
Goddesses's Lover: My Path To Getting Revenge

Thrown into a different world? All alone? Tortured for a year? A Goddess or a bi*$h? Taking revenge? For who? Yourself? Or your lover? Multiple races? Demons? High Humans? Humans? Gods? Stauts? System? Gore?

YahikoYamikaze_11_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I Will Survive Through This(3)

After being kicked by then into the portal. I don't know what happened, only that when I woke up I was in a dark room. In this room I could neither see or hear anything. As I tried to move I finally heard something. It was the sound of chains. As I tired to look at I hands I realized that it was to dark to see anything.

When I tried to move my left hand in order to feel the chain on my right hand, my left hand was pulled back ferociously. The force in which it was pulled back made my had feel as if it had be torn off. As I tried to move my fingers in order to feel my palm, Like making a fist, I could not feel anything. I brushed this off as my hand being numb due to the pain.

As I was going to try something else, she appeared. The one person I didn't want to see her. The shitty bi##h goddess. As I was going to lunge towards her. She started to speak

"Well well well. Would you look at that! I haven't even started the code for torture session and you've already started yourself. Ahahaha!"

As she said that I stopped trying to lunge towards her and looked confused at what she said. When she saw this she said

"Oh my since yOu look sooooo confused. Let me light this place up. Haha. Then you'll see for yourself."

While she was saying that. The entire time she didn't stop laughing. As the place brightened up. I was looking around and noticed my left arm. It was torn off and heavily bleeding. Since I was wearing shoes I was not able to notice that the entirety of the white floor of the white room was covered. Maybe it was because it was dark. Or maybe it was cause of all that happened to me but I felt so numb to the pain.

"Ahahaha! Well enough laughing let me..."

As she was about to continue what she was saying my consciousness slowly faded away. Maybe it was due to the amount of blood lost but I fell into a deep slumber. In that slumber I dreamt about her. And she told me something

"Please! Say true Gods system activate or true Gods system on! Please! Or else you might die. So please darling. You only have 9 months left."

In a haze, I mumbled, true Gods system activate.

"Hmm? Are you awake? No it looks like his sleep talking? But what did he mumbled. Well, I just need to turn the system on to max and let him be tortured here for the rest of his life. Oh! Right I have to turn on infinite regeneration. Since he is a human he will die and we don't want that now do we. Well, in just a few weeks he will be dead on the inside. Since the max level is meant to torture a god on the level of the God of creation of d... Maybe I gave him to much credit. Maybe it will take him a few days. Let's record a message and leave it for him and leave. I don't want to be in this creepy place for any longer. Who knows how many gods have died here."



As I woke up I found no one in front of me. And it felt like a very long time had passed. Even the dream I had seems like just like the rest I can't remember it. As I started to look around a projection popped up in front of me and in it was the goddess. The projection seemed to be a recording, which started to play as soon as I woke up.

"Since you're awake let's just cut to the chase. You defied me. So I got your 'friends' to help me lure you to that portal and to get you to this torture chamber. Simple right. Well, now enjoy being tortured for the rest of eternity. Ps I made it so that you will be regenerated. So don't worry about dying. ohohohohoho."

"Wait. So they assisted her. Haa... Those pieces of..."

As I was about to finish my sentence, my words got cut off. And then it began. One of the worst periods of my life. I was pulled back and chained to the wall. My left hand which had regenerated was pierced with a wooden stake. While my right hand was pierced with a sword. Both of which happened simultaneously.


I writhed in pain. But that was not the worst part. As soon as I was pierced, in the next second, it was taken out and I was immediately healed and then I was impaled. This occurred over and over and over again.

"Argh!! Please stop it. Argh! I can't take this anymore. Ahhh! Just kill me. Argh! Stop... Please!"

As this kept on occuring. I slowly got use to the same pain that was being brought upon me. As tho it had noticed me getting use to the torture. It changed. It stopped impaling my with the stake or sword or other sharp objects.

It instead started to rip out my fingernails.


I first started from my left hands thumb. Then progressed to my right thumb. And this kept on going. It kept a rhythm of left right. First thumb then middle finger then pointer finger then pinky finger then at last the ring finger. After 5 times of this occuring I slowly started to get use to it. But then it added something new. After the third nail that it ripped off. It would stabbed something on the flesh of the finger the the nail had been just before it could heal.

"Argh! Why?! Why me?"

