
Godfather System

Lorenzo found himself betrayed by a once-trusted ally in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, murdered, and surprisingly woke up not just in a new body, but in an entirely unfamiliar one. To his astonishment, he quickly realized he was no longer in the world he knew. The existence of the Corleone Family and four other mafia dynasties from "The Godfather" became his startling reality. Author's Note: Dive into this enthralling Criminal Underworld Fanfic! Each chapter spans between 1,600 and 1,800 words average. For those eager to delve deeper, the advanced 10 chapters await at Patreon.com/NewComer714

NewComer714 · Movies
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75 Chs

Deal and Takeover

In the lobby, Lorenzo and Sonny were deeply engrossed in a hushed conversation about their nefarious black market deal.

"I'm willing to make this a real easy transaction for you, Sonny," Lorenzo drawled, a sly grin creeping onto his lips. "I've got a hunch you don't need to run this by your old man."

Sonny leaned back into the leather sofa, a smirk of his own playing on his lips. "Oh, really now? I'm all ears, Lorenzo. I'm always in the market for a good deal."

Lorenzo nodded, his grin widening like a predator sensing prey. "I thought you'd be interested. Just a small favor from you and the Corleone family, and it's all yours."

Sonny's eyebrow arched with intrigue. "And what kind of favor are we talking about, Lupo?"

Lorenzo motioned to his friend, Adam, who swiftly produced a yellowed piece of paper and slid it across the table. Sonny's eyes scanned the rough parchment, his eyebrows furrowing as he read Lorenzo's request: to help Lupo take over the O'Neal Brothers' territory, all without the Barzini or the other neighborhood gangs catching wind.

Yesterday, Lorenzo had annihilated the O'Neal brothers' gang, and now the only problem was to fully take over their territory. Though he planned to relocate his own gang in two months, he still had time to take advantage of and accumulate wealth in the neighborhood before departing for Los Angeles.

"So... you're the one who wiped out the O'Neal gang, eh?" Sonny couldn't help but smirk at Lorenzo.

Lorenzo's smile turned smug. "That's right. But we only got back a small piece of what was ours. The rest, well, it's still up for grabs."

Sonny's eyebrow shot upwards. "If your boys can handle the O'Neal bunch, what's stoppin' you from taking the rest of their turf?"

Lorenzo leaned in, lowering his voice. "We've got word from the Barzini family, and the smaller outfits are spooked as it is. We can handle our own, but with the Barzini breathing down our necks..."

"You want the Corleone family to keep the Barzini at bay while you expand?" Sonny asked, the gears in his mind whirring.

Lorenzo nodded, his expression unreadable. "That's the gist of it."

Sonny stroked his chin, feigning contemplation. "I'll need to run this by my old man. You know how it is, family business and all."

"Come now, Sonny," Lorenzo said, his voice smooth as silk, "you're the underboss of your family. I'm sure you can handle the Barzini boys for a bit, eh?"

Sonny stroked his chin, weighing the offer. "So, you just need us to keep them at bay, huh?"

Lorenzo's grin stretched even wider. "That's right, Sonny. Just long enough for us to get a foothold on the O'Neal brothers' territory."

Sonny drummed his fingers on the table, a spark in his eye. "Alright, you've got yourself a deal, but it won't be cheap."


Within the walls of the Corleone Residence Mansion, Sonny huddled over a candlestick telephone, his brow furrowed as he dialed the numbers to summon a meeting with his caporegimes. After a series of hushed whispers, he hung up the receiver and dialed another number. This time, it was the underboss of the Barzini family, Emilio Barzini, Jr.

Meanwhile, in the Barzini mansion, Emilio Jr. listened to Sonny's request with a growing frown. Hanging up the phone, he stormed into Don Barzini's study, breaking the old man's contemplative silence.

"Father," Emilio Jr. started, "Sonny Corleone wants us to stand down. He's making moves with that Lupo fella to take over the O'Neal's territory."

Don Barzini's eyes narrowed, but he waved his son off. "Follow his request, my son. We can't tip our hand to the Corleones just yet."

Emilio Jr. ground his teeth. "But, father, the O'Neal's territory—"

Don Barzini cut him off with a raised hand. "It's not time for us to move against the Corleones yet," he growled, his voice like gravel. "I've been planning this for years, and we can't spoil it now."

After his son left, Don Barzini's expression darkened, his eyes boring holes into an invisible foe. "As for that Lorenzo Lupo... I'll send him a message. Let him know who the real 'Wolf' is in this city." A cold smile spread across his face, and for the first time in years, a glimmer of anticipation shone in his eyes. "The Corleones are right where we want them."


In the room of Lupo's base, the air was thick with tension as Lorenzo addressed his caporegimes, including Max and Adam.

"Boys, tonight we make our move on the O'Neal's territory."

Mutters of surprise and concern rippled through the room, but Lorenzo held up his hand for silence.

Max, his most trusted confidant, spoke up first, "Lorenzo, are you sure about this? With the other gangs and the Barzini family breathing down our necks?"

