
Godfather System

Lorenzo found himself betrayed by a once-trusted ally in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, murdered, and surprisingly woke up not just in a new body, but in an entirely unfamiliar one. To his astonishment, he quickly realized he was no longer in the world he knew. The existence of the Corleone Family and four other mafia dynasties from "The Godfather" became his startling reality. Author's Note: Dive into this enthralling Criminal Underworld Fanfic! Each chapter spans between 1,600 and 1,800 words average. For those eager to delve deeper, the advanced 10 chapters await at Patreon.com/NewComer714

NewComer714 · Movies
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75 Chs

Secure Lover, Separation, Enlisting to War (R-18)

In the dimly lit hotel room, the air thick with the musky scent of lust and sweat, Lorenzo and Deborah lay entwined in each other's arms. Their bodies slick with perspiration, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Moments ago, they had just shared their virginity, and now, their desire for one another burned brighter than ever..

The heady scent of their union still hung in the air, a testament to their passionate lovemaking.

Lorenzo, his chest heaving, couldn't keep his hands off her. His fingers traced the contours of her naked body, marveling at the softness of her skin, the curves that seemed to have been molded by the angels themselves. Deborah, her eyes hooded with desire, bit her lower lip as she watched him explore her body. A shiver ran down her spine, setting her ablaze anew.

"I want you again," she whispered, her voice barely a whimper.

Lorenzo growled low in his throat, his need for her insatiable. He positioned himself between her thighs, his engorged manhood throbbing with anticipation. With a single, slow thrust, he entered her once more, filling her completely. The sensation of her tight, wet heat enveloping him was almost too much to bear.

Their bodies moved in a primal rhythm, their moans echoing off the walls of the small room. The only sounds that filled the air were their labored

breaths, the wet slapping of their skin, and the creaking of the bedframe. The room was alive with their passionate cries, a symphony of lust and desire.

"Oh, Deborah," Lorenzo groaned, his grip on her hips tightening as he plunged into her depths. "You feel so good, so tight." His words sent shivers down her spine, fueling the fire within her.

Deborah's body arching off the mattress to meet his every thrust. "Yes, yes! Faster, I want more!" she cried out, her voice hoarse with pleasure.

Lorenzo obliged, picking up the pace, driving himself deeper and harder into her velvet heat. Their bodies slapped together, the sound of their union filling the room, a testament to their insatiable hunger for one another.

Their lips met in a frenzied kiss, tongues intertwining, tasting each other's essence. Deborah's legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him even closer, never wanting this moment to end.

Lorenzo's hands found their way to Deborah's firm, perky breasts, her nipples hardened like pebbles against his calloused palms. He teased them, pinching and twisting the sensitive buds, eliciting moans of pleasure from her swollen lips.

"Faster," she begged, her nails raking his back, leaving marks that would serve as a reminder of their passionate encounter.

Lorenzo obliged, picking up the pace, his hips slapping against her thighs in a primal rhythm. Deborah's cries of pleasure filled the room, bouncing off the walls and fueling his desire even further.

Her inner walls clenched around him, milking him, as if she too was desperate to keep him inside her. "Yes, yes! Faster!" she cried out, her body trembling beneath him.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, their moans mingling with the slapping of their skin as they raced towards the edge.

Deborah's nails raked his back, her grip tightening as her climax approached. "I'm going to…" she panted, her voice a hoarse whisper.

Lorenzo groaned, his hips moving even faster, driving himself deeper into her depths.

With one final, earth-shattering thrust, they both climaxed together, their cries of ecstasy filling the small hotel room. Their bodies shuddered in unison, their juices mingling as they came undone in each other's arms.

As their breathing slowed, they collapsed onto the damp sheets, their bodies entwined, their hearts pounding in tandem. The room was now silent save for their labored breaths and the quiet creaking of the bedframe.

Lorenzo pulled her closer, his chest heaving against hers. "Deborah," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "That was… indescribable."

She smiled up at him, her eyes glazed over with desire and love. "I know," she breathed, running her fingers through his sweat-soaked hair. "I never want this to end."

They lay there, entangled in each other's arms, their bodies still joined, savoring the afterglow of their passionate lovemaking.

Lorenzo's fingers slipped down to between Deborah's thighs, coated in their mingled juices. He could feel her contracting around him, milking every last drop of his seed from his throbbing length. He pulled out, and they both moaned in unison at the sensation. His manhood glistened in the dim light, their combined fluids shining like a badge of their passionate union.

Lorenzo's fingers danced down Deborah's body, his hand slipping between her thighs. He could feel the evidence of their passion, his seed seeping from her tight entrance. He brought his cum-coated fingers to her lips, smiling wickedly. "Look," he purred, "I've filled you up so much, you're dripping with my seed."

