
Lake Disaster

Following a stone pathway were two little children making their way to Pale-Blood Lake. The duo arrived shortly after walking for about 3 minutes. Upon arrival they started to play by the lake side, messing with the little animals and insects they could find. The little boy of the group began taking up rocks and started throwing them at the surface seeing how far they could skip. Confused by his actions the little girl came over and asked what he was doing. "Godfrey what are you doing?" "This is something I saw in my dreams Aria, you take a couple flat rocks and see how far you can make them skip across the lake." "Ohh It looks fun can I try?" Said Aria.

"Sure, just grab a few rocks that look flat enough and throw them at the surface of the lake as hard as you can but do not throw them directly at the water cause it might just sink, you have to aim at a slight angle to make it skip across."

"Okay Godfrey I'll do it like you said to."

Meanwhile the two children were playing by the lake. They didn't notice two auras shrouded in darkness watching them from afar, their intentions unknown. Suddenly one of the auras started moving closer to the children. Godfrey who was playing with Aria by the lake noticed some movements to the right of them, he could only faintly make out the movements so he couldn't be sure if he was imagining things or not. But nevertheless he remained vigilant despite not knowing if the feeling is true or not.

The shadow proceeded to speed up as if seeing an opportunity arrive, but in doing so the other arua noticed something wasn't right and also headed for the children. Suddenly the Hair on godfreys neck stood up as he quickly turned his head around, opening his eyes wide and yelling " Aria Duck Down!" shortly after yelling a 'Shhhhuaaa' sound whistled through the air. Two daggers could be seen inches away from where the two children were standing. "Hhhehehe" an evil laughter could be heard coming from the shadows. Slowly a figure clad in all black cloth could be seen slowly materialing a few feet from the children.

" I didn't think that you could dodge that, although I wasn't aiming to kill you it's still pretty impressive." Killing you before you could grow up is the best thing to do after all." Said the black clothed man coldly.

"Assassin!" screamed Aria. " Who sent you assassin, I don't know anyone foolish enough to dare attack us in Pale-Blood Castle." Said Godfrey coldly.

"You don't need to know who sent me you'll still die all the same, I was planning on giving you a someone quick death after looking at the despair your face, but since you where able to dodge my attack I think I might just torture you for a while first starting with the little lass there first Heeehee." Said the assassin evilly. He dashed forward making a grabbing motion at the little girl intending to capture her.

"You'll have to step past my dead body before thinking of injuring her." Said godfrey. He grabbed the dagger behind him and lunged towards the assassin arm stabbing into his arm.

"Ahh," the assassin let out a groan. "You stinking brat, you dare injure me? Fine I'll just give you your punishment now." Boom! The assassin ruthlessly smacked Godfrey into the ground with his injured arm. Boom boom boom, only the sounds of him punching Godfrey could be heard. "All the bones in your body should be broken now, all you have to do now is watch as I torture your little friend before I finish you off." Said the assassin evilly after turning Godfreys head to the side to watch.

Godfrey embedded into the ground could only watch helplessly in pain as the assassin slowly made his way towards Aria. He could see the fear in her eyes as well as the tears, but he could do nothing about it, all the bones in his body were broken he could only watch. "Why!! Why did this happen in our castle, why am I so weak. I couldn't even protect my only friend." he thought to himself. " I need POWER, enough to protect the ones I care about, enough to SQUASH my enemies under my feet, I need more strength." Said Godfrey as his mind turned twisted by his thoughts.

As the assassin was making his way towards the little girl he noticed an aura similar to his about to arrive. " Damn it someone was watching these brats, I gotta finish them off soon. He raised his hand with a dagger about to kill the little girl when suddenly he forze. A arua of death washed over him, cold sweat trickled down his back. He could only slowly turn his head around to see what made him so scared. When he finally got a glimpse of what it was he was horrified. Standing up behind was the same kid he just beat to a pulp, except he had pitch black eyes in addition to his blood red hair and two huge red wings behind him. A murderous aura could be seen coming from his body premating the air with killing intent.

The next moment the monstrous kid disappeared and then appeared right next to the assassin moving his hand filled claws in slashing motion past his neck. From the assassin point of view the kid disappeared and then he was suddenly falling, he looked up to see his body and a fountain of blood gushing out from where his head should be before he slowly lost consciousness.

Godfrey transformed, scanned Aria to make sure she was alright. He could sense another aura approaching them rapidly but he no longer had the strength to fight again, he gave Aria one last look as if saying 'i'm sorry' and passed out, his transformation slowly receding. Aria after seeing Godfrey transform like that then killing the assassin, mind was on the verge of collapse. After seeing him pass out she saw another assassin like figure descend and fainted.