Lorenzo's grin was as cold as the winter wind. "I've got it under control, Max. I've made a deal with the Corleone's underboss. They'll keep the Barzini's at bay."

Everyone except for the ever-loyal Adam, blinked in surprise.

Richard couldn't conceal his eagerness. "When do we strike, boss?" His hands shook, itching for the feel of a tommy gun in his hands.

Lorenzo's gaze flickered to Richard, concern flickering in his eyes before being replaced by a cold, calculating expression. "We move now. The Corleones will handle the other gnags that have been sniffing around the O'Neal's territory." His gaze lingered on Richard, who saluted alongside the other soldiers who had joined the Lupo ranks.

An hour later, they met with the Corleone's men. After an hour of planning, they set out to claim the O'Neal's turf as their own.

The first territory on their list was now under the control of the Chinese Tong, who had been quick to capitalize on the power vacuum.

Lorenzo's jaw clenched, but he kept his face impassive. "Well, boys, we're taking back what's ours."

The Lupo and Corleone's men continued their takeover, moving next on the Chinese Tong's stronghold. The Tong's men, armed with bats and knives, emerged from their hideout, only to recoil in shock at the sight of the tommy guns in their assailants' hands.

One of them, a burly man with a missing tooth, stepped forward. "我们准备与你们战斗吗?" (Who's ready to fight us?) he sneered, before quickly dropping his wok and raising his hands.

Lorenzo raised his hand, silencing his men. "Anyone here speak English?"

The Chinese looked at each other, before one of them, a man stepped forward. "H-Hello, boss, my name is Guo—"

Max, unimpressed, grabbed Guo by the collar. "We don't care about your name, just get to the damn point!"

Guo's eyes widened in fear, "Y-Yes, of course!" He quickly led them to the Tong's hideout, where a stocky, middle-aged man in a white shirt with his hands behind his back awaited them.

Philip, impatient, kicked Guo's back, "Well? Introduce us, already!"

Guo stumbled but recovered, bowing to Lorenzo. "This is our boss, Boss Chen."

"我是龙头,你们要我干什?" The middle-aged man asked, his face a mask of calm despite the ominous situation. (I am the Dragon Head. What do you need me for?)

Lorenzo's entire demeanor changed, and before anyone could blink, he had grabbed Boss Chen by the neck. The Chinese boss's eyes widened in fear as he struggled to breathe, his hands flailing helplessly.

"Powerful!" one of the Corleone men muttered in awe, eyebrows raised.

"Don't play games with me. I know you speak English!" Lorenzo snarled, tightening his grip.

Boss Chen's expression shifted from defiance to panic as he choked out, "I-I understand, please release me!"

Without hesitation, Lorenzo hurled him aside like a ragdoll. Coughing and wheezing, Boss Chen straightened his clothes, his face flushed with humiliation.

The Chinese gangsters exchanged looks, clearly shaken by Lorenzo's display of strength. As for Lorenzo's men, this was a first glimpse of their boss's true capabilities.

Boss Chen rubbed his bruised neck, his eyes filled with injustice. "Cough! What do you want from us?"

Lorenzo's response was direct and chilling. "We're taking over this territory. You and your men get out – now."

Boss Chen opened his mouth to protest, but one icy glare from Lorenzo was enough to make him reconsider.

"And leave everything behind. As you and your men walk out, this turf is ours now."

Without waiting for a response, Lorenzo spun on his heels, signaling his men to secure the hideout. The Chinese Tong hesitated for a moment before understanding the futility of resistance.

They scurried to gather their meager belongings, eager to vacate the premises before things turned even uglier.

With the Chinese Tong gone, the Lupo and Corleone men stood victorious in the now-empty hideout.

Lorenzo turned to Julius, his trusted caporegime. "You and some of our men will stay here. Make sure the transition is smooth."

Julius nodded, his expression grim.

With the Corleone men's help, they took over the remaining territories with ease. To their surprise, they faced little resistance, and within hours, the O'Neal brothers' entire territory was theirs for the taking.

Lorenzo's thoughts immediately turned to consolidating his newfound power. With the O'Neal's territory now under his control, both their legitimate businesses and illicit operations fell into his grasp. The takeover went so seamlessly he considered staying longer, if not for the looming threat of the Barzini family.

"Two months," he muttered to himself, "It'll have to do."

Lorenzo and his men waste no time in seizing the assets from the seized territories, stockpiling them in their hideout for their eventual departure to Los Angeles.

They'd need every dime they could get their hands on to start anew on the West Coast.

As for the O'Neal brothers' extortion rackets and underground gambling dens, Lorenzo chooses to keep them running, with a few "minor" changes in management, of course.

In the meantime, Lorenzo plan to establish a movie studio, aptly named "Lupo Film Studio." tomorrow. He will first produce a masterpiece film from his previous life, "12 Angry Men," a tale of the moral dilemmas and power struggles within a jury room.

Show some love and give some stones so I can be motivated to post double chapters here, just like I do on my Patreon.

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