
Godfather System

Lorenzo found himself betrayed by a once-trusted ally in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, murdered, and surprisingly woke up not just in a new body, but in an entirely unfamiliar one. To his astonishment, he quickly realized he was no longer in the world he knew. The existence of the Corleone Family and four other mafia dynasties from "The Godfather" became his startling reality. Author's Note: Dive into this enthralling Criminal Underworld Fanfic! Each chapter spans between 1,600 and 1,800 words average. For those eager to delve deeper, the advanced 10 chapters await at Patreon.com/NewComer714

NewComer714 · Movies
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75 Chs

Outstanding Bills

Adam had been taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, located on Lexington Avenue in the East Side of New York, by the factory management. Carrying a small assortment of fruits as a get-well gift, Lorenzo walked into the hospital and approached the reception desk to inquire about Adam Leverson.

The receptionist, a young woman, looked up at him. "How may I assist you?" she asked upon hearing Adam's name.

"I'm here to see Adam Leverson. I'm a friend of his," Lorenzo replied.

"May I have your name, please?" the receptionist asked, a standard procedure to ensure the privacy and security of their patients.

"Lorenzo Lupo," he introduced himself.

"Could you please sign your name here?" she requested, sliding a logbook and a pen across the counter.

Without hesitation, Lorenzo scribbled his name in the logbook. Handing it back, he watched as the receptionist checked his entry before informing him, "Mr. Leverson is in room 201. You can visit him between 2 PM and 4 PM, or 6 PM to 8 PM."

Acknowledging this with a nod, Lorenzo made his way towards the stairs, his eyes scanning the room numbers as he moved through the quiet hallway.

After searching for a bit, Lorenzo finally spotted room number "201". Pushing the door open, he entered a room bustling with the quiet stir of patients, each dealing with their own ailments and stories.

His eyes quickly found Adam, who was gazing out of a window, seemingly lost in thought. Moving closer, Lorenzo softly called out, "Adam."

There was no response; Adam appeared deeply engrossed in his thoughts. Growing concerned, Lorenzo reached out and gently tapped his shoulder, "Adam?"

Adam's reaction was immediate and startling. He flinched violently, arms flying up to shield his head as he cried out, "Don't hurt me!"

The sight of Adam reacting this way filled Lorenzo with a deep sense of pity for his friend, coupled with a burning anger towards Antonio and the others who had mercilessly beaten him. Anyone laying eyes on Adam in that moment would be moved to compassion. Lorenzo's understanding deepened; despite it being the 1940s and Adam having taken on work like an adult, he was still only 15—essentially still a child in Lorenzo's eyes.

"Adam! It's me, Lorenzo," he hastened to reassure his frightened friend.

Adam's fear briefly held him in its grip until he recognized Lorenzo through the gaps between his arms. Relief washed over his features as he lowered his arms and met Lorenzo's concerned gaze.

"I'm... I'm sorry for reacting like that, Lorenzo..." Adam's voice was tinged with embarrassment and regret, acknowledging that his reaction might have been a bit much.

"It's okay, I get it," Lorenzo replied with a gentle sigh, patting Adam on the shoulder. However, noticing Adam wince in pain, Lorenzo quickly withdrew his hand, regret coloring his tone. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that hurt."

Adam managed a small nod, assuring, "It's... it's okay."

Setting down the fruits he had brought beside Adam's bed, Lorenzo offered, "Here, I brought you some fruits. Eating these should help you regain your strength..."

Adam looked at the gesture, a mix of gratitude and guilt in his eyes. "You didn't have to go out of your way to get me fruits..."

Lorenzo let out a light chuckle, brushing off the concern. "It's nothing, really." Though he remembered the 20 cents spent on the apples and bananas.

Changing the subject, Lorenzo inquired, "How have you been? Did the police come to ask you about the factory theft?"

Adam nodded, confirming, "Yes, they questioned me about the theft at the factory, but..."

"But?" Lorenzo leaned in, encouraging him to continue.

Adam hesitated, then decided against sharing more. "Let's not go into that." It was clear he didn't want to burden Lorenzo with his troubles.

Just as Lorenzo was about to encourage Adam to open up about his concerns, they were interrupted by a hospital staff member approaching. "Hello, Mister."

Lorenzo turned towards the staff, curiosity evident in his expression. "Yes?" he responded, wondering what prompted the visit.

"Are you a friend of Mr. Leverson?" the staff member inquired.

"Yes, I am," Lorenzo confirmed with a nod.

The staff handed over a sheaf of papers. "These are Mr. Leverson's bill documents. They're still outstanding," he explained.

Lorenzo took the documents with a sense of disbelief, scanning the figures that tallied up to $198. He noted that while the factory management had covered $25 for the emergency services, including Adam's initial examination and treatment for his wounds and injuries, they hadn't taken responsibility for any subsequent medical expenses.

