
Godfather System

Lorenzo found himself betrayed by a once-trusted ally in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, murdered, and surprisingly woke up not just in a new body, but in an entirely unfamiliar one. To his astonishment, he quickly realized he was no longer in the world he knew. The existence of the Corleone Family and four other mafia dynasties from "The Godfather" became his startling reality. Author's Note: Dive into this enthralling Criminal Underworld Fanfic! Each chapter spans between 1,600 and 1,800 words average. For those eager to delve deeper, the advanced 10 chapters await at Patreon.com/NewComer714

NewComer714 · Movies
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75 Chs

Agents (R-18)

In the dimly lit bedroom, the heady scent of jasmine and sandalwood filled the air as Deborah and Lorenzo tumbled onto the plush, four-poster bed. Deborah, still clad in her silk evening gown, arched her back, allowing the fabric to glide sensually down her curves, revealing her creamy skin. Her heaving bosom, encased in a lace corset, heaved with each ragged breath she took.

Lorenzo's eyes, darkened with desire, trailed down her body, before meeting her gaze. "You're breathtaking," he whispered hoarsely. He leaned in, capturing her full, red lips in a searing kiss, his tongue dancing with hers in a waltz of passion. His hands, strong yet gentle, slid up her thigh-high stocking-clad legs, reaching for the delicate lace of her panties.

Deborah moaned into the kiss, her nails digging into the crisp, white sheets. She could feel the heat between her thighs pooling, aching for his touch. "I want you, Lorenzo," she gasped, her voice a sultry whisper.

Lorenzo's response was a growl of approval as he slid her panties down her shapely legs, revealing her damp core. "You're so wet for me, my darling," he purred, inhaling her arousal.

Her hips bucked in anticipation as he teased her swollen bud with his fingers, circling it, sending shivers down her spine. "Oh, Lorenzo," she moaned, her back arching off the bed. "I need you inside me now."

He couldn't resist any longer. With a groan of desire, he positioned himself at her entrance and, with one slow, deliberate thrust, he entered her. They both gasped, their bodies made for each other.



The sound of their flesh slapping together filled the room, a sensual symphony that quickened their breaths.

Deborah's nails raked down his back, urging him on. "Faster, Lorenzo, but don't stop," she panted, her voice raw with desire. He obliged, picking up the pace, their hips colliding in a sensual tango.

His hands found her breasts, squeezing them roughly, teasing her nipples until she cried out. "Ah! Yes, right there!" she moaned, her back arching off the bed.

Lorenzo's breathing was steady, his thrusts becoming more erratic. "You feel so good, Deborah," he groaned, his voice deep with lust and love.

As their tempo increased, the bed creaked in time with their passionate rhythm, the headboard thumping against the wall in a rhythmic beat. Lorenzo's hips bucking wildly.

"I'm close, Lorenzo," she panted, her body tensing up.

That was all it took. With a final, earth-shattering cry, Deborah climaxed, her body shuddering in ecstasy.

But Lorenzo wasn't done yet. His powerful physique allowed him to continue, undeterred by her orgasm. He kept pounding into her, his movements now even wilder, sending her over the edge once more.

Deborah's body trembled, caught between pleasure and slight pain as Lorenzo continued to pleasure himself. Her climax had left her sensitive, but the sensations were too intense to ignore.

Slap Slap

"Lorenzo," she gasped, her eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy. "I... I can't... I'm going to..."

But Lorenzo was relentless, his powerful hips driving into her with a fervor that bordered on desperation.

And then, just when she thought she couldn't take any more, Deborah's world exploded once more. Her second climax washed over her in waves, more intense than the first.

Lorenzo groaned deeply, his grip on her hips tightening as he followed her over the edge, his seed spilling inside her.

Their panting breaths filled the room as they lay entangled on the bed, their bodies still joined.

After a few minutes, Deborah's eyes fluttered open, meeting Lorenzo's heated gaze. "My goodness," she breathed, a blush creeping into her cheeks. "That was... indescribable."