As it changed. The rhythm it followed has completely changed. Now it is fully random. Before it was left thumb right thumb but now it is left pinky right middle finger. And it keeps on changing. As my mind started to fade into nothingness. The recording of that shitty goddess started to play again

"Since you're awake let's just cut to the chase. You defied me. So I got your 'friends' to help me lure you to that portal and to get you to this torture chamber. Simple right. Well, now enjoy being tortured for the rest of eternity. Ps I made it so that you will be regenerated. So don't worry about dying. ohohohohoho."

When I saw this hatred started to fill up in me. My mind became clear and I felt like I was invincible at that moment.

"Haha! Ahahaha!! Just you wait you bit##! I will get out of this place one way or another and once I do I will kill you."


I have gotten use to 18 different types of torture since the last time. These torture methods ranged from eye gouging to poisoning. The funny thing is that poisoning is still on going tho I have gained tolerance to different types of poison. It keeps on bringing in new types once I gain resistance to it.

Those 18 different types weren't just the ones mentioned above there maybe a lot of different types of poison. But poison was counted as one of the 18 and the last one at that.

Other than those two there was heart crushing, shoving different types of poisonous and venomous insects or animals on me, cutting different parts of my body then impaling it. Force feeding my until my stomach exploded, ripping out my organs. Stabbing my body in different places like the eyes, stomach, heart, brain, etc. But one thing I noticed was that every time I slowly got use to the torture it took it much more time to accomplish the same type of torture. As if my body it self got use to it. Like how I could get impaled with just a simple wooden stake. Now you'd have to use something like a laser to pierce my body.

I found that very odd as it seemed fast to me. But as the poisoning progressed I noticed one thing. My mental state was taking a huge toll on everything that has happened. I started going crazy. Especially since I had no one to talk to I started to become delirious. I also started to imagine things.

"Honeybun, why did you leave us!?"

"Ehehehe... Ahahaha."

"Why aren't you responding?!"

"Ehehehehe! Ahahaha!!"


As illusion Beatrice shouted I snapped back to reality. Standing in front of me was Beatrice. She looked just as beautiful as she always did. As I walked forward to hug her the chains loosened and I was free of the chains. I ran towards Beatrice with the blood on the floor going swoosh.

As I was about to hug her she dodge. As I couldn't stop myself. I fell into the pool of blood with a loud splash! As I got up and looked at Beatrice I saw her eyes dripping with blood. As I was standing up right she came closer to me and said

"Why didn't you help us? Why weren't you stronger?why haven't you looked for us?"

"Why weren't you there when we needed you?why have you forsaken us dear?"

I heard Yue saw those words from behind me. As I was turning around to look at her Tishia spoke from right beside Beatrice

"Sweetie! Because you didn't help us we were beaten by those 2. Everyday they beat us saying why we choose you."

As I tried to turn around to look at Tishia who was battered and bruised. Noir and Blanc grabbed my face and make me look at children.

"Look bunbun. Hehe. Because you weren't there they forced themselves on us. Aha aha."

As I tried to look at Tishia again cause I was worried about her too. Blanc pulled my face to her and yelled

"Look at us!! This happened because you abandoned us!! Look at our face! Our once beautiful body! Look at us."

"I... I."

As I stuttered. I heard Lumia from behind me. As I was scared to look I didn't try to turn my head. But Blanc And noir turned my head around forcibly and I saw her one eye popped out. One arm terribly damaged. All battered and bruised, she spoke

"Baaaaabbbby! Hehehe... You told me you'd protect me. Why weren't you there when I needed you? Why weren't you there when we needed you!?"

After she said those words I broke down. I crouched down my hands covering my head and apologizing. Over and over

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

As I was apologizing they came closer to me and started saying it together

"Why? Why weren't you there."

"I'm sorry!"

"Why? Why weren't you there."

"I'm sorry!"

"Why? Why weren't you there."

"I'm sorry!"

"Why? Why weren't you there."

"I'm sorry!"


As this continued I heard a different voice coming form them. As I looked up to see who it was. I was shocked. Someone I hadn't seen in months. It was Astraea. Standing there with her hands open as if waiting for me to grab on. As I drew my hands close to hers, she lunged forward and grabbed my hands. She pulled me up and started to speak


As she said that I covered my face in fear. In fear of what she might say to me. But those fears were unfounded as she slowly patted my head and spoke in such a soft, soothing and gentle voice

"It's okay darling. Those were fakes. It's okay now! There is no need for you to worry. They would never say such mean words to you. We all love you with our heart. There is nothing to fear. We will always and for forever love. So it okay don't let 'it' play with your mind."

