
Goddess Aliance

When prodigy Rhett meets an untimely end, he's thrust into a future world unlike any he's ever imagined. Eager to make the most of his second shot at life, he dives headfirst into mastering every skill he can. Eight years in, he's thinking he's got it all figured out—until he ponders, "Huh, is that a... sniper in my classmate's cello case?", "Why hasn't this woman aged since I last saw her eight years ago?", and "Huh!! What do you mean you're the princess of hell... and why are you sleeping on my bed and eating my shaky gummies?" Brace yourself—Rhett's "ordinary" life is taking a sharp turn into the extraordinary. It's going to be a wild ride! ....... Note - Characters that appear here are either OC or are from different media. Also, some characters that you know will be slightly Oc but will have traits of their original characters and backstories. This is a cross-universe world. World characters are from: Blue Archive, Fate, Street Fighter, The King of Fighters( SNK), League of Legends, Resident Evil, Overwatch and Fire Emblem.

Dildo_Swaggins · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter Three: A promising Talent!

Morning light streamed into Rhett's spacious penthouse, illuminating the walls lined with art pieces and ornate sculptures.

Yet, at this moment, the apartment's most treasured piece was a ten-year-old boy, muscles defined beyond his years, sitting in just his shorts and engrossed in a task that seemed to consume him.

With the memory fusion from the day prior, he realized this body shared many of the same talents and hobbies as his former self.

The training, the dedication—it was all there. And now, Rhett wanted to leverage that talent and add it to his own from his past life.

The digital clock on his computer screen ticked away the seconds as his fingers danced over the keyboard.

Beside him, a digital drawing tablet lay ready for his foray into the world of manga.

The task ahead was going to be tight, but Rhett had never shied away from a challenge.

The Short Story: "Lost Horizon"

Set in a dystopian future, the world had been divided into five floating islands, each ruled by an omnipotent leader.

The story follows Kael, a young boy from the poorest island, who discovers he possesses the power to connect these fragmented lands. With each island harbouring its unique perils, Kael embarks on a perilous journey, unravelling dark secrets and forming unlikely alliances.

The climax reveals that the fragmentation was an intentional act by the leaders to maintain control and that Kael's power was the key to unification. The tale ends with a glimmer of hope, as islands begin to merge, and a new horizon emerges.

The Manga: "Strings of Fate"

Illustrated in a blend of traditional Japanese art and a more modern, sleek style, "Strings of Fate" centered on Mira, a puppet master in a world where puppetry was not just an art but a form of combat.

Every puppeteer had a "Soul String", a special thread connected to their heart, allowing them to control their creations.

Mira, an orphan, discovers her Soul String is unlike any other—it's multicoloured, each hue representing a different emotion.

With it, she could breathe life into her puppets, making them more human than wooden.

As she rises in the world of puppet duels, she seeks answers about her origins and uncovers a plot to harness the power of the unique Soul Strings.

The manga combines epic battles with deep emotional arcs, as Mira learns more about her past and the true potential of her power.

The reason why he was writing and drawing a manga was because he wanted to be the best, just like in his old life where he wanted to be the best in everything he did, he decided to continue that passion in this life.

And with a quick Google search, he managed to find a rookie Author competition that was being held by a top 5 publishing house Shinkou.

The winner of the competition would have the opportunity to have their Novel Published and recommended on their site.

The manga winner will have their manga Published in Shinkou's Monthly Manga anthology magazine.


As the week neared its end, Rhett reviewed his work, a sense of satisfaction washing over him.

He had poured his soul into these creations. They were more than just stories—they were pieces of him, fragments of his past life, and hopes for this new one.

Now, all that remained was to submit them and await the judgment of the publishing world.


*One Month Later*

The sprawling cityscape of Tokyo, with its towering skyscrapers and streams of neon lights, was like a pulsing heart, echoing its energy even into the dimly lit offices of Shinkou Publishing House.

Located in the heart of the city, Shinkou was an institution, responsible for propelling many budding writers to stardom.

Inside, the grandeur of the foyer, lined with bestsellers and awards, gradually gave way to the more mundane reality of office cubicles.

Here, many dreams awaited their verdict—either to be realized or crushed.

The submissions for this year's rookie competitions lay stacked in precarious towers across the desks of numerous editors.

One such desk, particularly messy with an almost chaotic disposition, belonged to Tanaka.

Tanaka was the epitome of middle age catching up—salt-and-pepper hair, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and a slight stoop from years spent hunched over manuscripts.

Tonight, he felt every bit of his age and more, the weight of countless dreams heavy on his shoulders.

As he moved one manuscript to the rejected pile, his heart grew heavier. Each rejection felt like a betrayal, yet the sheer volume of submissions left him desensitized.

Taking a moment, he sipped his lukewarm coffee and gazed out of his window.

The Tokyo skyline, vibrant and alive, made him feel all the more isolated in his cubicle, surrounded by these endless stories.

With a heavy sigh, he decided to review one last submission for the night.

"Spider Sensei," he murmured, amused by the quirky pen name.

Expecting another typical tale, Tanaka began to skim.

However, as he delved deeper into the story, his initial disinterest transformed into pure captivation.

The storyline was unique, the characters rich with depth, and the world-building mesmerizing.

Each twist and turn of the plot left him yearning for more.

By the time he picked up the manga entry, dawn was breaking.

Yet, fatigue had vanished, replaced by exhilaration. The art was impeccable, the panel transitions smooth, and the dialogues sharp and engaging.

Coming to the end, a feeling of emptiness engulfed Tanaka—a void left by the end of a spectacular tale. "I need more," he whispered, echoing the sentiments of future fans.

Tanaka was known for his stern disposition, rarely displaying overt emotions.

But today, a glimmer of excitement was evident. He knew the power he held: the golden ticket, a direct seeding to the final round of judging.

After a moment of contemplation, he made his decision. Dragging the files into the 'seeded' folder, Tanaka felt a rush—like he'd just discovered a treasure.

As the sun rose, casting a golden hue over Tokyo, Tanaka left the office with a spring in his step.

For he had not just found a great story, but perhaps the next literary sensation.