world too! Why? Because if not... he might die. This story shows what would happen if a human was turned into the God but it is not just limited to that... as the story progress he would be greeted with multiple mysteries and ups and downs. A lot... of ups and downs. 《Note: English is not first language so I cannot grantee top class English but it would be readable and enjoyable》 《Note 2: Multiple figures from different Mythologies will be mentioned in near future.》

Mythology_Guy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Creation Of Humans (3)

A bright eye-blinding light emitted from the sculptures as the sphere of sky essence entered them through their chest and their outer part started to crack and fall revealing human skin underneath the sculptures.

Two of them were men while the other two were female. All of them had white skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair; they even looked similar overall almost as if they were siblings but most importantly… They were naked!

Max instantly looked away from them with a slight blush of embarrassment before coughing lightly and looking back at them while imagining clothes in forms of leaves to appear on their body to at least cover their private parts.

The four humans looked confused and puzzled but the moment they laid their eyes on Max they instantly but gracefully bow down before him allowing their forehead to touch the ground below.

Max flinched by the sudden action and looked at the Ball with a nervous smile; confused on how he should react.

"All creations have a tendency to submit to their creator. Do not worry. Although language has not even been invented by them, every word you will speak could be understood by them." The Ball explained calmly.

Max coughed once again for some reason still embarrassed due to them being almost completely naked… and to his original world's standards all of them were beyond good-looking. Better than any model or actor/actress.

"You all may rise."

Hearing the command from Max they did not waste a second to get up and stand still while occasionally looking at each other and the surroundings.

"You all may be confused and have many questions… but that is not important. You all are my creation and your job is to reproduce and survive."

As Max spoke in the foreign language, the information that Max wanted to give them got directly transmitted into their brain and became a purpose for them. Now… their life was to survive and reproduce.

"Also… incest is biggest crime. A heavenly crime. That is all you must know."

After saying that, Max faded from the vision and teleported to space once again along with the Ball.

"Incest…? Is that the reason you created four humans instead of two-?" The Ball asked, confused and impressed at the same time.

"Yeah… incest is like one of my biggest pet peeve. I can take many things but that seems just… weird." Max mumbled with a soft sigh.

"Fair enough. Now you are officially the creator of life and are allowed to make more planets and a proper solar system. After creating a solar system with at least 14 planets you may command me to directly construct a solar system instead of manually." The Ball said calmly as ever.

"Nice! I just want to get rid of you someday." Max said grinning.

"I do not truly have feelings other than some basic ones. I do not feel fear of disappearance or rage so do not try to push my buttons and anger me." The Ball said, a lot calmer than usual.

"Yeah, yeah… but I think I should go back to my original world now. I think I have been here for a few hours…"

"Do not worry about that. The flow of time between your original origin and this origin is tremendous. Every year you spend here will be a minute there. So don't worry and focus on creation for a few centuries here."

"Um…" Max started to stroke his chin wondering what he should do then he flinched remembering the reason why he came here.

Suddenly Max's calm face turned into a cold face with rage deep within his blue eyes. His smiley lips frowned in anger and he looked down on his first planet.

"Yes… let's continue with the creation." Max said as he clenched his fist remembering the reason he even was eager to gain power by working hard to begin with.




Earlier in Max's original origin




Max drove his car back to his building. The building he lives in was solely his. A 30-story luxurious building that was once filled with house servants roaming around back and forth in a single click of a button.

Max parked his car in the above ground parking lot… empty parking lot. It was once filled with luxurious cars but now it was vacant. All the cars were taken away by the bank.

Max stayed in the car quietly for a few seconds before sighing deeply and getting out. Just as he got out he saw a car entering the parking area and the car parking just next to his.

Max's expression simply worsened as it did not take much time to recognise who the car belonged to.

Soon the door of the luxurious black car opened and a man in black formal suit walked out. He was a black man but that did not change anything about his look. He still looked quite handsome despite being bald and not having any special characteristics. Even his eyes were deep black. Perhaps it was because of how buffed and tall he was he looked better than normal people.

"Greetings, Mr. Lawrence." He said with a professional smile across his face as he closed the door of the car.

"...Hello, Advocate Jones…" Max said, looking away from Jones while trying not to show any bitter feelings he held deep in his heart.

"Just call me Jones. I am here as the representative of the bank." Jones walked back a little and opened the door of the backseat to get some papers before walking back to Max.

"What is it now?"

Max said, biting his lips to not say something more than he should. Because of all the negative emotions Max was holding, the effect was showing in the environment; once again the clear sky started to get flooded by dark stormy clouds.

Jones handed over the files to Max maintaining his professional smile before explaining what it was in the file.

"It seems like the manager did something illegal. He told you that you can stay here in the building until you get financially stabilised, right? Well he did not have the permission to do so. You will have to leave this place by next month."

Max's eyes widened hearing that. He quickly opened the file and started to read through it trying to understand the contexts.

"Oh my… you are breaking my heart. I even begged for this time. They were saying you must leave the place in a week but how could I be so cruel?" Jones said in a dramatic tone.


Max said nothing and crumbled the file in anger. He could not even vent his anger because he knew the man in front of him was one of the top lawyers not only of the city but of the whole country. A simple mistake could easily end his career before it even begins.

"If you need help in moving out I will help you anytime. You have my number, right? Now I will take my leave."

With that, the lawyer left, leaving behind Max drowning in his emotions. Max turned around and looked at Jones' car while breathing heavily in anger.

"If I had not known there are other Gods beside me… I would have truly killed you without any fear you damn bastard…" Max mumbled under his breath as he threw the papers on the ground.

The moment the file touched the ground, rain started to pour down the whole city… a rain heavier than any rain it had ever experienced or even the whole world ever did…