
Goddess of Gods

What was her name . . ? Damn it she still couldn't remember! She had no memory of who she was or where she came from, the only thing she did know was that she was D-E-A-D. Dead. Well, at least that's what the guy who claimed to be 'Death' or 'The Grimm Reaper' or 'Whatever the hell you want to call him' said. Normally she wasn't one to believe anything out a hot guys mouth - did she forget to mention he was hot? - or, she thought. Having no memory, who knew what she would normally do. Being dead wasn't even the worst part. Death was a fucking pervert. Not only that, but he was cursing her with more torturous life! But shh! Don't let him hear you say that or he'll blow a gasket! Who knows what his deal was. At least she got to punch him before being reincarnated as an . . . Alien on Earth during a Zombie Apocalypse?! Except it's not earth? And everyone has magic? *** UPDATES 2× DAY STORY COVER IS NOT MINE. IF ITS YOURS PLEASE DM SO I CAN TAKE IT DOWN Join the discord: https://discord.gg/aJwKmAM2 instagram: maryejaynewn

MaryeJayne · Fantasy
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7 Chs

What In The Alien Fuck?

"Yes, any memories of your past life have been locked away." He nodded with satisfaction. "You do not need to remember your past life with the new one you're about to have." 

She frowned and took a step forward, "What?" She hissed out, "I get to have a new one?" She repeated to him, "What kind of bullshit? I don't get my peace or anything like that? I get to suffer with more life? Is this a punishment I did for something? How can you hold me accountable when I don't even remember doing it?!" 

"Watch your mouth." Death snapped back at her, "You don't ever talk about Life like that. Life is never a punishment. You should feel blessed you got another one."

She frowned and glared back at him, "Sheesh, it's not like its real person or anything." 

Death curled his fists, "If I, the personification of death, am alive, why would she not be?" He gritted out. He pinched the bridge of his nose, "I forget that you teetering souls are not so smart when between stages." 

"Okay, I'm sorry." She raised her hands. "If I'm being reborn or whatever, why isn't she here? Not that I'm happy about it. Or okay with it. Not that it fucking matters." She huffed.

Death frowned and glanced away, "It's complicated, I'm not going to explain it to you. And it's none of your business anyway."

"Oh? Someone's touchy about the subject." She tilted her head. "A lovers quarrel?" She guessed.

"No. She's missing." He murmured. He turned away from her.

She raised an eyebrow at his back but didn't drop the conversation. If he had wanted to distract her then he succeeded. "Life itself is missing? How does that even happen?" 

"Mind your own business. Let's get back to you." He shook his head and turned back around. The sad gleam she saw in his onyx black eyes were gone, replaced with sheer emptiness. Like one would truly expect from Death.

"Right, me." She swallowed. "What exactly is going to happen to me?" If she's being reborn, will it be painful? She almost snorted. Everything about life was painful. 

She bit her lip, sure she felt that way, but she couldn't remember what drove her to feel that way. 

Damn this amnesia.

"Don't call me a fucking pervert, I'll kick your ass the next time we meet." Death glared at her, a promise in his bared teeth. "I'll be damned if I get that as my reputation." He muttered.

"You mean when I die again?" She asked, a small frown on her face. "Dying and living sucks. You're both full of broken promises." She muttered. "Peace my ass." She huffed.

He didn't answer. He stepped forward, putting his hands on her shoulders. She clenched her eyes shut when he leaned forward. She's surprised to feel his lips on the center of her forehead.

And then everything disappeared.


"Wah!" The loud and ugly cry of a newborn baby consumed the room. Why was it so cold and wet? Shivers raked down her body, painful pricks poked at her skin. Why was the room so bright? 

Please, turn down the light.


Peering down at her with three, wide, blinking eyes was the strangest . . . thing she ever saw. Long lashes framed the two - what she would consider 'normal' eyes - and as she peered closer, she noticed he didn't have any pupils. The third eye, right above and center of the two others, was what caught her attention the most. Light glimmered from its blue irises, completely different from the other two. It was like it could see into her soul.

And after what happened with Death, she really didn't want anything else to happen. 

She just wanted peace.

Damn it, this was bullshit. 

She darted her gaze from left to right, taking notice of the others, unease filled her, why were there so many three eyed freaks staring at her? And where was Death? 