As she said those words my soul finally felt at rest. My mind and body started to calm down. I started to feel sleepy, but before I fell asleep she told me

" You've just have to pull through for just another 2 years after that it will be done and 'it' will awaken. So just please wait a little longer. I'll see you in 2 years."

After she finished speaking I fell asleep. After I woke I noticed that I was still tied up with chains. Only difference was that I was hanging in the middle of the room with some type of animal below me. As I fully awoke I started to look around searching for the girls. But they weren't there. And I thought to myself

"Haah. So it wasn't real. I was just hallucinating. But if and it is just an if. What Astraea said is true. And I just have to wait for just 2 years. Then I can wait. I'll just start counting now in my head to keep my self occupied."

As I started counting in my mind. The torture began. This time it was feeding me to aquatic animals. But the weird thing was, that even tho some looked aquatic, they were flying in the air. But nevertheless they still attacked me and started to eat my flesh.

By now I have become numb to the feeling of pain. I even feel like even mental attacks will not work on me and I just count.

"One, two, three..."

The torture continued on and I did not relent. As the torture kept changing I kept counting

"Three thousand, five hundred and eighty seven, three thousand five hundred and eighty nine..."

At one point it tried to attack me with a mental attack but it did not work on me. As time went on it seemed like it grew relentless. Trying everything it could to make me scream. From showing me people I love showing distaste in me or killing and torturing them infornt of me. I knew it was all fake and didn't budge.

I just kept counting and counting and counting. Waiting for when that awaited time would come. As I reached sixty three million, I knew that the time had come close.

"Sixty three million, seventy two thousand..."

As I finished counting I heard a pop up message sound. Since my eyes were closed the entire time, to counter the illusions that it tried to throw at me, I could not see what was Infront of me.

As I was not sure about what will be shown in front of me I hesitated for a second. Not wanting to open my eyes. But then I gathered my courage and opened my eyes... In front of my eyes I saw it. Something I didn't get when we got her to this world. Something that I need when I was with the girls. Something that should have appeared way before now.

It was a status window. But this status window was not blue with fancy designs like Ben and Jack's. Nor did it look like the girls status window which was white with golden wings on each side of it. Mine was white and at each side it had wings just like Lumia's, But there was one huge difference, her wings were both golden. While mine... On one side was black. It was so black that it felt like it was giving out some type of aura. Where as on the other side, it was golden. Shining so brightly that it felt like it could blind you. As I started to look through my status I noticed something.


As I saw this error message I got confused. What am I supposed to do then? How am I supposed to get out of here? Is this what I waited for for 2 years?

As I was contemplating about this I heard a voice. A familiar voice at that.

"Darling!? Are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Astraea? Where are you? Why can I hear but not see you?"

"It's okay darling. Calm down and listen. In the next few minutes you will be telepored out of here and transported into the world of PRIME. Once you have teleported there I will be in slumber for a while so I hope you go to the demon and high hyuman race and help them out. I won't be able to accompany you for a while so I hope you will be fine in this new world. I wish you all the best darling. Till we meet again."

"Wait! Tell me! Is that really you? Astraea!!"

Even tho I yelled out loudly, their was no reply. And in the next few minutes I was teleported out of that white and red room. The next thing I knew, I was in a plains area. And when I look up it was night with plenty of Stars shining brightly with two moons accompanied by this scene.

Now that I have thought about all that has happened in the past few years. I have to think of my next move. What am I going to do next. Well that person who helped me, let's just call her Astraea for convince sake, told me that I should look for the demons and something called high hyumans?

So let us start there. But where should I go? I can not see any village, towns or city from here. As I looked around I could only see land as far as my eyes could see. Surrounded by this scene I started to feel sleepy. But there was no trees or caves around in which I could rest in. The only thing I could do at that moment was just pick a few grass and lay them out like a bed. As I was done I laid down and looked up into the sky. I started to slowly wonder

"Haaa. What direction should I go once I wake up tomorrow? So much has happened to me I don't know what I should do. I wonder how the girls are? Will they recognize me? Or better yet will i recognize them since they were reincarnated? They would look different right? If only I had status then. This would not have happened. I would just have to say status..."

While I said status I had the intention of the status window to open. And that it did. As I said status it popped up. And with it came a lot of messages.

"You have..."