Lorenzo's chest heaved as he smiled down at her, his eyes alight with love and desire. "It's far from over, my darling," he purred, his fingers trailing up her thigh, sending shivers down her spine. "I've got all night for you."

Deborah's cheeks flushed even deeper at his words, but her body already responded to his touch. "Oh, Lorenzo," she gasped, her voice breathless. "I don't know if I can take much more."

Lorenzo's grin was wicked as he leaned in to narnish her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "We'll see about that," he purred, his fingers teasing her swollen bud once more.

Deborah arched her back, her hands tangling in the sheets as he began to move inside her again, this time more slowly, more deliberately.

"Lorenzo," she moaned, her eyes squeezing shut in pleasure. "You're going to be the death of me."

He chuckled, his breath hot in her ear. "Not tonight, my love. Tonight, I'm here to show you just how much I desire you."

And so, they continued their passionate dance. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them, lost in each other's arms.

As the night wore on, they explored every inch of each other's bodies, discovering secret desires and hidden fantasies. Their cries of passion echoed through the room, muffled only by the headboard thumping against the wall in a rhythmic beat.

Finally, spent and sated, they collapsed onto the bed, their bodies entwined, their hearts pounding in unison.


After their passionate sex,, Deborah lay spent and breathless, her chest heaving. "You're a beast, you know that?" she teased, a tired smile playing on her lips.

Lorenzo chuckled, gently caressing her hair. "I'm sorry if I was too rough, Deb. I've had a lot on my mind lately. Sorry if I hurt you."

Deborah turned to him, her eyes filled with concern. "No, you didn't hurt me. I'm here for you, always."

She propped herself up on one elbow, her gaze searching his. "What's on your mind, Lorenzo?"

He sighed, looking at the ceiling. "I've been thinking... I might relocate my gang and businesses to Los Angeles sooner than planned."

Deborah's eyes widened, surprised. "Really? When were you thinking?"

Lorenzo met her gaze, his expression resolute. "Instead of two months, I'm considering moving us and my legitimate business to South California in a week's time."

Deborah's brow furrowed with concern. "What happened? What about the movie you were going to make?"

Lorenzo sighed, his expression clouding over. "Things happen in unexpected ways… Now, we need to go somewhere safer."

He looked at her intently, his eyes filled with both determination and apprehension. "Are you really down to go to Los Angeles with me for real?"

Deborah didn't hesitate. "Of course! I already said it. As for my parents, I'll explain to them. I won't leave you."

Lorenzo's face softened, and he kissed her forehead tenderly. "I love you more than you know, you know that?"

Deborah giggled, her heart swelling with love. "I love you too…"


Early in the morning, Lorenzo stood under the shower, lathering his body with soap as his mind raced with thoughts. "For now, my men will be under the protection of Corleone." He mumbled to himself. After washing up, he dried himself off and donned a robe, walking out of the bathroom.

Deborah lay naked and fast asleep, her beauty untouched by the night's passion. He couldn't help but smile as he leaned in to kiss her forehead.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled sleepily at him. "Good morning," she purred.

"Good morning, my angel," he said, his voice tinged with affection. He breathed in her scent, a mix of their lovemaking and jasmine. "Now, go take a bath. You smell like me."

Deborah giggled and nudged him playfully. "Hehe, why are you making that face?"

Lorenzo couldn't help but smile as he gently groped her breast and smacked her butt lightly. "Now, go. Your parents might be worried."

Deborah stretched like a cat, yawning loudly. "Alright, alright, I'm going." She climbed out of bed, her naked body a sight to behold.

Lorenzo's eyes lingered on her curves, his desire stirring again. "I'll join you in a bit," he said, his voice gruff with longing.

"Take your time," she purred over her shoulder, winking at him before disappearing into the bathroom.

Lorenzo sighed, a mix of desire and determination in his heart. He knew the decision to relocate was the right one, but it wouldn't be easy.


Lorenzo just arrived at his main company building when he spotted two men in suits and hats, deep in conversation with Adam at the front door.