"Wah!" The crying got louder.

Who were these . . . things? Where was she? 

The creepy pervert! Her eyes darted frantically in search of the delectable looking creep around the room. 

He wasn't there. Where was he? Why did he send her here, with three eyed aliens?! Was this her new life?


Whose baby was crying? Make it stop, it's so annoying.

Could someone turn on the heater, she was freezing! 

"It's a girl, my Queen." The three eyed alien spoke in a deep voice. The third eye on his forehead blinked back at her and she glared back. "She does not seem very happy to see me," The alien chuckled.

No way. . . This couldn't be! She was the baby crying? It was her that came out of an alien?! 

She cried harder, the sanitized room echoed with her wales. Another Alien entered her vision, except this one wasn't as scary as the first. Though his third eye freaked her out, it wasn't the same color as the alien doctor, it was orange. They had a gentleness to it that she wasn't used to. 

The golden crown on his head sat crooked atop his mess of full black hair. He was handsome for an older man. And very warm.

"Look, she stopped crying as soon as I held her," He chuckled softly, cradling her in his arms. "Dear, don't fall asleep yet. You haven't said hello." He walked over to her and bent down so she could see the woman who pushed her out of her canal.

Like him, she too had a third eye, except hers was much smaller. However her orange glow had a red tint, and also seemed to shine a lot brighter. 

"She looks just like you." Her hoarse voice cracked. She smiled, sweat gleaming her face and chest as she stared at her. She was beautiful, even after just pushing a body through her. 

"Does your majesty have a name for her?" The nurse asked. 

"I think Princess Aryix suits her nicely." The Queen murmured from where she laid.

Woah, woah. Hold up. Majesty? Queen? 

Was she an alien princess?!

This wasn't what she signed up for! 

"Wah!" Damn you Death, what was this? And why can she remember you? She thought being reincarnated meant losing all memories.

"Your Majesty, I apologize but the Queen must get rest." A woman stepped forward and gestured towards her. "And so does the little Princess." 

The nurse held her in her arms and laid her on the table. She continued to cry as the nurse cleaned her and wrapped her in a blanket. 

As much as she fought to stay up, she couldn't resist slumber.


"Take the Princess and run!" 

Rough jostling woke her up. Bitter and upset, she cried as she peered up. The King, her father, didn't acknowledge her as he pushed her into the arms of a hooded figure. 


"I made this deal with you. I will be damned if I lose her a second time!" He shouted. 

The face behind the hood was hidden in shadows, and with tears filling her eyes it was difficult to make out the face. 

The hooded figure nodded and clutched her in his arms.

Explosions wracked the air as the foundation they stood on began to crumble.

"Go, now!" The king shouted. 

"Wah!" Her small hands reached out for the one comfort she just found since being reborn and he was being taken away. 

"Good bye, sweet Aryix." 

The hooded figure turned away and blocked the view she had of her father. Explosions continued throughout the castle until the strange man reached a room. 

Surprise filled her when she took in the small spacecraft before her. It was a one seater with foreign controls and levers. 

Wholly molly was that a spaceship? Could this life get any weirder? 

Her cries were nothing against the wails of the dying. 

The hooded man climbed into the craft with her in his lap. He buckled up and reached for a lever.

"Fuck, I don't know what to do." The man cursed.

Her crying stopped as she turned her head to him with a nasty glare. Her father left her in the hands of a dummy who couldn't even fly! 

"Hey, don't look at me like that. You've never flown either." He muttered.

She began to cry again. Of course she hadn't, she's a baby! 

"You crying isn't helping!" He growled as he mashed buttons. 

The craft lit up and a loud whirring sound joined the explosions.

"Whoo okay. I got this." He murmured. 

The machine jolted up and shot through the ceiling of the castle. Rubble broke away to open space and that's when she saw what was happening. Space crafts that weren't like the one she was in, shot red laser beams at her home. The cries of those wounded and forced to submit were muffled through the glass. 

Why would death send her here if the world was going to end for her anyways? 

Whether it was fate, destiny, or whatever else, it was all cruel. 

"Sleep little one, it's going to be a long ride from here." The man murmured as he wrapped an arm around her. 

How are you enjoying it so far? I'm having a lot of fun writing this! And its just the beginning.

I'm thinking of doing 2 updates a day, can you convince me in the comments?

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