Deborah blushed, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. "Oh, Lorenzo… I'm still so young."

Her racing heartbeat betrayed her true feelings, and he knew she was both scared and aroused by the thought of a potential pregnancy.

"Shh, don't worry," he whispered, his fingers caressing her cheek and naked back. "If it happens, it happens. I'll take responsibility."

Deborah shook her head, her eyes filled with worry. "It's not about that… I couldn't pursue my dream of becoming an actress if I got pregnant." Her voice trembled, her fingers nervously playing with the sheets.

Lorenzo brushed her hair away from her face, his gaze softening. "Hey, hey… if you want to be an actress, we'll make it happen. Even if you're pregnant with our child, I'll help you. I promise."

His words, laced with determination, seemed to hold a certain truth to them. Deborah felt her worries and concerns ebbing away, replaced by a sense of security she'd never known before.

"Really?" she asked, her voice laced with hope.

"I swear," he said, his voice resolute. "Nothing will stand in our way, not even a baby."

With those words, some of her fears dissipated, and she nestled into his arms, allowing his warmth and strength to comfort her.

With their bodies still entwined, their hearts beating as one, they lay together on the bed. Their naked forms slick with sweat, their breathing slowing in the aftermath of their passionate lovemaking.

Lorenzo couldn't resist one last kiss, his lips finding hers in a tender, lingering embrace. Their tongues danced together, tasting each other's essence, savoring the remnants of their shared passion.

As their lips parted, they stared into each other's eyes, their love and desire for one another burning brightly. "I love you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too," she breathed, her fingers tracing the contours of his face.

With those words, sleep claimed them both, their naked bodies entwined.


After their passionate encounter, Lorenzo and Deborah stepped out of the hotel room, their bodies still humming with desire. They showered together, unable to keep their hands off each other even in the confines of the small stall. The hot water cascading over their entwined bodies only heightened their arousal.

Once they were clean, they toweled off and dressed, their movements slow and languid.

Lorenzo couldn't help but notice Deborah's slightly off-kilter gait as they left the hotel, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. "You alright?" he teased, his arm around her waist to steady her.

"I'm fine," she said, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

They walked together, their conversation light and easy, as if they hadn't just made love mere minutes ago. As they neared the delicatessen, the reality of their impending separation weighed heavily on them both.

"See you tomorrow," Lorenzo said, his voice thick with longing.

Deborah nodded, her expression a mix of understanding and sadness. She knew all too well that Lorenzo would soon volunteer to enlist in the war. They shared a tight hug, and as they parted, Deborah quickly gave him a fleeting kiss before hurrying into the delicatessen.

Lorenzo couldn't help but smile as he watched her go. He glanced at his [Relationship Tab] and saw that their relationship had reached 94%. He knew that meant Deborah was practically his, but he also knew that if they were separated for too long, her feelings might start to wane. It was important to him to make the most of their remaining time together and strengthen their bond.


Two days flew by in the blink of an eye, and during that time, Lorenzo's feelings for Deborah had grown exponentially, reaching 97% in the [Relationship Tab]. It was no surprise, considering they had spent every moment together, exploring each other's bodies and sharing passionate sex in the hotel room.

Lorenzo had been considerate, using condoms to ease her worries about an unplanned pregnancy. They had made love dozens times, their bodies intertwined in a dance as old as time itself.

Now, as they stood in front of the delicatessen, saying their goodbyes, the weight of their impending separation hung heavy in the air. Tears welled up in Deborah's eyes, but she blinked them back, not wanting to appear weak in front of her lover.

"I'll miss you," she whispered, her voice catching in her throat.

Lorenzo wiped away her tears with the back of his hand, his own eyes glistening. "I'll miss you too, but I'll be back before you know it."

Without warning, Deborah pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues danced together, tasting each other's essence one last time before their separation. When they finally parted, both of them were breathless.

"Come back safe," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

"I will," he promised, his voice gruff with unshed tears.

With one final hug, they reluctantly let go of each other, their hearts already aching for the other's touch.

Lorenzo smiled, his heart heavy as he left Deborah behind. Joining Adam, Max, and the others, he noticed their flushed faces and knowing glances.

They hadn't expected him to develop such a deep connection with Deborah in such a short time, let alone have her initiate a passionate goodbye kiss.

As they walked the streets, Lorenzo filled Adam in on the operations around the neighborhood and their legitimate front businesses for their illegal dealings. He trusted Adam implicitly, their friendship solidified at 100% in the [Relationship Tab].

Max and Patrick, on the other hand, were less than thrilled to be tagging along.

Patrick, in particular, was downright against the idea of enlisting in the war. But, reluctantly, they followed Lorenzo to the local recruitment office.