Adjusting his attire, he approached them.

Adam noticed him and waved. "That's my boss, Lorenzo Lupo." He pointed.

The two men turned to look at him, their expressions serious.

"Good morning, Mr. Lupo," the blonde-haired man tipped his hat in greeting.

Lorenzo nodded in return, his senses on high alert. He knew these men weren't ordinary visitors. "Gentlemen, let's not stand here outside. Please, come inside. We can talk in my office."

The two men exchanged glances but eventually nodded and followed him, with Adam trailing behind.

Once seated in the plush leather chairs in his office, they got down to business.

"Mr. Lupo, we're from the FBI," the man beside the blonde-haired one said, flashing his badge. "I'm Special Agent Livingston, and this is Special Agent Smith."

Hearing that they were FBI, Lorenzo's eyes flashed with apprehension, but he quickly schooled his expression and maintained a calm demeanor. He glanced at Adam, silently conveying the message to stay composed.

"Oh? The FBI? I've always wanted to be one," he said, feigning interest. "What brings two distinguished gentlemen such as yourselves here? What do I have the honor of?"

Agent Livingston and Agent Smith exchanged glances, sizing him up.

Lorenzo cleared his throat, trying to appear nonchalant. "Adam, why don't you go and prepare some coffee for our guests?"

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Lupo," Agent Smith interjected. "We won't be long."

Lorenzo nodded in understanding.

"We're here about the recent massacre at the Stardust Lounge in Long Beach," Agent Livingston began, referring to a notorious speakeasy. "The death of Virgil Sollozzo, and other... Men."

"Oh, what an unfortunate event," Lorenzo said, feigning surprise. "It must be mafia disputes, huh?"

Agent Smith also interjected, "Not only that, the mass murder of the Irish last week." He locked eyes with Lorenzo. "We're actually here to inform you, Mr. Lupo, that you are a suspect in both incidents."

Lorenzo chuckled, maintaining his composure. "Gentlemen, I read about it in the papers. It's all said to be gang disputes. As for me? I'm just a local businessman. I own businesses, I even have a movie studio in Harlem."

He exuded confidence, as he should, since he never directly handled his organization's illegal operations—a precaution for situations like this.

Agent Smith adjusted his fedora, "We've just received information from the gangs themselves, Mr. Lupo."

Lorenzo simply smiled and denied the allegations.

However, Agent Livingston pressed on, "We don't care much about gangs killing each other, Mr. Lupo." He leaned in, his voice lowering. "But the illegal operations? The black market, the stolen car racket, and so on. Drugs. That's where we have a bone to pick, Mr. Lupo."

Lorenzo shook his head, "Gentlemen, I don't know what you're talking about."

Agent Smith and Agent Livingston exchanged glances, then they stood up to intimidate Lorenzo, towering over him. "No need to deny it, Mr. Lupo," Agent Livingston said.

"We also know that you have connections with the Corleone family," Agent Smith added, "If you want a way out, you could turn against the Corleones for us. Will you do it?"

Lorenzo took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, his expression cold. He locked eyes with the agents. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but it seems our conversation ends here." He puffed out a smoke ring. "Before things get out of hand."

The two agents gritted their teeth, but Agent Livingston spoke up first. "We're not done, Mr. Lupo." With that, they both left the office, reluctantly followed by Agent Smith.

Outside, Agent Smith fumed, "Why did we leave? We could have arrested him!"

Agent Livingston shook his head, "This isn't our turf, Smith. Did you see his eyes? He wasn't bluffing."


"And according to our investigation," Agent Livingston cut in, "That guy is ruthless. He eliminated the soldiers of the Barzini family and Tattaglia's drug associate single-handedly."

Agent Smith scoffed, "Do you really believe that?"

"Why wouldn't I? The Tattaglias and Barzini themselves informed us about him."

Meanwhile, back in the office, Lorenzo exhaled a long plume of smoke. "Adam, get me Tom Hagen on the phone. We have a problem."