
Goddess In The Sheets

His intense gaze moved from her eyes to her voluptuous body that was offered just for him. He stared at her in drunk stupor and watched in under his gaze how she tries to please him with herself. It ignited the built-up fire inside of him, he grew stiff at the sight beholds in front of him but he tried to refrain himself and not give in to his own selfish desires. Watching her intensely with a powerful gaze like a hunter as she finally reached her climax and her desires was poured down the floor, she then took a minute to catch her breathe. “I could not capture your beauty in the painting, and I also could not capture your heart when it has already found love” she said Then He did something that he'll regret the rest of his life...

AlchimeraTheGoddes · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1



It was a glorious day in Celestial Empire, which is in the central part of the continent Illinois. There was a huge feast being held and each country sent a representative to attend the celebration, Oregon Feast, where every country will have to attend the Celestial Empire in 5 years to celebrate Peace and Harmony under the continent Illinois, who served the same God, Perseu, even lower or higher ranked are invited. Living creatures on the land and sea seems also celebrating along with the Empire.


Even the darkest kingdom which is called the Southern Kingdom, where the Dark King is casually glancing beyond his balcony the land filled with dark monsters in his reign, he serves his kingdom by protecting his people from the monsters. The air is always filled with death, the sound of the monster's screaming day and night, if a mortal soul would be lost in there, he would probably not leave in a normal state of his mind or die.

There was a cold chill in the air but he is void of any emotion a long time ago, his cold golden flakes colored eyes that is a characteristics of a King just staring blankly and thinking how he was invited by the messenger of the Celestial Empire but he didn't plan on going since he finds it pointless to attend with all the competition, politics, and the likes. He would prefer to be much alone in his own kingdom and handle the affairs of the monsters.

He was sitting at his jewelry embossed dark colored chair with lay back position, and a cup of wine designed beautifully like a skull, his black hair swayed at the cold wind infiltrating the small opened window, his tan skin was illuminated by the sun peeking through the dark room making it shine, his red lips touching the rim of the glasses and he chugged it in one go with a sigh in the end, while staring at the monster filled land devoid of peace and life.

Gold Eyes moved staring at the endless document papers stacked like mountains like it was never ending, it might be impossible to a human's point of view, but this was just the usual day of life being a King who rules a land full of monsters and dead city, those eyes focused back at paper and ink, putting back the cold brewed wine then busily scribbling some letters on a piece of paper with a screeching sound that can only be heard on the humongous room.


His place was all about grandeur and majestic, it always has been his style to live lavishly and elegantly, the room was warm and only the small amount of sun lights up the room even though its day time, the weather is always filled with cumulus clouds because of the highly concentrated magic in the land.

His fingers were so smooth as it danced at the white parchment holding the jeweled embedded fountain pen and it's shines whenever the moonlight hits the jewel and it reflects the light on paper making a beautiful light reflection. Attendants were silent and remained motionless from his left and right, standing stiffly afraid to make a sound or even breath that might anger their King.

Knock. Knock. Knock. A sound resonated behind the huge blue doors all heads turned towards the sound decorated with large Gargoyles as pillars beside the door, and its eyes attached jewels and seems to be breathing with life

"Your Highness, 67th of his reign, the ruler of the Black Southern Kingdom, King Aïdes Pluto Byron. It is Marquis Reaper Arnoult, may I come in?" said with a gruff tone voice behind the door

"Come in, Marquis Reaper" the King ordered Marquis, and the door opens revealing a sophisticated man in his early 20s, brown haired, wearing an elegant black robe and a sword on his side wearing a black armor coated with silver, he bowed sharply when he came in front of Him

"Your Highness, the portal will be ready in a few hours there might be a small delay going to the Celestial Empire, please forgive this servants incompetence" Marquis Reaper spoke and with a gulp he bowed his head even further not daring to look up

"Anything else?" King Aïdes spoke with an emotionless tone making the Marquis flinched knowing his master is angry

"The Royal Tailor is already at the dressing room, Your Highness, your clothing for the feast is ready" added Marquis Reaper

That made the King stopped his movements, putting down the fountain pen in a lazy manner and raised his head looking down at the now trembling Marquis in front of him. Aïdes didn't plan on going to the feast, he also felt annoyed at the fact that he is required to go that left such a distaste in his mouth. Taking a deep breathe to clear his mind and reminded himself this is just one of his many duties, he will just meet with his stupid older brother, the emperor and his other siblings.


He plans to stay not for long at the feast and go another round of monster expedition and then be buried on the work he left behind. He stood up making his attendants look at him with anticipation, ready at his beck and call. He then pulled a magic on the fountain pen, and it afloat on top of the paper then starts to write on its own.

"By the time I'll get back, make sure those papers are already organized by dawn, Marquis Reaper" Ordered the King and stride across the room walking out following his attendants

Marquis Reaper wishes he could melt like a puddle right this instant, he might die when he saw towering documents piled up like mountains on the desk. Another sleepless night for him. He can only cry silently on the inside, and started to clean up the mess around the office rather than getting his head beheaded for disobeying the King's orders. He still wanted to marry and have kids.