"Wasn't the factory management supposed to cover all of his medical bills?" Lorenzo questioned, looking up from the paperwork.

The staff member shook his head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lupo. The factory only paid for the initial treatment. They've not agreed to cover anything beyond that..."

Anger flared within Lorenzo, though he kept a tight rein on his emotions. Adam, however, was visibly upset by the news. Between coughs, he exclaimed, "What kind of nonsense is this! I exposed a theft ring at the factory, and this is how they repay me? By refusing to cover my medical expenses?"

The injustice of the situation was palpable, sparking a mix of outrage and despair in Adam.

The hospital staff member could only offer a sympathetic sigh. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Leverson, Mr. Lupo. I'm just following protocol here. I'll leave you two for now," he said before excusing himself and walking away.

Adam's frustration boiled over, and in a moment of anger, he clenched his fists and pounded the bed, a decision he immediately regretted as pain shot through his arms.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Adam," Lorenzo urged, trying to soothe his friend's rising temper.

"How can I possibly calm down? How am I going to pay these bills?" Adam's voice was thick with desperation, his eyes a clear window to his growing fear and anger.

"Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out," Lorenzo said, his voice firm with conviction.

"No, I can't let you do that. It's not your problem," Adam protested, shaking his head. "Maybe I should just go home. I don't need to stay in the hospital. I can heal up there..." he suggested, attempting to rise from the bed.

Lorenzo immediately intervened, gently pushing him back down. "No, you need to stay here, Adam. Trust me, I'll take care of the bills," he insisted, his determination unwavering.

Adam looked at him, hope mingling with skepticism in his eyes. "But how? How can you possibly manage that?" Even though he was moved by Lorenzo's pledge, the practicality of it seemed far-fetched.

Lorenzo quickly reassured Adam, "I've got someone in mind who can help with the bills. Just trust me on this."

"Who is that?" Adam's curiosity piqued.

"He's a good person, well-connected and wealthy. But you don't need to worry about who he is right now," Lorenzo responded, intentionally vague but confident in his tone.

Adam seemed to relax slightly at Lorenzo's assurance, though a trace of skepticism lingered. The thought that someone could and would help was comforting, yet the uncertainty of it all was hard to shake off.

As Lorenzo gently helped Adam settle back onto the bed, he revisited an earlier topic, "So, about the police questioning. You stopped at 'but...' earlier. There's more to it, isn't there?"

Adam exhaled deeply, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "I just... don't want to drag you into this mess."

"You're not dragging me into anything. I'm here for you, and I'm about to help settle your bills. I think I've earned the right to know the whole story," Lorenzo said, a gentle firmness in his voice. He was determined to understand what Adam was facing, not just for curiosity's sake but to better support his friend in any way he could.

Upon hearing Lorenzo's firm support, Adam let out a weary sigh and shared, "The police officer who questioned me... He's got ties to the Barzini family. He warned me to keep quiet."

He paused before continuing, "And Antonio, along with his cronies, came by too. They taunted me, acting like they were going to hit me again. That's why I freaked out when you touched me earlier..."

Lorenzo's frustration with Antonio and his goons deepened upon hearing this, their brazen cruelty infuriating him further. But what also stirred within him was a newfound disdain for the Barzini family. Despite the boiling anger for the injustice Adam faced, Lorenzo maintained his composure. Standing up, he assured, "Just wait here, Adam. Before you know it, your medical bills will be taken care of."

Adam, still marred by doubt, questioned, "Are you sure you can manage my bills, Lorenzo?"

Lorenzo let out a reassuring chuckle, "Of course—don't you trust me?"

Adam hesitated, caught in a moment of vulnerability. "I..."

Seeing his friend's hesitation, Lorenzo gently pressed, "After everything I'm doing... the only thing I ask is—do you trust me?"

After a brief pause, Adam found his resolve, "I... I trust you," he affirmed with a nod.

"Good," Lorenzo replied with a nod of approval, his tone warming. "Stay here," he instructed Adam before leaving the hospital room—and the hospital itself.


Outside Mount Sinai Hospital, Lorenzo reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, examining it closely.

It was an address given to him by Albert Neri.

With no other options available to him, Lorenzo resolved to seek the assistance of "The Godfather," Don Vito Corleone. This was the fastest way he could think of to settle Adam's medical bills.

Approaching a figure of such power didn't mean Lorenzo was looking to join the Corleone family. He simply needed Don Vito's help with the hospital expenses. Lorenzo was well aware that accepting aid from Don Vito meant entering into an unspoken contract of sorts. Should the Don assist him, Lorenzo would owe him a favor in return—a favor that, if called upon in the future, he would have to fulfill without question. Despite the weight of such a commitment, Lorenzo was prepared to accept the terms, understanding the gravity of his decision.

With determination, Lorenzo set off toward the address Albert Neri had provided.