
God V. Titan

Dive headfirst into a high-octane quest brimming with danger, moral conflict, and courage, set against the backdrop of a merciless world. Here, we meet an unexpected band of champions - The Nullifier, battle-hardened; Dim-Dar, the resolute wheelchair warrior; Joseph, master of conjuring and summonings; Seth, master of mystics; Boulder, a slumbering giant with a heart of gold; Rocket, a dynamo with an infinite recharge; Zurel, whisperer of secrets; and Olen, a dreamer with unshakeable resolve. A mundane life and school's lecture halls are illusions they crave. Yet destiny deems they must master their gifts, tirelessly training for the onerous mantle of world saviors. Alien climates, treacherous terrains become their classroom as they uncover hidden lineage mysteries and confront both allies and adversaries. The intense climax? Preventing the cataclysmic penance, a doomsday design by "the order", hell-bent on erasing their world only to sculpt it anew. Are you strapped in to partake in their audacious destiny?

Xerian_Williams · Action
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8 Chs




Now bound by blood and battle, the brother converged at the brink of the notorious Anderson meadow. Their hardened bodies bore the testament of relentless toil and ceaseless conflicts, weaving an unshakable brotherhood. Anticipation buzzed in the air as they prepared to showcase their fierce prowess before the visage of the legendary Nullifier, who was also accompanied by the formidable Joseph and Dim-Dar.

From the pits of ancient myth and lore, Joseph was said to be a summoner of unparalleled aptitude, and used his abilities to conjured forth the ominous Shadow Serpent – a creature whose notorious reign once cast the world into a suffocating eclipse. Following a cataclysmic contest, the Nullifier and his squad succeeded in shackling this beast within the confines of oblivion. 

Re-emerging into the world, the revived serpent posed a terrorizing threat, its maw set on devouring every vestige of light. Boulder, the towering titan among the brothers, squared his robust shoulders, ready to clash with the unholy entity. With Olen's unwavering backup, they aimed to fracture the monster's invincible shield. As Zurel, transmuted the primal force of the surrounding fauna into fierce combatants, Seth with his lightning agility twisted around the beast, baiting it into a lethal dance.

Rocket, with his bag of explosive tricks tuned for the serpent's vulnerabilities, stood by, his fingers itching on the trigger. Dawn's arrival spilled crimson hues over the looming Forbidden Mountain Range. 

An eminent cloud of danger hung around them as they trudged further towards the icy den of the beast. The serpent's chilling growls reverberated around, injecting the air with invigorating fear. Boulder, placed himself as a bold phalanx against the encroaching darkness, eyes glinting defiantly towards imminent combat.

Zurel, channeling the mystical kinship he held with the natural world, rallied a murder of crows. In a thunderous storm of beating wings and ear-splitting cries, the crows swarmed the battlefield. Concurrently, Seth let loose his blinding speed, rifling himself through the colossal serpent's massive coils, leaving afterimages in his wake. Every evasion was a high-stakes dance with death, each move throwing the serpent further off balance.

Rocket joined the fray, first he takes a hit from his inhaler, then he starts flicking switches and pressing buttons on an assortment of fantastical gadgets. Each was designed with one purpose - to expose and exploit the serpent's vulnerability. Moments later, he unleashed a salvo of energy-infused projectiles that penetrated the otherwise unbreakable serpent scales, eliciting a shudder of pain from the beast.

The brothers functioned as one being, their unique abilities flowing together in a breathtaking display of combat harmony. The moment was a testament to their boundless courage, a true spectacle of unity and heart. The serpent, its strength waning, was left reeling by the brother's relentless onslaught. 

Just as their victory loomed, the Nullifier emerged from the shadows. His presence was overwhelming, pure authority and wisdom flowing from his figure like a tangible force. His eyes were lighthouses in the murky battlefield, acknowledging the trio's determination. With measured praise, he lauded their action, their perseverance, and their impressive teamwork.

When he finally spoke, Joseph responded. Materializing from the darkness, he released the serpent back to Dim-Dar for healing. The approval of the Nullifier, a figure of great reverence, was a testament to their shared valor. "You have shown me," he replied, "that you are capable of standing strong on your own."

their hearts though proud of what they've accomplished deeply yearn for an ordinary and human existence. They aspire to lead lives akin to their uncle, yearning for acceptance, craving for simplicity. They're convinced they need the human world. But, ultimately, they will learn that all they truly need is each other. Each one of them is a pillar, forming a robust structure of unity, safety, peace and love - a sanctuary amidst the storm of a unique existence.

The battle had ended, but a new kind of anticipation hovered in the air. Nullifier, usually so brusque and taciturn, was promising to share secrets that had been hidden away for years. Even as echoes of their previous encounter echoed in their aching muscles, a spark of intrigue overpowered their exhaustion.

Worn but undaunted, each boy met their uncle's gaze. His eyes held a mix of pride, concern, and a deep, long-buried pain. An understanding, unspoken, passed between them; this conversation would alter their path forever.

"Prepare yourselves," his voice was gravely but full of resolve. "We'll meet by the fire after sundown."

Each boy merely nodded. Speaking felt superfluous, their tacit agreement hung in the cool air. Returning to their shared quarters, they began their preparations, bracing themselves for the revelations that awaited by the crackling fire. Their powers, their legacy, and perhaps even their lives–everything was about to change.


The Nullifier begans to tell the tale of Akuji, their true all-father. The 6 armed primordial. "Once upon a time, Akuji, a fearless shapeshifter, inhabited a realm of eternal twilight, which he ruled delicately. His people, the Kitsune, had increased in tune with the silent moon, fearing their imposing leader.

In the shrouded stillness of a moonless night, Akuji, the god of the Kitsune realm, stood amidst the encroaching shadows, wisps of tenderness painting his stern visage. A figure of peace, Akuji, had dedicated his eternity to championing unity; he governed with stern justice, extinguishing moonlight as punishment whenever discord threatened his realm. Thus, his people learned unity, compelled to coexist under an endless night. However, the discontent brewed. Casting spectral moonlight through murky midnight clouds, a coalition of rebels dared to challenge Akuji's reign. Their bold ambition: to seize the Orb of Twilight, a sacred artifact epitomizing Akuji's power over their light. As the phantom fog rolled in, Katsu, the rebel leader, rallied his forces, his voice a faltering symphony of fear and determination, promising liberation from Akuji's rule. Steeling themselves against the foreboding silhouette of the castle, their hearts echoed the rhythm of rebellion. 

Akuji, discerning the insurrection, contemplated a swift purge. However, as the rebels advanced towards the grand chamber, a radical change of heart shielded them from divine retribution. Katsu reached for the orb, unopposed, snagging victory from the jaws of fated oblivion. A haunting calm descended, punctuated solely by the rebels' hushed triumph; the impossible had been achieved, and without Akuji lifting a finger in resistance. Embodying the very essence of his teachings – unity and peace – Akuji allowed their ascent, cloaked in newfound enlightenment. Chastened by his perceived failure, he hoped his ultimate sacrifice would illustrate the values he had tirelessly preached. Surrendering to his destiny, he embraced seppuku - a noble, poignant end – forever etching his legacy in the annals of myth. Thus, Akuji's tale unfolded, embodying lessons of unity and peace, forever resonating within the spiritual echos of the Kitsune realm.